Recent news from WHO
Road accidents, suicide and maternal conditions are the leading causes of death in people aged 1024 years, according to a WHO-supported study of global mortality patterns. The study, which was published in the Lancet on 12 September, shows that 2.6 million young people die each year around the world, with 97% of these deaths occuring in low- and middle-income countries.
On 11 September, WHO issued new advice on measures that can be undertaken in schools to reduce the impact of the A (H1N1) influenza pandemic. Recommendations include those on school closures, isolation of students and staff who become ill, promotion of hand-washing, respiratory etiquette as well as proper cleaning and ventilation, and measures to reduce crowding.
On 28 August, WHO advised countries in the northern hemisphere to prepare for a second wave of pandemic influenza A (H1N1). Countries with tropical climates, where the pandemic virus arrived later than elsewhere, also need to prepare for an increasing number of cases. Countries in temperate parts of the southern hemisphere are advised to remain vigilant. Experience has shown that localized "hot spots" of increasing transmission can continue to occur even when the pandemic has peaked at national level.
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