In an editorial, Brodie Ramin (886) paints a grim picture of the effects of climate change on the urban poor.
In a second editorial, Gregor J Devine & Elena Ogusuku (887) call for more adaptable methods for monitoring insecticide resistance.
In one of his last interviews, the late John Crofton (894-895) talks about his seminal research into multidrug therapy for tuberculosis patients in the 1950s that laid the groundwork for the WHO-recommended tuberculosis treatment today.
Public-private mix
Mireia Bes (892-893) reports from Valencia on a new model for managing public hospitals.
Is health care improving for children?
Anbrasi Edward et al. (940-949) assess the quality of health care for children aged less than 5 years.
Suicide: rural women reaching their limit
Cui Weiyuan (888-889) reports on the leading cause of death for young women.
Success in maternal health
Gao Yanqiu et al. (913-920) describe trends in improving maternal mortality rates.
Estimating schistosomiasis infection
Archie CA Clements et al. (921-929) find variations in rates within countries.
Treating children for cerebral malaria
Hmwe Hmwe Kyu & Eduardo Fernández (896-904) review the evidence on artemisinin derivatives versus quinine.
War on rabies
Patralekha Chatterjee (890-891) reports on the challenges of tackling this neglected disease.
Polio vaccine for newborns
JJ Rainey et al. (955-959) assess the feasibility of giving a birth-dose polio vaccination.
Private obstetric care for the poor
Amarjit Singh et al. (960-964) discuss the success of a public-private partnership scheme
Why do women chew tobacco?
Pramil N Singh et al. (905-912) study use among Khmer women.
When children swallow corrosive substances
Sandro Contini et al. (950-954) develop a system to manage oesophageal corrosive injuries.
Where did all the aid go?
Paolo Piva & Rebecca Dodd (930-939) examine how health aid has been spent over the past 10 years.