In this month’s Bulletin

In the editorial section, Marie-Paule Kieny et al. (850) reflect on the need to build health-system resilience in countries affected by the current Ebola crisis. Abdul Ghaffar et al. (851) discuss progress in the field of health policy and systems research. In the news, Julius Cavendish (854–855) reports on the efforts to eradicate guinea-worm disease from the four remaining endemic countries: Chad, Ethiopia, Mali and South Sudan. Fiona Fleck interviews Armando Peruga (856–857) on debates surrounding regulation of e-cigarettes.

United States of America

Getting the details right

Thomas Rice et al. (894–902) list challenges to health policy reform.

China, Myanmar & Russian Federation

Treating all complications of HIV infection

David Heiden et al. (903–908) train clinicians to diagnose cytomegalovirus retinitis.


Reaching out for HIV care

Sanne Jespersen et al. (909–914) show how international research collaborations can overcome hurdles to the provision of treatment.


Small devices that save lives

Samantha L Burn et al. (858–868) do a cost-utility analysis of pulse oximeters.

Do travel bans work?

Ana LP Mateus et al. (868–880) review the evidence for travel restrictions used to contain human influenza.

Ensuring effective use of a vaccine stockpile

Stephen Martin et al. (881–893) review the global experience with oral cholera vaccines.

Defining disrespect

Lynn P Freedman et al. (915–917) propose a research agenda for respectful treatment of women during childbirth.

Learning lessons from pharmacovigilance

Dennis Falzon et al. (918–919) tell the story of thioacetazone.

Research capacity – how to build it?

Donald C Cole et al. (920–921) explore the tensions inherent in evaluation design.

Publication Dates

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