This erratum corrects:
  • OchiaiRLAcostaCJDanovaro-HollidayMCBaiqingDBhattacharyaSKAgtiniMDet al.Domi Typhoid Study GroupA study of typhoid fever in five Asian countries: disease burden and implications for controls.Bull World Health Organ2008048642608
  • GeorgeCMSimaLAriasMHJMihalicJCabreraLZDanzDet al.Arsenic exposure in drinking water: an unrecognized health threat in Peru.Bull World Health Organ201408192856572

CorrigendumA study of typhoid fever in five Asian countries: disease burden and implications for controls.Arsenic exposure in drinking water: an unrecognized health threat in Peru.

In Volume 86, Issue 4, April 2008, page 260, the third sentence of the first paragraph should begin: “In 2000, it was estimated that over 21.6 million episodes of typhoid occurred worldwide…”.

In Volume 92, Issue 8, August 2014, page 565, the second sentence of the findings section of the abstract should read: “In 56% (62/111) of the samples, it exceeded the Bangladeshi threshold of 50 μg/l; the mean concentration being 54.5 μg/l (range: 0.1–193.1).”

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