Santos IS, Barros AJD, Matijasevich A, Tomasi E, Medeiros RS, Domingues MR, Bertoldi AD, Barros FC, Victora CG. Mothers and their pregnancies: a comparison of three population-based cohorts in Southern Brazil. Cad Saúde Pública 2008; 24 Suppl 3:S381-9.

A revista foi informada sobre um erro no quarto parágrafo da página S387 (v.24 sup.3; 2008). O parágrafo correto é:

The journal has been advised of an error in the fourth paragraph on page S387 (vol. 24 supplement 3; 2008). The correct wording of the paragraph is:

Rather than suggesting an increased risk of becoming pregnant during adolescence, the increase in the proportion of adolescent mothers points to a reduction in the proportional number of pregnant women in other age groups, particularly those aged between 20 and 29. In 1982, 1993, and 2004, in the city of Pelotas, the population of adolescent women between 15 and 19 years of age - which represented 95% or more of the total adolescent mothers in all three cohorts - was 11,355, 11,456, and 14,245, respectively. In each of these years, the number of births per 1,000 adolescents decreased, from 80 in 1982 to 78 in 1993 and more signifi cantly to 54 in 2004. It is possible that this reduction is a refl ection of the impact of programs for preventing STD/AIDS, which have been expanded in the city in the last decade.

Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil