Resumo em Espanhol:
OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar el empleo de las pruebas convencionales de significación estadística y las tendencias actuales que muestra su uso en tres revistas biomédicas del ámbito hispanohablante. MÉTODOS: Se examinaron todos los artículos originales descriptivos o explicativos que fueron publicados en el quinquenio de 19962000 en tres publicaciones: Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral, Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/Pan American Journal of Public Health y Medicina Clínica. RESULTADOS: En las tres revistas examinadas se detectaron diversos rasgos criticables en el empleo de las pruebas de hipótesis basadas en los "valores P" y la escasa presencia de las nuevas tendencias que se proponen en su lugar: intervalos de confianza (IC) e inferencia bayesiana. Los hallazgos fundamentales fueron los siguientes: mínima presencia de los IC, ya fuese como complemento de las pruebas de significación o como recurso estadístico único; mención del tamaño muestral como posible explicación de los resultados; predominio del empleo de valores rígidos de alfa; falta de uniformidad en la presentación de los resultados, y alusión indebida en las conclusiones de la investigación a los resultados de las pruebas de hipótesis. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados reflejan la falta de acatamiento de autores y editores en relación con las normas aceptadas en torno al uso de las pruebas de significación estadística y apuntan a que el empleo adocenado de estas pruebas sigue ocupando un espacio importante en la literatura biomédica del ámbito hispanohablante.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of conventional tests of statistical significance and the current trends shown by their use in three biomedical journals read in Spanish-speaking countries. METHODS: All descriptive or explanatory original articles published in the five-year period of 1996 through 2000 were reviewed in three journals: Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral [Cuban Journal of Comprehensive General Medicine], Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/Pan American Journal of Public Health, and Medicina Clínica [Clinical Medicine] (which is published in Spain). RESULTS: In the three journals that were reviewed various shortcomings were found in their use of hypothesis tests based on P values and in the limited use of new tools that have been suggested for use in their place: confidence intervals (CIs) and Bayesian inference. The basic findings of our research were: minimal use of CIs, as either a complement to significance tests or as the only statistical tool; mentions of a small sample size as a possible explanation for the lack of statistical significance; a predominant use of rigid alpha values; a lack of uniformity in the presentation of results; and improper reference in the research conclusions to the results of hypothesis tests. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate the lack of compliance by authors and editors with accepted standards for the use of tests of statistical significance. The findings also highlight that the stagnant use of these tests continues to be a common practice in the scientific literature.Resumo em Espanhol:
OBJETIVO: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica encaminada a determinar los riesgos de infección que plantean los cadáveres después de un desastre natural, particularmente quiénes corren mayor peligro, qué precauciones se deben tomar y cómo se debe disponer de los cadáveres. MÉTODOS: Para que una enfermedad se transmita, es necesario que haya un agente infeccioso, una exposición a dicho agente y un huésped susceptible. Estos son los elementos que se tuvieron en cuenta para calcular el peligro que plantean los cadáveres como fuentes de infección. Se buscaron trabajos sobre el riesgo de infección al que se exponen los trabajadores que velan por la seguridad del público (personal médico de emergencia, bomberos, la policía) y los empleados de casas funerarias, y sobre las pautas observadas para disponer de los cadáveres y prevenir infecciones. También se revisaron unos cuantos trabajos importantes sobre la disposición de los cadáveres y la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas por los cementerios. RESULTADOS: Las víctimas de desastres naturales suelen morir de traumatismos y raras veces tienen infecciones agudas que puedan producir epidemias. Esto significa que los cadáveres plantean un riesgo sumamente pequeño para el público. No obstante, las personas que entran en contacto cercano con los muertos -el personal militar, el personal de rescate, los trabajadores voluntarios y demás- pueden verse expuestas a fuentes de infecciones crónicas, tales como los virus de las hepatitis B y C, VIH, organismos enteropatógenos y Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Algunas medidas de precaución orientadas a proteger a estas personas son el adiestramiento, el uso de bolsones para los cadáveres y de guantes, las buenas prácticas de higiene y la vacunación contra la hepatitis B y la tuberculosis. Siempre que se pueda, la disposición de los cadáveres debe hacerse de conformidad con las costumbres y prácticas locales. Cuando son muy numerosas las víctimas, el entierro es probablemente el método de disposición más adecuado. Hay muy pocas pruebas de que la contaminación microbiológica del agua subterránea debido al entierro de cadáveres constituya un peligro. CONCLUSIONES: Es natural que muchas personas, en su afán por protegerse contra las enfermedades, piensen que los cadáveres son fuentes de infección. No obstante, se necesita información precisa sobre los peligros que puedan existir para que las autoridades locales responsables puedan garantizar el manejo adecuado y respetuoso de los cadáveres de las víctimas de desastres naturales. Este trabajo provee información de utilidad para quienes se encuentran en la lamentable posición de tener que manejar dichos cadáveres.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVE: To review existing literature to assess the risks of infection from dead bodies after a natural disaster occurs, including who is most at risk, what precautions should be taken, and how to safely dispose of the bodies. METHODS: Disease transmission requires the presence of an infectious agent, exposure to that agent, and a susceptible host. These elements were considered to characterize the infectious disease risk from dead bodies. Using the PubMed on-line databases of the National Library of Medicine of the United States of America, searching was done for relevant literature on the infection risks for public safety workers and funeral workers as well as for guidelines for the management of the dead and prevention of infection. A small but significant literature was also reviewed regarding the disposal of the dead and the contamination of groundwater by cemeteries. RESULTS: Victims of natural disasters usually die from trauma and are unlikely to have acute or "epidemic-causing" infections. This indicates that the risk that dead bodies pose for the public is extremely small. However, persons who are involved in close contact with the dead-such as military personnel, rescue workers, volunteers, and others-may be exposed to chronic infectious hazards, including hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, HIV, enteric pathogens, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Suitable precautions for these persons include training, use of body bags and disposable gloves, good hygiene practice, and vaccination for hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Disposal of bodies should respect local custom and practice where possible. When there are large numbers of victims, burial is likely to be the most appropriate method of disposal. There is little evidence of microbiological contamination of groundwater from burial. CONCLUSIONS: Concern that dead bodies are infectious can be considered a "natural" reaction by persons wanting to protect themselves from disease. However, clear information about the risks is needed so that responsible local authorities ensure that the bodies of disaster victims are handled appropriately and with due respect. This paper provides a source of information for those who are in the unfortunate position of managing those bodies.Resumo em Português:
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade de três esquemas de tratamento utilizando sulfato ferroso em gestantes anêmicas. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi desenvolvido no Centro de Atenção à Mulher do Instituto Materno Infantil de Pernambuco, em Recife, no período de maio de 2000 a dezembro de 2001. Realizou-se um ensaio clínico, aleatório e cego do ponto de vista laboratorial, utilizando comprimidos de 300 mg de sulfato ferroso para administração de 60 mg de ferro elementar. As gestantes foram alocadas em três grupos de tratamento, conforme a freqüência de administração do ferro: uma vez por semana (n =48); duas vezes por semana (n =53); e uma vez ao dia (n =49). Foram comparadas as concentrações de hemoglobina, volume corpuscular médio e ferritina. RESULTADOS: Antes da intervenção, os grupos eram homogêneos e apresentaram as seguintes médias e desvios-padrão nas concentrações de hemoglobina: 10,2 ± 0,5 g/dL para o grupo que recebeu sulfato ferroso uma vez por semana; 10,2 ± 0,6 g/dL para o grupo que recebeu sulfato ferroso duas vezes por semana; e 10,1 ± 0,6 g/dL para o grupo que recebeu sulfato ferroso uma vez ao dia. As médias de volume corpuscular médio foram, respectivamente: 88,5 ± 5,0; 87,6 ± 5,9; e 88,7 ± 5,1 fL. As medianas de ferritina foram 30,2; 37,1; e 52,9 ng/mL. Houve 27% de cura no esquema de uma vez por semana, 34% no grupo tratado duas vezes por semana e 47% no tratamento diário. Houve fracasso terapêutico (hemoglobina <10 g/dL) em 41,6, 13,2 e 2,0% dos casos em cada grupo, respectivamente. Abandono do tratamento por queixa de diarréia ou dor epigástrica só foi observado no tratamento diário. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento diário continua sendo o mais eficaz. Contudo, o tratamento com sulfato ferroso duas vezes por semana é uma alternativa em caso de dificuldade de adesão ao tratamento diário.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of three regimens employing ferrous sulfate to treat pregnant women with anemia. METHODS: The study was carried out at the Women's Health Center of the Pernambuco Institute of Maternal and Child Health in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, from May 2000 to December 2001. A randomized clinical trial with blinded laboratory analysis was conducted. Iron (60 mg) was administered as 300-mg ferrous sulfate tablets. The women were allocated to three treatment groups, according to the frequency of ingesting the tablets: once a week (48 women), twice a week (53 women), and once a day (49 women). The groups were compared for the values for hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, mean corpuscular volume, and ferritin before and after the treatment. RESULTS: Before the intervention, the groups were homogeneous. They had the following mean (± standard deviation) concentrations of hemoglobin: 10.2 ± 0.5 g/dL for the group receiving iron once a week, 10.2 ± 0.6 g/dL for the group receiving iron twice a week, and 10.1 ± 0.6 g/dL for the group receiving iron once a day. The means of corpuscular volume were, respectively: 88.5 ± 5.0 fL, 87.6 ± 5.9 fL, and 88.7 ± 5.1 fL. The respective medians for ferritin were 30.2 ng/mL, 37.1 ng/mL, and 52.9 ng/mL. The cure rate (Hb > 11 g/dL) was 27% in the patients treated once a week, 34% in those treated twice a week, and 47% in the women treated daily. Treatment failure (hemoglobin < 10 g/dL) was seen in 41.6%, 13.2%, and 2.0% of the patients in the respective groups. Interruption of treatment due to diarrhea or epigastric pain occurred only among the patients treated daily. CONCLUSION: The regimen with iron administered daily is still the best option for treating anemia. However, treatment with ferrous sulfate administered twice a week is an alternative for patients who are unable to adhere to daily treatment.Resumo em Espanhol:
OBJETIVO: Se sabe poco acerca de la prevalencia y distribución en el Caribe de la infección por el herpesvirus asociado con el sarcoma de Kaposi (HVSK). El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar las tasas de seropositividad a HVSK en diversas poblaciones en Cuba. MÉTODOS: Durante el período de 1998 a 2002 se examinaron muestras de suero de 410 personas en Cuba. El tamizaje serológico de los anticuerpos contra HVSK se realizó en dos pasos con las siguientes técnicas: 1) ensayo de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI) con reactividad específica a la porción del antígeno de HVSK asociado a la latencia (ANAL) que está codificada por la plantilla de lectura abierta 73 (ORF73), y 2) inmunoblot (Western) confirmatorio, usando como antígeno blanco la proteína ORF65.2 de HVSK recombinante, que tiene 20 kilodaltones y se expresa durante la infección lítica. Cinco poblaciones diferentes fueron estudiadas: 1) 45 pacientes de sida con sarcoma de Kaposi (sida-KS); 2) 154 pacientes infectados por VIH-1 pero sin signos clínicos de sarcoma de Kaposi (SK); 3) 171 donantes de sangre con seronegatividad a VIH; 4) 27 receptores consecutivos de transplantes renales con seronegatividad a VIH y 5) 13 contactos (sexuales o por parentesco) de los pacientes de sida con SK. RESULTADOS: De las 45 personas con sida y SK, 35 (77,8%) mostraron seropositividad a HVSK. Treinta y dos (20,8%) de los 154 pacientes con seropositividad a VIH pero sin SK mostraron seropositividad a HVSK, y 6 de los 13 contactos (46,2%) de pacientes con SK estaban infectados por HVSK. A diferencia de otros investigadores, los autores del presente estudio no encontraron ninguna asociación entre la seropositividad a HVSK y la actividad homosexual o bisexual en personas de sexo masculino en las poblaciones cubanas estudiadas. En cambio, sí hallaron tasas elevadas de seropositividad a HVSK en mujeres que declararon haber tenido contacto sexual con hombres bisexuales y en hombres que habían adquirido la infección por VIH en el África. Las tasas de infección por HVSK fueron bajas en los donantes de sangre (1,2%) y en los receptores de transplantes renales (0,0%). Las tasas de infección por HVSK halladas en las poblaciones cubanas sin infección por VIH fueron tan bajas como las observadas en Europa y Estados Unidos de América. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestros resultados, sumados a otros resultados parecidos obtenidos en Brasil, Estados Unidos y Jamaica, indican que la infección por HVSK es poco frecuente en algunas poblaciones del hemisferio occidental y que está confinada mayormente a pacientes con KS en presencia de sida.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the prevalence and distribution of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection in the Caribbean. The aim of this study was to determine rates of KSHV seropositivity in various populations in Cuba. METHODS: During the years 1998 to 2002 we screened serum samples from 410 subjects in Cuba. Serologic screening for KSHV antibodies was a two-step process using (1) indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) specifically reactive to the KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) encoded by open reading frame 73 (ORF73), and (2) confirmatory immunoblot using recombinant KSHV ORF65.2, a lytically expressed, 20-kilodalton protein as the target antigen. Five different populations were studied: (1) 45 AIDS patients with Kaposi's sarcoma (AIDS-KS), (2) 154 HIV-1-infected patients without clinical evidence of KS, (3) 171 HIV-negative blood donors, (4) 27 consecutive kidney transplant recipients, who were HIV-negative, and (5) 13 contacts (sexual contacts or relatives) of the AIDS-KS-affected patients. RESULTS: Among the 45 AIDS-KS subjects, 35 of them (77.8%) were KSHV-seropositive. Thirty-two of the 154 HIV-positive patients without KS (20.8% of them) were KSHV-seropositive, and 6 of the 13 contacts of KS-affected patients (46.2% of them) were infected with KSHV. In contrast to other researchers, we did not find in the populations that we studied in Cuba that KSHV seropositivity was associated with male homosexual or bisexual activity. We found high KSHV seropositivity rates among women reporting sexual contact with bisexual men and among men who had acquired an HIV infection in Africa. There were low rates of KSHV infection among the blood donors (1.2%) and the renal transplant recipients (0.0%). The low rates of KSHV infection that we found among the non-HIV-infected populations in Cuba are similar to patterns found in populations in Europe and in the United States. CONCLUSIONS: Together with similar results from Brazil, Jamaica, and the United States of America, our results suggest that KSHV infection is uncommon in some populations in the Western Hemisphere and that KSHV is largely confined to patients with AIDS-associated KS.Resumo em Espanhol:
OBJETIVO: Determinar si Chile alcanzó el objetivo de reducir en 50% la mortalidad materna entre 1990 y 2000, conforme a lo establecido en el Plan de Acción Regional para la Reducción de la Mortalidad Materna en las Américas. MÉTODOS: Se diseñó un estudio observacional y descriptivo que permitiera analizar la tendencia de la mortalidad materna en el país durante 19902000. Las variables evaluadas fueron la razón de mortalidad materna, las causas de muerte y la edad de las madres fallecidas. Las causas se clasificaron de acuerdo con la novena revisión de la Clasificación internacional de enfermedades,traumatismos y causas de defunción (CIE-9), y los datos brutos se obtuvieron de los anuarios del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile. La fluctuación de las variables se estimó según el porcentaje de cambio acumulado, y la tendencia, mediante análisis de correlación de Pearson. RESULTADOS: El estudio demostró una reducción de la mortalidad materna de 60,3% de 1990 a 2000; la razón de mortalidad materna más baja, de 18,7/100 000 nacidos vivos, se registró en el año 2000. El análisis indica que las cinco causas más importantes de muerte materna fueron: hipertensión arterial, aborto, enfermedades maternas concurrentes (pregestacionales), sepsis puerperal y hemorragia posparto. Se observó una tendencia descendente significativa de la mortalidad materna por hipertensión arterial (r= 0,712; P= 0,014), aborto (r= 0,810; P = 0,003) y sepsis puerperal (r= 0,718; P= 0,013), pero no se encontraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en la mortalidad por enfermedades maternas concurrentes ni por hemorragia posparto. La cifra más alta de mortalidad materna correspondió a las mujeres de 40 años de edad y mayores (100,2/100 000 nacidos vivos), y la más baja a las adolescentes de 15 a 19 años (18,7/100 000 nacidos vivos). CONCLUSIONES: Chile cumplió el objetivo del Plan de Acción Regional para la Reducción de la Mortalidad Materna en las Américas, habiendo logrado un descenso de más de 50% de dicha mortalidad en el período 19902000. Tal reducción se debe principalmente al descenso de la mortalidad materna por hipertensión arterial, aborto y sepsis puerperal.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVE: To determine if Chile achieved the objective of reducing maternal mortality by 50% between 1990 and 2000, in line with the provisions of the Regional Plan of Action for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality in the Americas, which the governments of the Americas approved in 1990 at the 23rd Pan American Sanitary Conference. METHODS: A descriptive, observational study was designed, making it possible to analyze the trend in maternal mortality in Chile from 1990 through 2000. The variables that were evaluated were the maternal mortality ratio, the causes of death, and the age of the mothers who died. The causes of death were classified according to the ninth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9), and the raw data were obtained from the yearbooks of the National Institute of Statistics of Chile. The changes in the variables were estimated according to the percentage of cumulative change, and trends were analyzed with the Pearson correlation coefficient. RESULTS: The study found a 60.3% reduction in maternal mortality from 1990 to 2000. The lowest maternal mortality ratio, 18.7 per 100 000 live births, occurred in the year 2000. The five leading causes of maternal mortality were hypertension, miscarriage, other current conditions in the mother, puerperal sepsis, and postpartum hemorrhage. There was a significant downward trend in maternal mortality due to hypertension (r = 0.712; P = 0.014), abortion (r = 0.810; P = 0.003), and puerperal sepsis (r = 0.718; P = 0.013), but there were no statistically significant changes in mortality from other current conditions in the mother or from postpartum hemorrhage. The highest level of maternal mortality was found in women who were 40 years of age or older (100.2/100 000 live births), and the lowest level was in adolescents 15 to 19 years old (18.7/100 000 live births). CONCLUSIONS: Chile achieved the objective of the Regional Plan of Action for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality in the Americas, with a decrease of more than 50% in maternal mortality in the 19902000 period. That reduction is due mainly to the decline in maternal mortality from hypertension, abortion, and puerperal sepsis.Resumo em Português:
OBJETIVO: Comparar duas metodologias, o método da urna e o método das questões indiretas, para estimar a freqüência de aborto induzido em estudos de base populacional. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional com uma amostra representativa de 3 002 mulheres de 15 a 49 anos residentes na zona urbana da Cidade de Pelotas, Brasil. As mulheres foram selecionadas através de amostragem de multi-estágios. As questões sobre aborto induzido foram aplicadas utilizando uma das duas metodologias. RESULTADOS: Dentre as mulheres entrevistadas com o método da urna, 7,2% relataram ter induzido pelo menos um aborto, enquanto que para aquelas entrevistadas com o método das questões indiretas esse valor foi de 3,8%. A razão entre os dois métodos foi de 1,89 (IC 95%: 1,39 a 2,60; P <0,001). Ao final da vida reprodutiva (45 a 49 anos) 12% haviam induzido aborto, segundo o método da urna. Os principais motivos para as mulheres terem provocado aborto foram ter dificuldades econômicas, ser muito jovem ou ser solteira. Aproximadamente a metade das mulheres que relataram aborto através do método da urna tinha utilizado procedimentos inseguros, sendo que 13% utilizaram misoprostol. CONCLUSÃO: O método da urna mostrou-se adequado para estudar a freqüência de aborto induzido ou outros temas que possam gerar sub-relato por parte dos entrevistados, principalmente em amostras de base populacional. É provável que a alteração na formulação da pergunta sobre aborto (por exemplo, eliminar a palavra "filho") poderia aumentar a sensibilidade do método da urna para detectar a ocorrência de aborto induzido.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVE: To compare two methods-the "ballot box" method and the "indirect questioning" method-for estimating the frequency of induced abortions in population-based studies. METHODS: A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted with a representative sample of 3 002 women between 15 and 49 years of age living in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The women were selected through multistage sampling and randomly assigned to answer questions concerning induced abortion with one of the two methods, after they had answered a general questionnaire that collected socioeconomic and demographic information. With the "ballot box" method, women received a small piece of paper containing direct questions on abortion. Each woman marked her answers on the paper and then deposited it into a small "ballot box" carried by the interviewer, thus assuring the confidentiality of the responses. With the second method, the interviewer verbally asked the woman a series of questions that indirectly inquired about abortion. RESULTS: Among the women assigned to the ballot box method, 7.2% reported having induced at least one abortion, versus 3.8% of the women assigned to the indirect questioning method. The ratio between the two methods was 1.89 (95% confidence interval: 1.39 to 2.60; P < 0.001). Of the women surveyed who were 4549 years old (at the end of their reproductive life) and answered using the ballot box method, 12% of them reported having had at least one induced abortion in their lifetime. Among the women who answered using the ballot box method, the main reasons they gave for having had an abortion were economic difficulties, being too young, and being single. Approximately half of the women responding to the ballot box method questions reported they had used unsafe procedures to induce abortion, with 13% of them using misoprostol. CONCLUSIONS: The ballot box method was suitable for studying the frequency of induced abortion and for researching other topics that may lead to underreporting by the persons interviewed, especially in population-based samples. Rephrasing the ballot box method question about abortion (for example, eliminating the word "child") would probably increase the method's sensitivity, that is, its ability to detect induced abortions that had occurred.Resumo em Espanhol:
OBJETIVO: Llevar a cabo un estudio en un hospital rural pequeño del Estado de Chiapas, México, con el fin de: 1) examinar la prevalencia de miocardiopatía chagásica en pacientes con un diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva y 2) estimar la prevalencia de positividad serológica en donantes de sangre del hospital, con objeto de determinar si la enfermedad de Chagas sigue siendo una causa importante de insuficiencia cardíaca en algunas partes de México. MÉTODOS: El estudio de los pacientes con miocardiopatía se llevó a cabo mediante la inspección retrospectiva de las fichas de pacientes con un diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva tratados en el hospital durante el período de 20002002. En el caso de los donantes de sangre, los resultados de sus pruebas serológicas fueron revisados durante un período de seis meses que comenzó en abril de 2002. Los pruebas serológicas se efectuaron en ambos grupos mediante hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI) o ensayo de inmunoadsorción enzimática (ELISA), o ambos métodos. RESULTADOS: De 67 pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca que no tenían factores de riesgo de sufrir otras causas de este trastorno, 40 fueron sometidos a pruebas serológicas. De estos cuarenta, 33 (82,5%) tuvieron resultados positivos en el ELISA, la HAI, o ambos. Del total de 97 donantes de sangre, 17 (17,5%) tuvieron una o dos pruebas con resultados positivos. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio se suma a las pruebas ya existentes de que la enfermedad de Chagas sigue siendo una de las principales causas de insuficiencia cardíaca en algunas partes de México y de que sigue habiendo un riesgo de transmisión por transfusión de sangre si la sangre donada no se somete a tamizaje con regularidad.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVES: To conduct a study in a small rural hospital located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, to: (1) examine the prevalence of chagasic cardiomyopathy among patients with the diagnosis of congestive heart failure and (2) assess the prevalence of positive serologic results in blood donors in the hospital, in an attempt to ascertain whether Chagas' disease remains an important cause of heart failure at least in some areas of Mexico. METHODS: The study of patients with cardiomyopathy was conducted by retrospective chart review of patients with the diagnosis of congestive heart failure treated at the hospital during the years 20002002. With the blood donors, the results of their serologic screening were reviewed for a six-month period beginning in April 2002. Serologic testing was done in both groups with either indirect hemagglutination (IHA) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), or with both. RESULTS: Of 67 patients with heart failure and no risk factors for other causes of heart failure, 40 of them had serologic tests performed. Thirty-three of these 40 (82.5%) were positive by ELISA, IHA, or both. With 97 blood donors, one or both serologic tests were positive in 17 of them (17.5%). CONCLUSIONS: This research adds to the evidence that Chagas' disease continues to be a major cause of heart failure in some areas of Mexico and that there continues to be a risk of transmission by blood transfusion if donated blood is not consistently screened.Resumo em Espanhol:
OBJETIVOS: Determinar los factores asociados con el desarrollo de la tuberculosis en pacientes con el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (sida) e identificar los síntomas y signos de tuberculosis más frecuentes en este grupo de pacientes. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de casos y testigos en 143 pacientes con diagnóstico de sida egresados del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí, de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, entre enero de 1997 y marzo de 2001. El grupo de casos estuvo constituido por los 72 pacientes con sida que presentaban alguna de las formas clínicas de tuberculosis, mientras que el grupo testigo estuvo integrado por los primeros 71 pacientes que egresaron con sida sin tuberculosis. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: estado clínico con relación al sida previo al estudio, infecciones oportunistas mayores padecidas antes del diagnóstico de tuberculosis (pneumocistosis pulmonar, toxoplasmosis cerebral, candidiasis profunda, isosporidiosis y neumonía recurrente), concentración de linfocitos T CD4+, y síntomas y signos clínicos de tuberculosis. Los datos primarios se tomaron de los expedientes clínicos de los pacientes. Se calcularon la frecuencia de las variables cualitativas nominales y las razones brutas de posibilidades (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza de 95%. La asociación estadística entre las variables se determinó mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado con la corrección de Yates. El efecto individual de cada variable se evaluó mediante análisis de regresión logística con múltiples variables. El nivel de significación estadística fue de 0,05. RESULTADOS: La tuberculosis en este grupo de pacientes mostró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con la condición de estar enfermo de sida antes del estudio (OR = 3,57; IC95%: 1,78 a 7,17); con tener antecedentes de pneumocistosis pulmonar (OR = 4,73; IC95%: 1,51 a 15,76), toxoplasmosis cerebral (OR = 6,22; IC95%: 1,21 a 42,99) y candidiasis profunda (OR = 11,29; IC95%: 1,40 a 246,5); y con tener concentraciones de linfocitos T CD4+ inferiores a 200 células/mm³. Sin embargo, la regresión logística solo mostró una asociación significativa con los antecedentes de candidiasis profunda (OR = 10,47; IC95%: 1,06 a 103,5; P= 0,0446). Los síntomas asociados con el diagnóstico clínico de tuberculosis fueron hemoptisis (OR = 7,54; IC95%: 1,88 a 170,34), fiebre de origen desconocido (OR = 13,38; IC95%: 5,55 a 32,96), sudación nocturna (OR = 21,95; IC95%: 4,66 a 142,43) y pérdida de peso (OR = 3,52; IC95%: 1,65 a 7,55), mientras que los signos asociados fueron las linfadenopatías regionales (OR = 10,00; IC95%: 1,22 a 220,3), la hepatomegalia (OR = 5,44; IC95%: 1,76 a 17,95) y la esplenomegalia (OR = 5,08; IC95%: 1,63 a 16,83). CONCLUSIONES: Los síntomas y signos observados con más frecuencia en los pacientes con sida y tuberculosis son los característicos de esta enfermedad en pacientes sin sida. A pesar de que en pacientes con sida la tuberculosis puede encontrarse asociada con otras enfermedades que producen síntomas parecidos, los presentes resultados indican que los síntomas tradicionales de tuberculosis pueden ayudar a diagnosticar la enfermedad en este grupo de enfermos.Resumo em Inglês:
OBJECTIVES: To determine the factors associated with the development of tuberculosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and to identify the most frequent symptoms and signs of tuberculosis in this group of patients. METHODS: This retrospective observational case-control study was carried out with 143 patients diagnosed with AIDS who were discharged from the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine, which is in the city of Havana, Cuba, between January 1997 and March 2001. The cases were 72 patients with AIDS and some clinical form of tuberculosis, while the control group was made up of the first 71 AIDS patients without tuberculosis who were discharged. The following variables were evaluated: AIDS stage before the study, serious opportunistic infections suffered before the diagnosis of tuberculosis (pulmonary pneumocystosis, cerebral toxoplasmosis, systemic candidiasis, isosporiasis, and recurrent pneumonia), concentration of CD4+ T lymphocytes, and clinical symptoms and signs of tuberculosis. The primary data were taken from the clinical files of the patients. We calculated the frequency of the nominal qualitative variables and the crude odd ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The statistical association among the variables was determined with the chi-square test with Yates correction. The individual effect of each variable was assessed through multivariate logistic regression analysis. The level of statistical significance was 0.05. RESULTS: Tuberculosis in this group of patients showed a statistically significant association with: being ill with AIDS before the study (OR = 3.57; 95% CI: 1.78 to 7.17); a history of pulmonary pneumocystosis (OR = 4.73; 95% CI: 1.51 to 15.76), cerebral toxoplasmosis (OR = 6.22; 95% CI: 1.21 to 42.99), or systemic candidiasis (OR = 11.29; 95% CI: 1.40 to 246.5); and having CD4+ T lymphocyte concentrations lower than 200 cells/mm³. However, the logistic regression showed a significant association only with the history of systemic candidiasis (OR = 10.47; 95% CI: 1.06 to 103.5; P = 0.0446). The symptoms associated with the clinical diagnosis of tuberculosis were hemoptysis (OR = 7.54; 95% CI: 1.88 to 170.34), fever of unknown origin (OR = 13.38; 95% CI: 5.55 to 32.96), night sweats (OR = 21.95; 95% CI: 4.66 to 142.43), and weight loss (OR = 3.52; 95% CI: 1.65 to 7.55). The associated signs were regional lymphadenopathies (OR = 10.00; 95% CI: 1.22 to 220.3), hepatomegaly (OR = 5.44; 95% CI: 1.76 to 17.95), and splenomegaly (OR = 5.08; 95% CI: 1.63 to 16.83). CONCLUSIONS: The symptoms and signs seen most frequently in the patients with AIDS and tuberculosis are the characteristics of tuberculosis in patients without AIDS. In patients with AIDS, tuberculosis can be associated with other diseases whose symptoms are similar to those of tuberculosis. Nevertheless, these results indicate that the traditional symptoms of tuberculosis can help diagnose tuberculosis in this group of patients.Resumo em Inglês:
This piece provides an initial assessment of the First Citizen Consensus Conference, an event held in the city of Santiago, Chile, from 2224 November 2003, on the subject of "The Management of My Medical Record." This conference was the first citizen consensus conference that has been held in Chile as well as the first such conference in Latin America. Consensus conferences were devised by the Danish Board of Technology in 1987 as a way to assess science and technology issues through discussions between experts and a panel of lay persons. At the end of a consensus conference, the lay persons express their opinions and recommendations in a consensus report that is directed at policymakers, decisionmakers, and the public in general. The objective of a consensus conference is to bridge the gaps that routinely exist among the general public, experts, and elected officials. So far, the Danish Board of Technology has organized more than 20 of these conferences, using a methodology that has become established as a model. Taking into account the changes that have occurred in the relationship between science and society at large, the Pan American Health Organization has decided to support the holding of consensus conferences in Latin America and the Caribbean. The First Citizen Consensus Conference adapted the Danish methodology to conditions in Chile, and this piece assesses the modifications that were made. In addition, some 6 to 12 months after the conference, there will be an external evaluation of the outcomes and impact of the conference, especially in the communications media, public debate, decision-making, and perceptions of the persons who were involved. Despite the criticisms made in this piece and some shortcomings that are pointed out, the First Citizen Consensus Conference achieved all of its objectives and will serve as an excellent model for similar conferences in other countries of the Americas.Resumo em Espanhol:
De todos los países del Caribe, Jamaica es el que ha tenido el mayor incremento de las tasas de infección por VIH y sida en años recientes. El hecho de que 1,5 a 2% de su población adulta esté infectada lo convierte en el país con la tercera población más grande de personas infectadas por VIH o sida en el Caribe. Entre el momento en que se diagnosticó el primer caso en 1982 y fines de 2001, 6 038 casos de infección por VIH o sida se notificaron a las autoridades sanitarias, la mitad de ellos entre 1997 y 2000. No obstante, hay una subnotificación de la infección por VIH y el sida en el país. De los casos que se notificaron en el período de 1982 a 2001, 60% eran de sexo masculino y 40% de sexo femenino, pero la proporción de casos en mujeres ha venido aumentando. Las principales vías de transmisión han sido la heterosexual (62% de todos los casos notificados), la vertical de madre a hijo (8%) y la homosexual o bisexual (6%). Los adultos de 30 a 34 años de edad representaron 17,8% de todos los casos notificados de infección por VIH o sida, y las personas de 35 a 39 años comprendieron 16,4% del total. Los niños de 0 a 4 años constituyeron 6,6% de los casos de infección por VIH o sida notificados. En 1999, la infección por VIH y el sida juntas constituían la segunda causa de muerte en niños de 1 a 4 años. El riesgo de infección por VIH y sida en mujeres de 10 a 19 años fue dos a tres veces más alto que en varones de la misma edad. En hombres mayores de 50 años el riesgo de tener VIH o sida fue 2,5 veces más alto que en mujeres de la misma edad. Entre los factores que han facilitado la propagación de la epidemia de infección por VIH y sida en Jamaica figuran el inicio precoz de la actividad sexual, la presencia de varios compañeros sexuales, la falta de protección durante las relaciones sexuales y el turismo. La infección se ha visto contenida por un sistema de salud nacional bastante eficiente y un programa muy completo de alcance nacional para el control de la infección por VIH y el sida. Las medidas de control deben centrarse en la comunicación orientada a lograr cambios de conducta, la prevención y el control de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual y la prevención de la transmisión de VIH de madre a hijo.