Abstract in Portuguese:
Realizou-se estudo de tipo seccional onde concentrações de chumbo e mercúrio foram determinadas pela técnica de espectrofotometria de absorção atômica em cabelo de 251 crianças de um a 10 anos de idade, residentes em seis bairros situados às margens dos principais rios do Município de Cubatão, SP, (Brasil). Verificou-se concentrações de chumbo em cabelo de 229 crianças, sendo que em 189 delas (82,5%) detectou-se teores que variaram de 2,5 a 71,4 µg/g. O teor médio de chumbo foi de 7,25 ± 8,51 µg/g. Verificou-se concentrações de mercúrio em cabelo de 217 crianças e em todas foram detectados teores que variaram de 0,2 a 3,0 µg/g. A concentração média de mercúrio foi de 0,82 ± 0,48 µg/g. Não foi observada diferença estatística (p > 0,05) dos teores médios de chumbo e mercúrio em cabelo entre crianças consumidoras de peixes e/ou produtos dos rios de Cubatão e crianças não-consumidoras de organismos aquáticos de qualquer origem.Abstract in English:
A study was carried out in 6 districts of Cubatão county, S. Paulo State, Brazil on a sample of 251 children aged between 1 and 10. The concentration of heavy metals (lead and mercury) in hair was tested. The lead concentration in the hair of 229 children was tested, and in 189 (82.5%) levels varying from 2.5 to 71.4 µg/g were detected. The average concentration of the lead found in hair was of 7.25 ± 8.51 µg/g. The concentration of mercury in the hair of 217 children was checked and all of them were found to have levels varying from 0.2 to 3.0 µg/g. The average concentration of mercury was of 0.82 ± 0.48 µg/g. No statistical difference (p > 0.05) was observed between the averages found for lead and mercury in the hair of those who consumed and those who did not consume aquatic organisms.Abstract in Portuguese:
Trata-se de estudo multicêntrico visando levantar as necessidades de saúde da população de idosos residentes em zona urbana, conduzido em 6 países na América Latina e coordenado pela Organização Panamericana da Saúde. No Brasil, 1.602 idosos (60 anos e +) residentes no Distrito de São Paulo, participaram de inquérito domiciliar com questionário de avaliação funcional multidimensional - amostra populacional aleatória, em múltiplos estágios, estratificada por nível socioeconômico. Os resultados mostraram uma população bastante carente (70% tinha uma renda per capita de menos de 100 dólares por mês), vivendo predominantemente em domicílios multigeracionais (59% viviam com os filhos e/ou com netos), com alta prevalência de doenças crônicas (somente 14% referiu não ter nenhuma doença) e distúrbios psiquiátricos (27% foram considerados casos psiquiátricos), e com uma elevada proporção de pessoas com perda de autonomia (47% precisavam de ajuda para realizar pelo menos uma das atividades da vida diária). Os resultados são analisados tendo em vista as demandas futuras por serviços de saúde especializados e suporte social por parte da crescente população de idosos no Brasil.Abstract in English:
A multicentre study concerned with the health needs of the elderly population living in urban areas and coordinated by the Panamerican Health Organization was undertaken in 6 Latin-American countries. In Brazil, 1,602 elderly residents (of 60 years of age and over) in the District of S. Paulo, constituting a multistage random sample stratified by socioeconomic status, participated in a household survey using a multidemensional functional assessment questionnaire. The results showed a highly deprived population (70% had a per capita income of less than US$ 100 per month), living mostly in multigenerational households (59% were living with children and/or grandchildren), with a high prevalence of chronic physical illnesses (only 14% referred no illness) and psychiatric disorders (27% were considered psychiatric cases), a high proportion of them showing a loss of autonomy (47% needed help in performing at least one of the activities of daily living). The results are put into perspective concerning future needs in terms of specialized health services and social support for the growing population of elderly people in Brazil.Abstract in Portuguese:
Foram investigados os padrões do consumo de medicamentos em uma coorte de 4.746 crianças de Pelotas, RS, Brasil e as influências de variáveis socioeconômicas, biológicas e de utilização de serviços de saúde. O delineamento foi transversal aninhado em estudo longitudinal e o período investigado foi 15 dias. O consumo global alcançou 56% das crianças, sendo mais de 50% em todas as classes sociais. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram ácido acetil salicílico, vitaminas com sais minerais, associações antigripais, mebendazole e estimulantes do apetite. Mais de 60,0% dos medicamentos eram indicados por médicos (inclusive dipirona e estimulantes do apetite). Os principais motivos do consumo foram gripe, febre e falta de apetite. Ser primogênito foi fator de risco para o consumo. As crianças com pouco apetite na semana anterior consumiam duas vezes mais do que aquelas com bom apetite. É preocupante o alto consumo de aspirina, principalmente devido à associação desse produto com a Síndrome de Reye em crianças. Outro ponto a ser questionado a respeito é a mensagem que talvez inadvertida ou inconscientemente possa estar sendo passada a essas crianças: o consumo de medicamentos é uma rotina e a resposta para qualquer problema. Nesse sentido, parece que se estará preparando o terreno para a dependência de medicamentos e drogas ilícitas.Abstract in English:
The consumption of medicines among a population-based cohort of 4,746 children bom in 1982 in Pelotas, Brazil, was studied when the children were aged 3-4,5 years. Fifty six percent of the mothers reported that their children had taken one or more medicines during a two-week period; 29.5% of the products were fixed combinations of three or more components, (which was taken as an indicator of poor quality). Almost 10% of the children had used a given medicine for one month or more. Aspirin, combinations of vitamins and mineral supplements and cough and cold combinations were the medicines most frequently used. The commonest reasons for taking medicines were colds, fevers and lack of appetite. The latter was the commonest reason for longterm use and also for that of combinations. Physicians' prescriptions were responsible for more than 60% of the medicines used (including dipyrone and appetite stimulants). In all social classes the consumption was above 50%. Children classified in the fifth quintile of family income consumed 14% more medicines than those in the first quintile. Children with two or more older siblings consumed 12% less medicines than the elder ones. Malnourished children, according to weight for age, consumed 30% more medicines than the well-nourished. Children consulting a doctor four times or more during the three-month period before the interview were using two times more medicines than children who had had no consultation during the same period. The frequent use of aspirin is a reason for concern as it has been associated with Reye's syndrome in children. It is also important to stress the danger of poisoning resulting from medicines available at home. Another noteworthy aspect concerns the messages transmitted to the children regarding the use of medicines for almost every conceivable reason which could possibly lead to medicine or illicit drug addiction.Abstract in Portuguese:
Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com 873 gestantes que freqüentaram o pré-natal em Pelotas (RS), em 1989-90, com o objetivo de investigar possíveis fatores de risco e fatores prognósticos para o tabagismo durante a gravidez. A prevalência no início da gravidez foi de 40,8%. O hábito de fumar da mãe da gestante e do marido e a baixa escolaridade da mulher estiveram associados com o risco de fumar no início da gravidez. O tabagismo do marido esteve associado com um aumento de cerca de duas vezes nesse risco. A taxa de abandono até a 15ª-22ª semana gestacional foi de 35,6%. A renda familiar, o hábito de fumar da mãe da gestante e do companheiro, a idade de início, duração e intensidade do hábito da mulher estiveram associados com a interrupção durante a gravidez. Os resultados acima permaneceram após ajuste para fatores de confusão, através de análise estratificada.Abstract in English:
A cross-sectional study of 873 pregnant women attending a prenatal care clinic was undertaken in Pelotas (Southern Brazil), over a one-year period (1989-90) for the purpose of identifying possible risk and prognostic factors for smoking during pregnancy. The prevalence of smoking at the beginning of pregnancy was 40.8%. The smoking habits of the woman's mother and partner, as well as her educational level, were associated with smoking at the beginning of pregnancy. Smoking in the partner was associated with an approximately two-fold increase in the risk of smoking. The smoking interruption rate, until the 15th-22nd gestational week, was of 35.6%. Family income, smoking habits of woman's mother and partner, age at starting, duration and intensity of the woman's habit were all associated with the interruption during pregnancy. The above results were not affected by adjustment for confounding variables made through stratified analysis.Abstract in Portuguese:
No Brasil existem poucas informações sobre o aborto provocado e suas características na população. A dificuldade em se obter dados confiáveis deve-se: à sua ilegalidade, e também ao fato de que a maioria dos estudos é realizada em hospitais. Assim, em 1990, foi realizada pesquisa entre alunas da graduação e funcionárias de uma universidade brasileira. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário, auto-respondido, para devolução por correio, anonimamente. Os resultados apresentados referem-se à freqüência do aborto provocado nesta população. Encontrou-se que quatro vezes menos alunas do que funcionárias tinham engravidado alguma vez (15% e 65%); 9% das alunas e 14% das funcionárias tiveram aborto provocado. Entre as mulheres que engravidaram alguma vez, as alunas tiveram mais aborto provocado do que as funcionárias (59% e 20%). Quando controladas por grupo etário as diferenças entre as alunas e funcionárias mantiveram-se. Entretanto, entre as alunas, o aborto provocado foi mais freqüente entre as mais jovens.Abstract in English:
In Brazil, the subject of induced abortion is controversial and considered by some to be a serious public health problem. On the other hand there are little data available as to its frequency and general characteristics. The difficulty encountered in obtaining reliable information is to be explained by the illegality of abortion that inhibits women from talking about their experience, and most studies are carried out in hospitals and thus succeed in identifying only those women who have complications. A study was carried out in 1990, involving all the female graduate students and employees of a Brazilian university. Data was obtained through a questionnaire that was returned by mail, anonymously. This paper presents some of the results relating to the frequency of miscarriage and abortion in this population. Significantly more students than employees were less than 25 years old (85% and 13.7% respectively); fewer students were married or in a common-law union (11 % of students as against 56% of employees) and four times fewer students than employees had never been pregnant (15% and 65%). Nine percent of the students and 14% of the employees had had at least one abortion. When only sometime pregnant women were taken into consideration, over half the students (59%) and 20% of the employees had had an abortion. Differences between the two groups were maintened when considered by age, both for miscarriage and abortion. Students of less than 25 years of age presented the highest percentage of abortion.Abstract in Portuguese:
Foram estudados 125 países avaliados por um conjunto de 26 indicadores básicos, de saúde, econômicos e educacionais, usando-se três métodos estatísticos multivariados: Análise de Agrupamento, Análise de Componentes Principais e Análise de Variância Multivariada. As variáveis mais discriminatórias foram a expectativa de vida, as taxas de mortalidade infantil e de menores de cinco anos, as taxas de natalidade e de fertilidade e a taxa de matrícula no segundo grau para o sexo feminino. Os países foram ordenados de acordo com um "índice de padrão de vida" e separados em cinco grupos.Abstract in English:
The position of 125 countries is studied on the basis of a collection of 26 basic, health, economic and educational indicators. Multivariate statistical methods were used, including Cluster Analysis, Principal Component Analysis and Multivariate Analysis of Variance. The most discriminating variables were life expectancy the child mortality rate, the mortality rate of children of less than five years of age, the birth and fertility rates and the high-school female matriculation rate. The first principal component was interpreted as a measure of the living standard which made it possible to place the countries in order. Five clusters of countries are suggested.