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  • Disparities in the protagonism of oral health teams in the work process of Primary Healthcare Original Articles

    Silva, Érika Talita; Ferreira, Raquel Conceição; Diniz, Fabiano Costa; Gomes, Milena Ribeiro; Martins, Andréa Maria Eleutério de Barros Lima; Chalub, Loliza Luiz Figueiredo Houri; Senna, Maria Inês Barreiros

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Avaliar e comparar o protagonismo das equipes de Saúde Bucal (eSB) no processo de trabalho em equipe na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) ao longo de cinco anos, e estimar a magnitude das disparidades entre as macrorregiões brasileiras. MÉTODOS Estudo ecológico que utilizou dados secundários extraídos do Sistema de Informação em Saúde para a Atenção Básica (SISAB), de 2018 a 2022. Foram selecionados indicadores de matriz avaliativa previamente validada, calculados a partir dos registros na Ficha de Atividade Coletiva do grau de protagonismo das eSB nas reuniões de equipe, bem como do seu grau de organização em relação às pautas dos encontros. Foi realizada análise descritiva e da amplitude da variação dos indicadores ao longo do tempo, e também foi calculado o índice de disparidade para estimar e comparar a magnitude das diferenças entre as macrorregiões no ano de 2022. RESULTADOS No Brasil, entre 3,06% e 4,04% das reuniões de equipe foram lideradas por profissionais da eSB. No período, o Nordeste e o Sul foram as regiões que apresentaram maiores (3,71% a 4,88%) e menores proporções (1,21% a 2,48%), respectivamente. No período de 2018 a 2022, houve uma redução do indicador “grau de protagonismo das eSB” no Brasil e nas macrorregiões. Os temas mais frequentes em reuniões sob responsabilidade das eSB foram processo de trabalho (54,71% a 70,64%) e diagnóstico e monitoramento do território (33,49% a 54,48%). As maiores disparidades entre as regiões foram observadas para o indicador “grau de organização das eSB, em relação à discussão de caso e de projeto terapêutico singular”. CONCLUSÕES O protagonismo das eSB no processo de trabalho em equipe na APS é incipiente e apresenta disparidades regionais, o que desafia gestores e eSB para o rompimento do isolamento e da falta de integração, visando a oferta de atenção à saúde integral e de qualidade ao usuário do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Evaluate and compare the protagonism of Oral Health teams (OHt) in the teamwork process in Primary Healthcare (PHC) over five years and estimate the magnitude of disparities between Brazilian macro-regions. METHODS Ecological study that used secondary data extracted from the Sistema de Informação em Saúde para a Atenção Básica (SISAB – Health Information System for Primary Healthcare) from 2018 to 2022. Indicators were selected from a previously validated evaluative matrix, calculated from records in the Collective Activity Form on the degree of OHt’s protagonism in team meetings and its degree of organization concerning the meeting agendas. A descriptive and amplitude analysis of the indicators’ variation over time was carried out, and the disparity index was also calculated to estimate and compare the magnitude of differences between macro-regions in 2022. RESULTS In Brazil, between 3.06% and 4.04% of team meetings were led by OHt professionals. The Northeast and South regions had the highest (3.71% to 4.88%) and lowest proportions (1.21% to 2.48%), respectively. From 2018 to 2022, there was a reduction in the indicator of the “degree of protagonism of the OHt” in Brazil and macro-regions. The most frequent topics in meetings under OHt’s responsibility were the work process (54.71% to 70.64%) and diagnosis and monitoring of the territory (33.49% to 54.48%). The most significant disparities between regions were observed for the indicator “degree of organization of the OHt concerning case discussion and singular therapeutic projects”. CONCLUSIONS The protagonism of the OHt in the teamwork process in PHC is incipient and presents regional disparities, which challenges managers and OHt to break isolation and lack of integration, aiming to offer comprehensive and quality healthcare to the user of the Unified Health System (SUS).
  • Occupational inequalities and gender differences: work accidents, Brazil, 2019 Original Articles

    Gomides, Luciana de Melo; Abreu, Mery Natali Silva; Assunção, Ada Ávila

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar a distribuição e associação de fatores sociodemográficos e ocupacionais a acidentes de trabalho (AT) autorrelatados em uma amostra representativa da população brasileira, com ênfase na classe ocupacional, e examinar as diferenças de gênero nessa distribuição. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal de base populacional, com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) de 2019, analisou as respostas de uma amostra de adultos com 18 anos ou mais de idade. Fatores associados a AT foram investigados por regressão logística binária e análise hierarquizada por meio de blocos (variáveis sociodemográficas e ocupacionais). O modelo final foi ajustado pelas variáveis de todos os blocos, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5%. Obtiveram-se os valores das razões de chance (RC) e respectivos intervalos de confiança. RESULTADOS Entre os participantes, 2,69% relataram ter sofrido AT, sendo mais alta a prevalência em homens (3,37%; IC95% 2,97–3,82%), se comparados às mulheres (1,86%; IC95% 1,55–2,23%). A análise identificou que faixa etária, trabalho noturno, jornada de trabalho e exposição a riscos laborais foram associados a AT, com destaque para as diferenças de gênero. A classe de trabalhadores manuais, tanto qualificados (RCmulheres = 2,87; IC95% 1,33–6,21 e RChomens = 2,46; IC95% 1,37–4,40) quanto não qualificados (RCmulheres = 2,55; IC95% 1,44–4,50 e RChomens = 3,70; IC95% 1,95–7,03), apresentaram maior chance de AT em comparação à classe de gerentes/profissionais. CONCLUSÃO Fatores ocupacionais contribuíram significativamente para o aumento na probabilidade de AT para homens e mulheres, com maior magnitude entre aqueles posicionados nos estratos inferiores da estrutura ocupacional. Os resultados obtidos são pistas para a elaboração de ações de prevenção de AT.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the distribution and association of sociodemographic and occupational factors with self-reported work accidents (WA) in a representative sample of the Brazilian population, with emphasis on occupational class, and to examine gender differences in this distribution. METHODS A population-based cross-sectional study, using data from the 2019 National Health Survey (PNS), analyzed the responses of a sample of adults aged 18 or over. Factors associated with WA were investigated using binary logistic regression and hierarchical analysis using blocks (sociodemographic and occupational variables). The final model was adjusted by variables from all blocks, adopting a significance level of 5%. The values of odds ratios (OR) and respective confidence intervals were obtained. RESULTS Among the participants, 2.69% reported having suffered a WA, with a higher prevalence in men (3.37%; 95%CI 2.97–3.82%) than in women (1.86%; 95%CI 1.55–2.23%). The analysis identified that age group, night work, working hours, and exposure to occupational risks were associated with WA, with emphasis on gender differences. The class of manual workers, both qualified (ORwomen = 2.87; 95%CI 1.33–6.21 and ORmen = 2.46; 95%CI 1.37–4.40) and unskilled (ORwomen = 2.55; 95%CI 1.44–4.50 and ORmen = 3.70; 95%CI 1.95–7.03), had a higher chance of WA than the class of managers/professionals. CONCLUSION Occupational factors contributed significantly to the increase in the probability of WA for men and women, with greater magnitude among those positioned in the lower strata of the occupational structure. The results obtained are clues for working out WA prevention actions.
  • Precarious work and methodological challenges to study hard-to-reach populations Original Articles

    P. Fernandes, Rita de Cássia; Siqueira, Janaína Santos de; dos Santos, Matheus F; Pena, Paulo G. L.; Werneck, Guilherme L.; Burdorf, Alex

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the methodological challenges and strategies of a web survey on the working conditions and health among delivery workers. METHODS The study population consisted of Brazilian delivery workers operating in the national territory. Procedures include building solid and ongoing collaboration with worker representatives and conducting a four-month data collection from February to May 2022, sharing the link to the online questionnaire on social media such as social networks (Facebook, Instagram) and messaging apps (WhatsApp, Telegram). RESULTS The recruitment of 41 leaders or influencers of delivery workers increased the dissemination of the study, some of whom participated in the consensual validation of the questionnaire; the production of content for social media for the dissemination of the questionnaire link on social networks and applications, and the in-person dissemination of the study at the delivery workers’ meeting points during the workday played a fundamental role, totaling around 132 hours in 45 shifts. The strategies adopted for data collection with a hybrid approach to dissemination made it possible to carry out the web survey. After four months of the web survey, 564 delivery workers, 543 men and 18 women, responded to the online questionnaire. CONCLUSION The web survey presented methodological strategies to overcome the challenge of reaching workers, including hybrid work, to increase the participation of workers, on whom epidemiological research is still scarce.
  • Spatial analysis of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of Amazonas Original Articles

    Santos, Mirely Ferreira dos; Lorenz, Camila; Chiaravalotti-Neto, Francisco; Lima-Camara, Tamara Nunes

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate, using spatial analysis, the occurrence of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) and analyze its association with the municipal human development index (MHDI) and deforestation in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, from 2016 to 2020. METHODS This ecological study, carried out from January 2016 to December 2020, included the 62 municipalities of the state of Amazonas. The incidence rate of ACL was determined in space and time. Using Multiple Linear Regression by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Spatial Autoregressive Regression (SAR) models, the relationship between incidence rates and Human Development Index (HDI) and deforestation was analyzed., The high- and low-risk clusters were identified by employing the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic. RESULTS A total of 7,499 cases of ACL were registered in all 62 municipalities in the state. Most cases were in male (n=5,924; 79.24%), with the greatest frequency in the population aged from 20 to 39 years (n=3,356; 44.7%). The incidence rate in the state of Amazonas was 7.34 cases per 100,000 inhabitants-year, with the municipalities of Rio Preto da Eva and Presidente Figueiredo showing the highest rates (1,377.5 and 817.5 cases per 100,000 population-year, respectively). The ACL cases were clustered into specific areas related to those municipalities with the highest incidence rates. The SAR model revealed a positive relationship between ACL and deforestation. CONCLUSIONS The occurrence of ACL was evident in a variety of patterns in the state of Amazonas; the high incidence rates and persistence of this disease in this state were linked to deforestation. The temporal distribution showed variations in the incidence rates during each year. Our results can help optimize the measures needed to prevent and control this disease in the state.
  • Clusters of heterogeneity of tuberculosis-HIV coinfection in Brazil: a geospatial study Original Articles

    Lima, Lucas Vinícius de; Pavinati, Gabriel; Bossonario, Pedro Augusto; Monroe, Aline Aparecida; Pelissari, Daniele Maria; Alves, Kleydson Bonfim Andrade; Magnabosco, Gabriela Tavares

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar a geoespacialização da coinfecção tuberculose-HIV no Brasil, de 2010 a 2021, e a correlação com indicadores socioeconômicos, habitacionais e sanitários. MÉTODOS Estudo ecológico dos municípios e estados brasileiros, com dados dos sistemas de informação do HIV e da tuberculose, previamente relacionados pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram calculados os coeficientes brutos e suavizados pelo método bayesiano empírico local de incidência da coinfecção, por 100 mil habitantes, na população entre 18 e 59 anos. Empregaram-se os índices de Moran univariado (identificação de clusters) e bivariado (correlação com 20 indicadores). RESULTADOS Foram registrados 122.223 casos de coinfecção no Brasil, de 2010 a 2021, com coeficiente médio de 8,30/100 mil. As regiões Sul (11,44/100 mil) e Norte (9,93/100 mil) concentraram a maior carga das infecções. Houve queda dos coeficientes no Brasil, em todas as regiões, nos anos de covid-19 (2020 e 2021). Os maiores coeficientes foram visualizados nos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, do Mato Grosso do Sul e do Amazonas, com aglomerados alto-alto nas capitais, em regiões de fronteira e no litoral do país. Os municípios pertencentes aos estados de Minas Gerais, da Bahia, do Paraná e do Piauí apresentaram clusters baixo-baixo. Houve correlação direta com os índices de desenvolvimento humano e as taxas de aids, bem como indireta com a proporção de pobres ou vulneráveis à pobreza e o índice de Gini. CONCLUSÕES A análise espacial da coinfecção tuberculose-HIV demonstrou heterogeneidade no território brasileiro e comportamento constante ao longo do período, revelando clusters com municípios de alta carga, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos e nos estados com ocorrência elevada do HIV e/ou da tuberculose. Esses achados, além de trazerem um alerta para os efeitos da pandemia da covid-19, podem incorporar o planejamento estratégico para o controle da coinfecção, visando à eliminação dessas infecções como problemas de saúde pública até 2030.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the geospatialization of tuberculosis-HIV coinfection in Brazil, from 2010 to 2021, and the correlation with socioeconomic, housing, and health indicators. METHODS An ecological study of Brazilian municipalities and states, with data from HIV and tuberculosis information systems, previously reported by the Ministry of Health. The crude and smoothed coefficients were calculated by the local empirical Bayesian method of incidence of coinfection per 100,000 inhabitants in the population aged between 18 and 59 years. Univariate (identification of clusters) and bivariate (correlation with 20 indicators) Moran’s indices were used. RESULTS A total of 122,223 cases of coinfection were registered in Brazil from 2010 to 2021, with a mean coefficient of 8.30/100,000. The South (11.44/100,000) and North (9.93/100,000) regions concentrated the highest burden of infections. The coefficients dropped in Brazil, in all regions, in the years of covid-19 (2020 and 2021). The highest coefficients were observed in the municipalities of the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Amazonas, with high-high clusters in the capitals, border regions, coast of the country. The municipalities belonging to the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Paraná, and Piauí showed low-low clusters. There was a direct correlation with human development indices and aids rates, as well as an indirect correlation with the proportion of poor or of those vulnerable to poverty and the Gini index. CONCLUSIONS The spatial analysis of tuberculosis-HIV coinfection showed heterogeneity in the Brazilian territory and constant behavior throughout the period, revealing clusters with high-burden municipalities, especially in large urban centers and in states with a high occurrence of HIV and/or tuberculosis. These findings, in addition to alerting to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, can incorporate strategic planning for the control of coinfection, aiming to eliminate these infections as public health problems by 2030.
  • Immunization against covid-19 and mortality in hospitalized patients: a retrospective cohort Original Articles

    Figueiredo, Alexandre Medeiros de; Massuda, Adriano; Fernandez, Michelle; Medeiros Neto, Agostinho Hermes de; Carvalho, Marcus

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Avaliar a efetividade das vacinas desenvolvidas contra a covid-19 na redução da mortalidade em pessoas internadas com síndrome respiratória aguda grave (SRAG) causada pelo SARS-CoV-2. MÉTODOS Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva que avaliou fatores de riscos e a efetividade do esquema vacinal com duas doses na redução da mortalidade de pessoas internadas por covid-19 no estado da Paraíba entre fevereiro e novembro de 2021. As variáveis explicativas foram situação vacinal, presença de comorbidades, características socioeconômicas e demográficas. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e regressão logística bivariada e multivariável. RESULTADOS A maior parte das internações e óbitos ocorreram até maio de 2021. O percentual de pacientes com esquema vacinal completo foi similar entre pacientes internados em hospitais públicos e privados e superior em residentes de municípios com menor desenvolvimento. A análise multivariável demonstrou que mulheres (OR = 0,896; IC95% 0,830–0,967) e pessoas internadas em hospitais privados (OR = 0,756; IC95% 0,679–0,842) apresentaram menor chance de morte. A presença de alguma comorbidade (OR = 1,627; IC95% 1,500–1,765) e idade ≥ 80 anos (OR = 7,426; IC95% 6,309–8,741) foram fatores de risco de óbito. Pacientes com esquema vacinal completo no momento da internação apresentaram uma chance 41,7% menor de morte (OR = 0,583; IC95% 0,501–0,679) por covid-19 na análise ajustada, quando comparados com pacientes não vacinados. CONCLUSÕES O estudo revela que a imunização foi efetiva na redução da chance de óbito por covid-19. Os resultados sugerem que uma maior cobertura vacinal no primeiro semestre de 2021 evitaria milhares de mortes no país.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines developed against covid-19 in reducing mortality in people hospitalized with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by SARS-CoV-2. METHODS This is a retrospective cohort that evaluated risk factors and the effectiveness of the two-dose vaccination schedule in reducing the mortality of people hospitalized for covid-19 in the state of Paraíba from February to November 2021. The explanatory variables were vaccination status, presence of comorbidities, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Descriptive analyses and bivariate and multivariable logistic regression were performed. RESULTS Most hospitalizations and deaths occurred until May 2021. The percentage of patients with a complete vaccination schedule was similar across patients admitted to public and private hospitals and higher in residents of less developed municipalities. Multivariable analysis demonstrated that women (OR = 0.896; 95%CI 0.830–0.967) and people admitted to private hospitals (OR = 0.756; 95%CI 0.679–0.842) were less likely to die. Presence of any comorbidity (OR = 1.627; 95%CI 1.500–1.765) and age ≥ 80 years (OR = 7.426; 95%CI 6.309–8.741) were risk factors for death. Patients with complete vaccination schedule at the time of admission were 41.7% less likely to die (OR = 0.583; 95% CI 0.501–0.679) from covid-19 in the adjusted analysis, as compared to unvaccinated patients. CONCLUSIONS The study reveals that immunization was effective in reducing the likelihood of death from covid-19. The results suggest that greater vaccination coverage in the first half of 2021 would prevent thousands of deaths in the country.
  • Inefficacious drugs against covid-19: analysis of sales, tweets, and search engines Original Articles

    Brito Junior, Irineu de; Saraiva, Flaviane Azevedo; Bruno, Nathan de Campos; Silva, Roberto Fray da; Hino, Celso Mitsuo; Yoshizaki, Hugo Tsugunobu Yoshida

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Investigar a correlação entre as vendas de dois medicamentos sem eficácia comprovada no tratamento de covid-19, ivermectina e cloroquina, e outras variáveis relevantes: pesquisas no Google®, número de tweets relacionados aos medicamentos, casos e óbitos decorrentes da covid-19. MÉTODOS A metodologia adotada neste estudo se divide em quatro partes: coleta de dados; processamento dos dados; análise exploratória; e análise de correlação. Foi utilizado o método de Spearman para obter as correlações cruzadas entre cada par de variáveis. RESULTADOS Os resultados mostram similaridade entre os comportamentos das variáveis. Os picos ocorreram em períodos iguais ou próximos. A análise exploratória dos dados apontou que houve falta de cloroquina no período correspondente ao início das divulgações sobre a aplicação desses medicamentos para o tratamento da covid-19. Ambos os medicamentos apresentaram correlação alta e estatisticamente significativa com as demais variáveis analisadas. Também foi observado que algumas delas apresentaram maior correlação com as vendas de medicamentos quando assumiram defasagem temporal de um mês. No caso da cloroquina, isso ocorreu com a variável óbitos. No caso da ivermectina, ocorreu com as variáveis número de tweets, casos e óbitos. CONCLUSÕES Os resultados observados contribuem para a tomada de decisão durante a gestão de crises por parte de governo, indústrias e comércios. Em momentos de crises, como observado durante a pandemia, as variáveis mostraram que são capazes de auxiliar na previsão de vendas, em especial o Google® e os tweets, que proporcionam uma análise em tempo real da situação. Acompanhar as redes sociais e mecanismos de busca permitiria detecção de uso pela população e melhor previsão de potenciais picos de demanda desses medicamentos.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Assess the correlation between the sales of two drugs with no proven efficacy against covid-19, ivermectin and chloroquine, and other relevant variables, such as Google® searches, number of tweets related to these drugs, number of cases and deaths resulting from covid-19. METHODS The methodology adopted in this study has four stages: data collection, data processing, exploratory data analysis, and correlation analysis. Spearman’s method was used to obtain cross-correlations between each pair of variables. RESULTS The results show similar behaviors between variables. Peaks occurred in the same or near periods. The exploratory data analysis showed shortage of chloroquine in the period corresponding to the beginning of advertising for the application of these drugs against covid-19. Both drugs showed a high and statistically significant correlation with the other variables. Also, some of them showed a higher correlation with drug sales when we employed a one-month lag. In the case of chloroquine, this was observed for the number of deaths. In the case of ivermectin, this was observed for the number of tweets, cases, and deaths. CONCLUSIONS The results contribute to decision making in crisis management by governments, industries, and stores. In times of crisis, as observed during the covid-19 pandemic, some variables can help sales forecasting, especially Google® and tweets, which provide a real-time analysis of the situation. Monitoring social media platforms and search engines would allow the determination of drug use by the population and better prediction of potential peaks in the demand for these drugs.
  • Is the Bland-Altman plot method useful without inferences for accuracy, precision, and agreement? Original Articles

    Silveira, Paulo Sergio Panse; Vieira, Joaquim Edson; Siqueira, José de Oliveira

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE This study aims to propose a comprehensive alternative to the Bland-Altman plot method, addressing its limitations and providing a statistical framework for evaluating the equivalences of measurement techniques. This involves introducing an innovative three-step approach for assessing accuracy, precision, and agreement between techniques, which enhances objectivity in equivalence assessment. Additionally, the development of an R package that is easy to use enables researchers to efficiently analyze and interpret technique equivalences. METHODS Inferential statistics support for equivalence between measurement techniques was proposed in three nested tests. These were based on structural regressions with the goal to assess the equivalence of structural means (accuracy), the equivalence of structural variances (precision), and concordance with the structural bisector line (agreement in measurements obtained from the same subject), using analytical methods and robust approach by bootstrapping. To promote better understanding, graphical outputs following Bland and Altman’s principles were also implemented. RESULTS The performance of this method was shown and confronted by five data sets from previously published articles that used Bland and Altman’s method. One case demonstrated strict equivalence, three cases showed partial equivalence, and one showed poor equivalence. The developed R package containing open codes and data are available for free and with installation instructions at Harvard Dataverse at CONCLUSION Although easy to communicate, the widely cited and applied Bland and Altman plot method is often misinterpreted, since it lacks suitable inferential statistical support. Common alternatives, such as Pearson’s correlation or ordinal least-square linear regression, also fail to locate the weakness of each measurement technique. It may be possible to test whether two techniques have full equivalence by preserving graphical communication, in accordance with Bland and Altman’s principles, but also adding robust and suitable inferential statistics. Decomposing equivalence into three features (accuracy, precision, and agreement) helps to locate the sources of the problem when fixing a new technique.
  • Evolution of adolescents’ dietary patterns in Northeast Brazil from 2008 to 2018 Original Articles

    Machado, Soraia Pinheiro; Bezerra, Ilana Nogueira; Silva, Mariane Alves; D’oran, Maria Helena Lima; Cunha, Diana Barbosa; Moreno, Luis Alberto; Sichieri, Rosely

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the evolution of the dietary patterns of adolescents in the northeast region of Brazil. METHODS Secondary analysis of data from the Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF – Household Budget Surveys), collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in the years 2008–2009 and 2017–2018. A total of 3,095 adolescents were evaluated in 2008–2009 and 3,015 in 2017–2018. Food consumption was assessed using two dietary records in 2008–2009 and two 24-hour recalls in 2017–2018, applied on non-consecutive days. Based on these data, principal components factor analysis (PCFA) was performed, followed by orthogonal rotation of the varimax type, to derive dietary patterns, stratified by sex. The results were described as means or percentage frequencies, with their respective 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS Three main dietary patterns were identified among adolescents from the northeast region of Brazil. Among boys, in 2008–2009, the patterns were called snacks, traditional Brazilian, and coffee; and in 2017–2018, traditional Brazilian, snacks, and mixed, in this order of representativeness of the group’s eating habits. Among female adolescents, in 2008–2009, the patterns were snacks, traditional Brazilian, and coffee; and in 2017–2018, traditional Brazilian, snacks, and processed meats. CONCLUSION The dietary patterns identified in 2008–2009 and 2017–2018 were similar in both genders; however, the snacks pattern, which explained most of the data variability in 2008–2009, was replaced by the traditional Brazilian.
  • Contraindicated use of modern contraceptives among mothers from a Pelotas Birth Cohort Original Articles

    Houvèssou, Gbènankpon Mathias; Farías-Antúnez, Simone; Bertoldi, Andréa D.; Silveira, Mariângela Freitas da

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of contraindicated use of combined hormonal contraceptives, progesterone-only contraceptives, and intrauterine devices in mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort according to the WHO medical eligibility criteria. METHODS The biological mothers of children belonging to the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort who attended the 48-month follow-up were studied. The 48-month follow-up data were collected from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019. Contraindicated use of modern contraceptives was considered to occur when these women presented at least one of the contraindications for the use of modern contraceptives and were using these methods. The prevalence of contraindicated use was calculated according to each independent variable and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS The analyzed sample consisted of 3,053 women who used any modern contraceptive method. The prevalence of contraindicated use of modern contraceptives totaled 25.9% (95%CI: 24.4–27.5). Combined hormonal contraceptives showed the highest prevalence of contraindicated use (52.1%; 95%CI: 49.3–54.8). The prevalence of contraindicated use of modern contraceptives methods was greater in women with family income between one and three minimum wages, a 25–30 kg/m2 body mass index, indication by a gynecologist for the used method, and purchasing the contraceptive method at a pharmacy. The higher the women’s education, the lower the prevalence of inappropriate use of modern contraceptives. CONCLUSION In total, one in four women used modern contraceptives despite showing at least one contraindication. Policies regarding women’s reproductive health should be strengthened.
  • Food environment of bus terminals in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan region Original Articles

    Jesus, Ana Carolina Castro de; Botelho, Laís Vargas; Canella, Daniela Silva; Tavares, Letícia Ferreira; Castro Junior, Paulo César Pereira de; Silva, Isabela da Costa Gaspar da; Cardoso, Letícia de Oliveira

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Descrever e analisar a saudabilidade dos estabelecimentos com venda formal e informal de alimentos em terminais rodoviários da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. MÉTODOS Realizou-se auditoria em 156 estabelecimentos formais e 127 pontos informais de venda de alimentos localizados em 14 terminais rodoviários das cinco cidades mais populosas da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Foram calculadas proporções de tipos de estabelecimentos e médias (IC95%) de indicadores de disponibilidade de alimentos nos ambientes formal e informal. Para o ambiente formal, foram descritos preços, proporções das formas de pagamento aceitas, dias e horários de funcionamento e categorias de alimentos com propaganda exposta. RESULTADOS A saudabilidade dos pontos de venda de alimentos nos terminais rodoviários era baixa (inferior a 36%). Em média, estavam disponíveis para compra 250% mais subgrupos de alimentos ultraprocessados do que in natura ou minimamente processados. Adquirir comida nesses locais era conveniente porque diversas formas de pagamento estavam disponíveis e os horários de funcionamento dos estabelecimentos acompanhavam os picos de movimentação. Além disso, 73,3% das propagandas se referiam a bebidas ultraprocessadas e o custo-benefício da compra de alimentos ultraprocessados era melhor que o de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados. CONCLUSÃO O ambiente alimentar dos terminais rodoviários da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro promove uma alimentação não saudável. Políticas públicas de regulação devem se concentrar em iniciativas que limitem a ampla disponibilidade e publicidade de alimentos ultraprocessados nesses espaços de grande circulação de pessoas.

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT PURPOSE To describe and analyze the healthiness of formal and informal food establishments in bus terminals of the metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. METHOD An audit was conducted in 156 formal and 127 informal food establishments located in 14 bus terminals of the five most populous cities of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. Proportions of types of establishments and means (95%CI) of food availability indicators in formal and informal settings were calculated. For the formal setting, prices, proportions of accepted payment methods, days and hours of operation, and food categories with displayed advertising were described. RESULTS The healthiness of food establishments in bus terminals was low (less than 36%). On average, ultra-processed food subgroups were 250% more available for purchase than fresh or minimally processed food. Purchasing food at these places was convenient because several forms of payment were available, and the opening hours of the establishments followed the peaks of movement. In addition, 73.3% of the advertising referred to ultra-processed drinks, and the cost-benefit of buying ultra-processed food was better than fresh or minimally processed food. CONCLUSION The food environment of bus terminals in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro promotes unhealthy eating. Regulatory public policies should focus on initiatives to limit the wide availability and advertising of ultra-processed food in spaces of great circulation of people.
  • Evaluation of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF to diagnose tuberculosis in a public health laboratory Original Articles

    Arbués, Mohanna Damasceno; Rossetti, Maria Lúcia Rosa

    Abstract in English:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To evaluate the performance of geneXpert MTB/Rif versus conventional methods (bacilloscopy and culture) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a Central Public Health Laboratory (LACEN, Tocantins), Northern Brazil. METHODS Retrospective study, with information from 1,973 suspected cases of tuberculosis from patients treated from January 2015 to December 2020. RESULTS From the culture (reference standard), the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the geneXpert MTB/Rif were 100%, 97%, 74%, 100%, and 97%, respectively, against 85%, 98%, 80%, 98%, and 97% of bacilloscopy. CONCLUSIONS The geneXpert MTB/Rif performed similarly to culture and better than bacilloscopy. Although positive cases with negative culture should be evaluated with caution, its routine use is important for the early detection of tuberculosis.
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP - Brazil