In this editorial, we present an internal review for the year 2017 to our contributors and readers regarding Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, which is the official Journal of Abrasco. Needless to say, this was a difficult year both in financial and political terms. On the other hand, from an editorial execution standpoint, it was intense, relentless and painstaking, delivering each edition rigorously on schedule in the appropriate month to our readers and to the 22 databases in which it is indexed. The most relevant point is the thematic content published and quoted in this editorial.
Here are some statistics and figures: 3,331 originals were received; 389 were approved (13.1%), 1,767 were turned down (66.5%) and the remainder are still being assessed. We published 368 texts, of which 77% were translated into English; if we add the articles in Spanish, this percentage then rises to 86%. The year also boasted the collaboration of 93 researchers from other countries.
Eight of the thematic editions were based on a public call for articles; three by invitation to the authors, and one made up of articles of general interest, which were organized by the editors-in-chief. All the conditions stipulated in the norms of the Journal were adhered to. Two innovations are recorded: the first being a thematic issue simultaneously in Portuguese, Spanish and English; the second being the incorporation of audio articles on the theme of disability, in addition to the English translation.
One of the major innovations of the Journal in 2017 was the total redesign of the Journal’s website, changing not only the image, but also the functionality, and providing a platform for the publication of news and relevant information related to the magazine, to scientific communication and to the events staged in the area. Naturally, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva has embraced the digital age and is on social networks with profiles on Facebook and Twitter, in addition to monthly press releases on the Scielo Blog.
As the reader will see, the output of all this year’s work is 12 thematic issues of unequivocal relevance for academia and for the SUS. The emphasis of the publications was on the health policies contemplated in nine editions: “Comparative Health Systems: Primary Health Care in the cities of Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro”; “Regional Inequalities, Cooperative Federalism and Challenges facing the SUS”; “Political Analysis in Health: the contribution of the Observatory for Political Analysis in Health (OAPS)”; “Development, Inequality and International Cooperation in Health”; “Public Policy and the Institutional Role of the Ministry of Health in Brazil”; “Pharmaceutical Services: a field under consolidation”; “ Surveillance in Health: the social right to health promotion and protection”; “RightS, FightS and PolicieS”; “Promoting Equity for Groups in a Vulnerable Situation.” Two issues dealt with specific, albeit crucial, issues for citizens’ health: “Significance and Metrics of what is Produced by Ciência & Saúde” and “The Phenomenon of Violence in Brazil and Latin America: several theoretical-methodological approaches.” And, finally, one edition dealt with methodological questions: “Qualitative Research in Medicine.”
The conclusion to be drawn is that even in such a difficult year so fraught with pessimism, Ciência & Saúde Coletiva has exceeded all expectations and can be considered victorious. In the words of an anonymous author: Even knowing that it was impossible, they went ahead and got the job done! Indeed, this is the phrase that sums up the journal’s internal dynamics in 2017. It includes the excellent work of its executive team, the boundless dedication of its editors-in-chief and assistants, the indispensable collaboration of the peer reviewers, the vibrant presence of the organizers of thematic editions and the unconditional support of all the institutions that contributed to the financing of the production and dissemination process. Among these, we should mention Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, SciElo, CNPQ and CAPES and several other national entities, as well as the unconditional support of our president and the executive secretary of Abrasco.
All that remains is to extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved, in the certainty that we will continue together in 2018, contributing to the progress of science and to the implementation of the SUS.
Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo and Romeu Gomes