Where it reads:
In addition to exposure to the crude oil itself, the economic consequences contribute to mental disorders, especially in populations with greater socioeconomic vulnerability 14. To date, the crude oil spill has compromised the health of 144,000 artisanal fishers in Northeast Brazil, according to the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA)1, besides those living on the coast in the states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro in the Southeast. There is a long and important list of workers with workweeks of 90 to 100 hours, with family production in the capture and processing of fish and shellfish in sandy areas on beaches, mangroves, and estuaries that have suffered lasting contamination from the crude oil 15,16. Approximately 724 fishing and shellfish areas have been hit so far. These are workplaces where families make their living, involving men, women, and children, and these places have not been properly mapped or monitored. Such situations of occupational exposure require emergency health protection measures to reduce long-term harms.
It should read:
In addition to exposure to the crude oil itself, the economic consequences contribute to mental disorders, especially in populations with greater socioeconomic vulnerability 14. To date, the crude oil spill has compromised the health of 360,000 artisanal fishers in Northeast Brazil, according to oficial data (Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply; http://www.agricultura.gov.br/noticias/60-mil-pescadores-artesanais-do-nordeste-vao-receber-seguro-defeso-em-novembro, accessed on 07/Mar/2020), besides those living on the coast in the states of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro in the Southeast. There is a long and important list of workers with workweeks of 90 to 100 hours, with family production in the capture and processing of fish and shellfish in sandy areas on beaches, mangroves, and estuaries that have suffered lasting contamination from the crude oil 15, 16. Approximately 724 fishing and shellfish areas have been hit so far. These are workplaces where families make their living, involving men, women, and children, and these places have not been properly mapped or monitored. Such situations of occupational exposure require emergency health protection measures to reduce long-term harms.