This article deals with the set of problems surrounding care’s strategies for life, the setting up of patient’s autonomy, cooperation and bonding regarding public health care services. Its objectives are to to map the continuing education strategies of the health professionals who use the group device and the narratives to identify their theoretical-methodological matrices and to analyze the conceptions about the care of the experiences under study. A review of the literature on the experiences published between 2000 and 2017 was carried out. As a result, it was verified that the publications have foundations on the interactionist, constructivist and problematizing theories. The analyzed experiences used more of a group strategy, being predominant the focus groups; the oral narratives were the main modalities, addressing varied themes around care. It concludes by the importance of the use of shared narratives in groups for the transformation of practices and the reconstruction of senses and meanings of health care.
Care; Groups; Narratives; Continuing education in health
Social values evolve in the last decades by transformations in which individualism, consumerism and the pursuit of immediate pleasure are privileged. These processes fray the social tissue and generate effects on the health of populations. Added to this, globalized capitalism with its demands for productivity and the imponderability of having / maintaining employment, promotes the dismantling of the social protection process, leading to illness and, at the same time, to the fear of becoming ill and unemployed 11. Luz MT. Novos saberes e práticas em saúde coletiva: estudo sobre racionalidades médicas e atividades corporais. São Paulo: Hucitec; 2003. .
In the health area, the disinvestment in “human resources”, expressed in the lack of workforce replacement, low remuneration and absence of a job and salary plan, contributes and determines the poor quality of care. Aware of the challenges to improve this scenario, Cecílio 22. Cecílio LCO. Apontamentos teórico-conceituais sobre processos avaliativos considerando as múltiplas dimensões da gestão do cuidado em saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2011; 15(37):589-99. points to the importance of management of care. This would be carried out in multiple dimensions, “immanent among themselves”: individual, family, professional, organizational, systemic and societal. We highlight here the professional dimension, which usually occurs “outside of external control” and is governed by three main elements:
a) the technical competence of the professionals in their specific professional core, that is, the ability by experience and training, to respond to the problem (s) experienced by the users; b) the ethical position of the professionals, in particular, how they are prepared to mobilize everything they know and everything they can do, under real working conditions, to best meet those needs; c) not least, their ability to build a bond with those who need their care 22. Cecílio LCO. Apontamentos teórico-conceituais sobre processos avaliativos considerando as múltiplas dimensões da gestão do cuidado em saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2011; 15(37):589-99. . (p. 591)
It is in this core that the strategic actions of Permanent Education in Health (EPS in Portuguese) are inserted and were instituted through the National Policy of Permanent Education 33. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 198/GM/MS, de 13 de Fevereiro de 2004. Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Permanente em Saúde como estratégia do Sistema Único de Saúde para a formação e o desenvolvimento de trabalhadores para o setor e dá outras providências. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2004. (PNEPS), of 2004. Such strategies aim to “mobilize the transforming power of reality” through the problematization of the troubles experienced with the reality that each subject experiences - the life lived in act 44. Merhy EE. Saúde: a cartografia do trabalho vivo. 3a ed. São Paulo: Hucitec; 2002. – and counting on their previous knowledge.
Care in the field of micro-politics of health work is operated through technologies that, understood from a broader conception, can be classified according to Merhy 44. Merhy EE. Saúde: a cartografia do trabalho vivo. 3a ed. São Paulo: Hucitec; 2002. , in “hard” - instruments or equipment, medicines -; “soft-hard” - structured technical knowledge, such as protocols and clinical-assistance guidelines - and “soft technologies”, which are relational, such as welcoming, listening and bonding, which happen “in the act.” In this sense, it is necessary to construct innovative practices that are more democratic and with which “autonomy in the production of health acts” 55. Feuerwerker LCM. Micropolítica e saúde: produção do cuidado, gestão e formação. Porto Alegre: Rede Unida; 2014. , building and rebuilding the freedom to do things in a way that makes sense for the worker and based on cooperation between health professionals, users and managers 55. Feuerwerker LCM. Micropolítica e saúde: produção do cuidado, gestão e formação. Porto Alegre: Rede Unida; 2014. (p. 95-7).
It is in this same direction that EPS has, as a fundamental part of its methodology, working with groups, since among its presuppositions is the promotion of multidisciplinary teamwork aiming at the collective construction of knowledge and the use of active learning methodologies (MAA in Portuguese). These methodologies operate in the professional and affective sphere, developing group awareness and contributing to the strengthening of professional identities 33. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 198/GM/MS, de 13 de Fevereiro de 2004. Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Permanente em Saúde como estratégia do Sistema Único de Saúde para a formação e o desenvolvimento de trabalhadores para o setor e dá outras providências. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2004. .
We chose to highlight the narratives among the different MAA. The narratives, since the last decade of the twentieth century, have been the subject of research interest and understood as a new theoretical approach to the social and human sciences, undertaking a strong influence in the social sciences in health. As signals Castellanos 66. Castellanos MEP. A narrativa nas pesquisas qualitativas em saúde. Cienc Saude Colet. 2014; 19(4):1065-76. ,
Narratives permeate our lives, in different instances, in different places, composing the thickness of living. From birth to death, we find ourselves interspersed in narratives. Not only regarding personal or family matters, but also in great narratives about the world and living. For this reason, they arouse interest in many fields of the arts and knowledge - films, theaters, literary texts, philosophy, linguistics, literary theory, psychology, social sciences. [...] We live immersed in “big” and “small” narratives. (p. 1066)
In order to contribute to this discussion the present investigation, based on the references of the French psychosociology 77. Enriquez E. A organização em análise. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes; 1997. , of psychoanalytic theory on intersubjective and group processes 88. Kaës R. Um singular plural: a psicanálise à prova do grupo. São Paulo: Loyola; 2011. and the Psychodynamics of Work 99. Dejours C. Da psicopatologia à psicodinâmica do trabalho. In: Lancman S, Sznelwar LI, organizadores. Christophe Dejours: da psicopatologia à psicodinâmica do trabalho. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2004. p.47-104. , considers that the learning process does not only include a cognitive and conscious dimension, but also a psychic elaboration, based on the subjective experiences associated with the work performed by health professionals 1010. Sá MC. A fraternidade em questão: um olhar psicossociológico sobre o cuidado e a “humanização” das práticas de saúde. Interface (Botucatu). 2009; 13 Supl 1:651-64. . It is configured as a process of producing meanings - or new senses - for what we live, for what affects us as subjects. Thus, we understand that the use of the group device and the narratives as EPS strategies can constitute an experience that favors the elaboration by health professionals of the meanings of their practice and their implication as subjects with the reality of the services where they are inserted, in the relationship with users and staff professionals.
In this perspective, we carried out a survey of the experiences of EPS, which use the group device and the narratives as strategies to reconstruct the meanings of health work. The theoretical-methodological matrices that inform the formation / permanent education strategies, the narratives and the group approaches of these experiences were also mapped, raising the present conceptions of care, especially its intangible dimensions, such as autonomy, cooperation and bond.
The literature review was carried out through the narrative review method, where we chose to use explicit and systematic criteria for the search and critical analysis of the literature, however, without the pretension of exhausting the sources of information. Therefore, sophisticated and exhaustive search strategies were not applied, and the selection of studies and the interpretation of information are subject to the author’s subjectivity.
The review aimed to survey and analyze the bibliographic production concerning experiences in EPS using groups and narratives of health professionals. Initially, in order to contextualize and serve as a basis for the discussions of the experiences to be raised, mappings were carried out on the main theoretical-methodological matrixes of EPS and the narratives approach, organized in the form of tables and presented in the discussion of the results.
We then proceeded to the research, establishing the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of the experiences to be searched in the databases. It was then carried out the survey of the experiences of training / permanent education of the professionals of the SUS health services using the strategies of the group device as well as the use of narratives. This survey was carried out during the period from September to October 2017. The databases used were the Regional Virtual Health Library (BVRS)(ccRegional Virtual Health Library (RVHL) includes the VHL and Lilacs); Scopus ; the Capes Bank of Theses; the Digital Bank of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD/IBICT) and Google Scholar(ddGoogle Scholar includes Scielo). Search terms were used in the following combination: (continuing education in health OR continuing education in health OR permanent health education OR training in health service) AND ( narrative* ) AND ( group* OR team *) (in Portuguese: educação continuada em saúde OR formação em saúde OR educação permanente em saúde OR treinamento em serviço de saúde) AND (narrativa*) AND (grupo* OR equipe* ). The combinations of the keywords were the same for all the search bases, and for Scopus the translation of the terms into the English language was performed.
Papers written in Portuguese, English and Spanish were searched, based on qualitative or qualitative and quantitative methods, which approached the selected topic. The selection was carried out in a first step from the analysis of the title, abstract and theme of the research, having as a time interval publications between 2000 and 2017, considering a four-year advance of publication in 2004, the PNEPS 33. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria nº 198/GM/MS, de 13 de Fevereiro de 2004. Institui a Política Nacional de Educação Permanente em Saúde como estratégia do Sistema Único de Saúde para a formação e o desenvolvimento de trabalhadores para o setor e dá outras providências. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2004. , up to the year of the survey.
Table 1 shows the combinations of the search terms, as well as the filters and the amount of work resultant in the different databases, which captured a total of 947 publications. In this phase of the research, a total of 38 papers were selected, including 17 articles, 11 dissertations, nine theses and one book chapter. Exclusion criteria were researches that: a) aimed at health education directed only to patients; b) did not address continuing education or training of health professionals; c) they had only quantitative methodologies; and d) that they did not use the narratives “and” the groups in their methodological approaches.
Of the 38 papers selected, five were excluded because they were repeated at least once in the different databases. It was verified that two papers referred to dissertations and their corresponding articles. After the complete reading of the 32 selected papers, 17 exclusions were made, since they dealt with works that:
- Approached the EPS using the group device, but “without” use of the narratives (five works);
- Addressed narratives, but were not directed to health education, but about: clinical narratives (two); narrative review (one); self-referential narrative (one); narrative interviews (seven); narrative as a methodological reference (one).
After reading the 15 papers in its entirety, seven papers, four dissertations, three theses and one book chapter were selected, one being excluded because it was an evaluative research using narratives, but not directly involving EPS. From the 14 selected papers, we searched for the references used by the authors, here called “secondary references”. Another article and two theses were incorporated through these references, totaling at the end of this process, 17 scientific papers analyzed. Figure 1 shows the summary of the steps taken.
After the final selection of the works, we organized the data collected regarding the specifications of the research subjects, the nature of the experiments and their temporal distribution. Then, the analysis of the selected papers was based on the tables on the methodological approaches of EPS, of narratives and group strategies elaborated in the first stage of the work and the following questions: 1. What are the conceptions of training / continuing education of proposals and experiences working with group devices and narratives? 2. What is the conception of care and how are its intangible dimensions addressed - autonomy, cooperation and bonding? 3. What approach to narratives and groups are made?
From the final selection of the 17 papers, eight corresponded to research defined as action research and / or intervention, six were qualitative researches that presented experiences in EPS and three were reports of experience in EPS ( Table 2 ).
The majority - 11 studies - involved only health professionals, and the others analyzed health education, only at undergraduate level - two papers - or only residents – one paper, besides two articles studying residents and undergraduates and one with health professionals and graduates. This distribution can be seen in the Table 3 .
It could be observed that the selected papers are recent publications, with an increasing trend from 2015 on, according to the graph one .
Permanent Education in Health
In order to subsidize the analysis of the theoretical-conceptual conceptions of permanent education present in the papers that were selected, we elaborated two charts. Chart 1 summarizes the origins of the concept of Permanent Education in the United States, Europe and Latin America.
From the 1970s onwards, international movements to change the health care model emerged - from the disease-centered, medicalizing and hospital-centered model to one centered on the subjects and their social-family network, valuing interdisciplinarity and multiprofessional teamwork, requiring transformations in the education of health professionals. Following some of the pedagogical conceptions of lifelong education, the Pan American Health Organization in the 1980s proposes EPS “[...] as a strategy for the organization of educational processes directed to health workers, “generating impact for the improvement of the health conditions of the populations 55. Feuerwerker LCM. Micropolítica e saúde: produção do cuidado, gestão e formação. Porto Alegre: Rede Unida; 2014. (p. 93).
In Brazil, EPS expresses “a political-pedagogical option”, whose objectives are based on the contribution of education to the construction of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) 1313. Ceccim RB, Ferla AA. Educação permanente em saúde [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz; 2009 [citado 8 Jan 2018]. Disponível em: . In the Chart 2 , based on the discussions carried out by Ceccim 1414. Ceccim RB. Educação permanente em saúde: desafio ambicioso e necessário. Interface (Botucatu). 2005; 9(16):161-77. and Feurwerker 55. Feuerwerker LCM. Micropolítica e saúde: produção do cuidado, gestão e formação. Porto Alegre: Rede Unida; 2014. , we summarize the main approaches.
Narratives and Groups for Intervention in the Care Production Process
In the same way that we proceeded with the EPS analysis and in order to subsidize the discussion about the literature survey, we mapped the main ways in which the narratives are being used in the human and social sciences, as shown in Chart 3 .
In the social sciences in health, Ceccim and Kreutz 1717. Ceccim RB, Kreutz JA. Prospecção de modelos tecnoassistenciais na atenção básica: protocolo de pesquisa colaborativa multissituada na Educação em Saúde Coletiva. In: Ceccim RB, Kreutz JA, Campos JDP, Culau FS, Wottrich LAF, Kessler LL, organizadores. In-formes da atenção básica: aprendizados de intensidade por círculos em rede. Porto Alegre: Rede UNIDA; 2016. v. 1, p. 16-30. (Atenção Básica e Educação na Saúde). define the narrative from the multiplicity of points of view, from those who tell to those who hear:
It is understood that each narrative intended for others, produces also other perspectives on the stories, stories of other perspectives, other perspectives from other stories about the stories, a mixture of foreign eyes and production of foreign words in its history, simply because they want to exchange, the mix, the novelty, the invention, the recreation, but do not want to be in the form, the prescription, the imposition, the model to be replicated, copied, disseminated [...] The narrative revolves senses and meanings (p. 26-9).
Analysis of Captured Experiences
For each work that was selected based on the matrices of the three tables presented, we seek to answer the research questions presented at the beginning of this article and related to the conceptions of formation / permanent education present in the experiences raised; the conception of care and its intangible dimensions; and approaches to narratives and adopted groups. We highlight the results found below.
The conceptions of formation / permanent education present in the experiences
The papers analyzed indicate the importance of EPS as a means of promoting the change in the orientation of the health conception and the assistance model, transforming health practices in accordance with the principles and guidelines established in the Organic Health Law, according to which the SUS should be the guide to orient training and health work 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012.
19. Saldanha OML, Pereira ALB, Ceccim RB, Medeiros CRG, Dhein G, Koetz LCE, et al. Clínica-escola: apoio institucional inovador às práticas de gestão e atenção na saúde como parte da integração ensino-serviço. Interface (Botucatu). 2014; 18 Supl 1:1053-62.-2020. Fajardo A, Uchôa-Figueiredo LR, Aveiro MC. O mergulho no campo entre os nós da Rede UNIFESP-BS: composições e interlocuções entre residentes e graduandos. Tempus (Brasília). 2016; 10(4):53-68. .
Among the main objectives of the EPS, most of the papers pointed to the promotion of democratization and autonomy, humanization and improvement of care 1919. Saldanha OML, Pereira ALB, Ceccim RB, Medeiros CRG, Dhein G, Koetz LCE, et al. Clínica-escola: apoio institucional inovador às práticas de gestão e atenção na saúde como parte da integração ensino-serviço. Interface (Botucatu). 2014; 18 Supl 1:1053-62.
20. Fajardo A, Uchôa-Figueiredo LR, Aveiro MC. O mergulho no campo entre os nós da Rede UNIFESP-BS: composições e interlocuções entre residentes e graduandos. Tempus (Brasília). 2016; 10(4):53-68.
21. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.
22. Slomp Jr H, Feuerwerker LCM, Merhy EE. Histórias de vida, homeopatia e educação permanente: construindo o cuidado compartilhado. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(6):1795-803.-2323. Capra MLP. Educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúde [tese]. Porto Alegre (RS): Faculdade de Educação de Porto Alegre; 2011. , along with the transformation in health practices 2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,2323. Capra MLP. Educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúde [tese]. Porto Alegre (RS): Faculdade de Educação de Porto Alegre; 2011.
24. Franco TB, Figueira S, Antunes VH, Assumpção ELA, Lima CLC, Costa MS, et al. A Atenção Básica do Fora: construção do consultório na rua. In: Ceccim RB, Kreutz JA, Campos JDP, Culau FS, Wottrich LAF, Kessler LL, organizadores. In-formes da atenção básica: aprendizados de intensidade por círculos em rede. Porto Alegre: Rede UNIDA; 2016. v. 1, p. 133-156. (Atenção Básica e Educação na Saúde).
25. Marcolino TQ, Reali AMMR. Crônica do grupo: ferramenta para análise colaborativa e melhoria da reflexão na pesquisa-ação. Interface (Botucatu). 2016; 20(56):65-72.-2626. Silva e Silva DL. A equipe enquanto lugar de formação: a educação permanente em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e outras drogas [dissertação]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2015. . Likewise, the EPS strategies accentuated the promotion of multiprofessional teamwork in an integrated way 2020. Fajardo A, Uchôa-Figueiredo LR, Aveiro MC. O mergulho no campo entre os nós da Rede UNIFESP-BS: composições e interlocuções entre residentes e graduandos. Tempus (Brasília). 2016; 10(4):53-68.,2323. Capra MLP. Educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúde [tese]. Porto Alegre (RS): Faculdade de Educação de Porto Alegre; 2011.,2626. Silva e Silva DL. A equipe enquanto lugar de formação: a educação permanente em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e outras drogas [dissertação]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2015.
27. Ribeiro F. Aprendizagem social no interior da residência multiprofissional (RM) em Saúde da Família e comunidade de Fortaleza-CE sob a perspectiva da teoria de comunidades de prática [dissertação]. Fortaleza (CE): Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará; 2013.-2828. Guanaes C, Mattos ATR. O grupo de reflexão na formação do profissional de saúde: um enfoque construcionista social. Gerais (Univ Fed Juiz Fora). 2008; 1(1):79-85. , aiming at the construction of a common project 2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,2222. Slomp Jr H, Feuerwerker LCM, Merhy EE. Histórias de vida, homeopatia e educação permanente: construindo o cuidado compartilhado. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(6):1795-803.,2828. Guanaes C, Mattos ATR. O grupo de reflexão na formação do profissional de saúde: um enfoque construcionista social. Gerais (Univ Fed Juiz Fora). 2008; 1(1):79-85. .
As for the theoretical-methodological approaches used, all the selected articles place the work as a pedagogical practice, putting experience as the driving force of learning and something to be questioned. The work-teaching and work articulation as a subject-producing pedagogy is present in most of the experiences, stimulating the construction of critical consciousness, of creative and inquiring curiosity, being a process of education throughout the professional life as well as an instrument of reflection and transformation of the practices. Such approaches are based on the matrixes of the interactionist, constructivist theories and on Paulo Freire’s dialogic and problematizing action.
They constitute training processes that operate both in the technical dimension and in the dimension of relational experience, contemplating conceptual and technical tools - Paideia Method and its devices (Expanded Clinic, Unique Therapeutic Project – (PTS in Portuguese), Reference Team and Matrix Support), undergraduate and specialization of health professionals 1919. Saldanha OML, Pereira ALB, Ceccim RB, Medeiros CRG, Dhein G, Koetz LCE, et al. Clínica-escola: apoio institucional inovador às práticas de gestão e atenção na saúde como parte da integração ensino-serviço. Interface (Botucatu). 2014; 18 Supl 1:1053-62.,2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,2222. Slomp Jr H, Feuerwerker LCM, Merhy EE. Histórias de vida, homeopatia e educação permanente: construindo o cuidado compartilhado. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(6):1795-803.,2424. Franco TB, Figueira S, Antunes VH, Assumpção ELA, Lima CLC, Costa MS, et al. A Atenção Básica do Fora: construção do consultório na rua. In: Ceccim RB, Kreutz JA, Campos JDP, Culau FS, Wottrich LAF, Kessler LL, organizadores. In-formes da atenção básica: aprendizados de intensidade por círculos em rede. Porto Alegre: Rede UNIDA; 2016. v. 1, p. 133-156. (Atenção Básica e Educação na Saúde). . This perspective involves the understanding of EPS as an institutional interventionl 1919. Saldanha OML, Pereira ALB, Ceccim RB, Medeiros CRG, Dhein G, Koetz LCE, et al. Clínica-escola: apoio institucional inovador às práticas de gestão e atenção na saúde como parte da integração ensino-serviço. Interface (Botucatu). 2014; 18 Supl 1:1053-62.,2828. Guanaes C, Mattos ATR. O grupo de reflexão na formação do profissional de saúde: um enfoque construcionista social. Gerais (Univ Fed Juiz Fora). 2008; 1(1):79-85. , by promoting the collection of proposals for application, generating creative solutions to the problems discussed by multiprofessional teams and managers, with the participation of users in their care processes 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012.,2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007. , which also links these works to the institutionalist movement in Education.
The conception of care in the analyzed experiences
The production of care was present in all works, being understood as the relation between two human beings, who learn from each other. It’s a do-together 2020. Fajardo A, Uchôa-Figueiredo LR, Aveiro MC. O mergulho no campo entre os nós da Rede UNIFESP-BS: composições e interlocuções entre residentes e graduandos. Tempus (Brasília). 2016; 10(4):53-68.,2727. Ribeiro F. Aprendizagem social no interior da residência multiprofissional (RM) em Saúde da Família e comunidade de Fortaleza-CE sob a perspectiva da teoria de comunidades de prática [dissertação]. Fortaleza (CE): Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará; 2013. , presupposing the legitimation of the other in their own knowledge and in the production of autonomy 2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,2828. Guanaes C, Mattos ATR. O grupo de reflexão na formação do profissional de saúde: um enfoque construcionista social. Gerais (Univ Fed Juiz Fora). 2008; 1(1):79-85.
29. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.-3030. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008. .
For this reason, care is a promoter of transformation: the caregiver, who transforms himself to the extent that he cares, transfers part of himself and sees the patient in the work done 3131. Agrello MP. Formação continuada do professor da área de saúde do ensino superior: conhecimento, competências e atitudes. O estudo do caso de uma faculdade do interior do Ceará [tese]. Vila Real (CE): Faculdade de Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro; 2016. ; of practices, by promoting reflection on everyday life, becoming aware of implicit processes. Reflection, understood as action-linked thinking, in a process of creative learning, promoter of worker and user autonomy 1919. Saldanha OML, Pereira ALB, Ceccim RB, Medeiros CRG, Dhein G, Koetz LCE, et al. Clínica-escola: apoio institucional inovador às práticas de gestão e atenção na saúde como parte da integração ensino-serviço. Interface (Botucatu). 2014; 18 Supl 1:1053-62.,2525. Marcolino TQ, Reali AMMR. Crônica do grupo: ferramenta para análise colaborativa e melhoria da reflexão na pesquisa-ação. Interface (Botucatu). 2016; 20(56):65-72.,2727. Ribeiro F. Aprendizagem social no interior da residência multiprofissional (RM) em Saúde da Família e comunidade de Fortaleza-CE sob a perspectiva da teoria de comunidades de prática [dissertação]. Fortaleza (CE): Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará; 2013.,2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.,3030. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008. .
Caring for the professionals since their education, guaranteeing space for reflection on feelings, for attention to their emotions and affections, not losing contact with the world itself 2626. Silva e Silva DL. A equipe enquanto lugar de formação: a educação permanente em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e outras drogas [dissertação]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2015.,2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.
30. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008.-3131. Agrello MP. Formação continuada do professor da área de saúde do ensino superior: conhecimento, competências e atitudes. O estudo do caso de uma faculdade do interior do Ceará [tese]. Vila Real (CE): Faculdade de Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro; 2016. ; giving foundations on theories that contribute to cope with the transference processes 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012.,3030. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008. . Caring for oneself as a condition for caring for others 2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.,3232. Vasconcelos MOD. O ensino do lidar com a morte no contexto da atenção primária à saúde no curso de graduação em medicina [dissertação]. Natal (RN): Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Família, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; 2014. .
Caring as a facilitator of communication; as humanization through listening, welcoming, bonding and producing autonomy for the patient and the professional 2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.,3030. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008. ; as a listener to identify the health needs, for the construction of the Unique Therapeutic Project (PTS), where the multiprofessional team organizes the comprehensive care, promoting and articulating the care network according to the singularities and the processes of living and dying 2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,3030. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008. . Humanized care “to the end,” as an implied presence, as a bond, considering the totality of human experience in health, illness, and death 2525. Marcolino TQ, Reali AMMR. Crônica do grupo: ferramenta para análise colaborativa e melhoria da reflexão na pesquisa-ação. Interface (Botucatu). 2016; 20(56):65-72.,2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.,3232. Vasconcelos MOD. O ensino do lidar com a morte no contexto da atenção primária à saúde no curso de graduação em medicina [dissertação]. Natal (RN): Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Família, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; 2014. .
For care to take place, there must be trustworthiness and cooperation among team members, sustaining dense relationships of organized mutual engagement around what they wish to do - common project; autonomy of the team to develop different strategies 1919. Saldanha OML, Pereira ALB, Ceccim RB, Medeiros CRG, Dhein G, Koetz LCE, et al. Clínica-escola: apoio institucional inovador às práticas de gestão e atenção na saúde como parte da integração ensino-serviço. Interface (Botucatu). 2014; 18 Supl 1:1053-62.,2121. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.,2323. Capra MLP. Educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúde [tese]. Porto Alegre (RS): Faculdade de Educação de Porto Alegre; 2011.,2727. Ribeiro F. Aprendizagem social no interior da residência multiprofissional (RM) em Saúde da Família e comunidade de Fortaleza-CE sob a perspectiva da teoria de comunidades de prática [dissertação]. Fortaleza (CE): Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará; 2013.,3333. Ferreira RC, Tsuji H, Tonhom SFR. ABP no Internato: há continuidade do processo de aprendizagem ativo? Rev Bras Educ Med. 2015; 39(2):276-85. .
Narratives of the narratives and groups performed in the selected experiments
The analyzed works used different types and, often, more of a group approach, being the focal group the main form. The narratives acted as pedagogical devices, in the sense used by Larrosa 3434. Larrosa JB. Pedagogia profana: danças, piruetas e mascaradas. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica; 2003.: “Any place in which the experience of self is constituted or transformed. Any place in which the relations that the subject establishes with self can be learnt or modified “ (p. 56). In all, there was the presence of a coordinator (s) and / or supporter, recognized as someone outside the group, whether researcher or health professional, who acted as tutors of health education, with the stance of listening, questioning, curiosity 2828. Guanaes C, Mattos ATR. O grupo de reflexão na formação do profissional de saúde: um enfoque construcionista social. Gerais (Univ Fed Juiz Fora). 2008; 1(1):79-85. , and also using accessible language so that the discourse did not fall into the void 2626. Silva e Silva DL. A equipe enquanto lugar de formação: a educação permanente em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e outras drogas [dissertação]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2015. .
In order to facilitate the understanding of the types of groups found in the selected works, we elaborated the Chart 4 .
Thus, we observed that eleven works 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012.,2020. Fajardo A, Uchôa-Figueiredo LR, Aveiro MC. O mergulho no campo entre os nós da Rede UNIFESP-BS: composições e interlocuções entre residentes e graduandos. Tempus (Brasília). 2016; 10(4):53-68.
21. Slomp Jr H, Feurwerker LCM, Land MGP. Educação em saúde ou projeto terapêutico compartilhado? O cuidado extravasa a dimensão pedagógica. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(2):537-46.
22. Slomp Jr H, Feuerwerker LCM, Merhy EE. Histórias de vida, homeopatia e educação permanente: construindo o cuidado compartilhado. Cienc Saude Colet. 2015; 20(6):1795-803.-2323. Capra MLP. Educação permanente em saúde como dispositivo de gestão setorial e de produção de trabalho vivo em saúde [tese]. Porto Alegre (RS): Faculdade de Educação de Porto Alegre; 2011.,2626. Silva e Silva DL. A equipe enquanto lugar de formação: a educação permanente em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e outras drogas [dissertação]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2015.,2727. Ribeiro F. Aprendizagem social no interior da residência multiprofissional (RM) em Saúde da Família e comunidade de Fortaleza-CE sob a perspectiva da teoria de comunidades de prática [dissertação]. Fortaleza (CE): Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Ceará; 2013.,2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007.,3131. Agrello MP. Formação continuada do professor da área de saúde do ensino superior: conhecimento, competências e atitudes. O estudo do caso de uma faculdade do interior do Ceará [tese]. Vila Real (CE): Faculdade de Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro; 2016.
32. Vasconcelos MOD. O ensino do lidar com a morte no contexto da atenção primária à saúde no curso de graduação em medicina [dissertação]. Natal (RN): Pós-Graduação em Saúde da Família, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; 2014.-3333. Ferreira RC, Tsuji H, Tonhom SFR. ABP no Internato: há continuidade do processo de aprendizagem ativo? Rev Bras Educ Med. 2015; 39(2):276-85. mainly used the focus group, with triggering issues, which differed in their objectives - sometimes in the construction of therapeutic projects for users, or in the discussion of topics such as relationships with users, death, evaluation of educational experiences or services – producing oral and / or written narratives. In other works 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012.,2929. Silva EA. Dores dos cuida-dores em saúde mental: estudo exploratório das relações de (des) cuidado dos profissionais de saúde mental em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial [dissertação]. Brasília: Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília; 2007. , the approach was based on an operative group, focused on the task, understood as the organizer of the processes of thought, communication and action, with the objective of intervention. The groups were composed of 6 to 14 participants, weekly or biweekly, lasting from one to one and a half hours, in a total of seven to twelve meetings.
There was also the approach from the Balint Groups 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012.,3030. Branco RFGYR. Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana [tese]. Goiânia (GO): Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás; 2008. . In one of these, this approach was associated with the Paideia Methodology – Group Balint-Paideia (GBP), joining Balint to the Pichón-Rivière referential for the construction of projects 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012. . During the meetings, the participants reflected on the narrated cases, seeking to re-signify their interpersonal relationships in order to promote transformations in themselves.
Other modalities used were: “reflection groups” 2828. Guanaes C, Mattos ATR. O grupo de reflexão na formação do profissional de saúde: um enfoque construcionista social. Gerais (Univ Fed Juiz Fora). 2008; 1(1):79-85. , with the production of personal narratives and oral professionals, and the presence of “facilitators of the conversational process” - a family doctor and a psychologist - who asked medical students for reflections on their practices in health units; and narratives produced from conversation circles 1818. Figueiredo MD. A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde: Apoio Paideia e formação [tese]. Campinas (SP): Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Unicamp; 2012. or using the method of cartography 2020. Fajardo A, Uchôa-Figueiredo LR, Aveiro MC. O mergulho no campo entre os nós da Rede UNIFESP-BS: composições e interlocuções entre residentes e graduandos. Tempus (Brasília). 2016; 10(4):53-68. by multiprofessional teams.
Specifically with regard to the type of approach of the narratives, we observed that some papers pointed to the production of narratives that were only oral or oral and written. Some focused on the life stories of users associated with the feelings aroused in professionals and teams. There were others based on case histories, seeking to promote reflections on interprofessional relations, as well as reflections of professionals on their practices.
From the thematic point of view and even this is not the object of this article, we wish to point out the presence of EPS itself and the teaching-learning process as focus of discussion and reflection, as well as the theme about the suffering of health professionals, particularly respect to dealing with death.
Final considerations
The survey of a small number of published works about the experiences and/or research, point to the novelty of the use of the narratives associated to the work with groups, employed as pedagogical devices of the EPS. Ten of the 17 selected papers were published in 2014, demonstrating that they are recent experiences in the field of Collective Health, as well as signaling the potential of the methodology, but also the need for its maturation both for EPS and for action research and interventions in services.
All articles pointed to what can be considered as “narrative effects” 3939. Onocko-Campos RT, Furtado JP. Narrativas: utilização na pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. Rev Saude Publica. 2008; 42(6):1090-6. , among which we highlight the promotion of the process of reflection on health practices, contributing to the launching of interested looks about themselves, about relationships with other professionals at work and about the users of the system. Writing, narrating and listening to narratives provoke reflection and (re) construction on the sense and meanings of health and disease, changing perceptions and projections of professionals about their practices and, often, acting therapeutically; promote the establishment of a connection leading to more meaningful exchanges, in addition to providing more participatory planning, as cooperation and sharing of interests and affections is fostered. In short, it can be said that they deal with care and its dimensions and directionalities.
We understand that this review has limitations, such as not being exhaustive or trying to exhaust the knowledge about the experiences of EPS with the use of narratives that are being carried out in the SUS. We are aware that there is a large gap between the publications and the number of existing experiences, and we we believe that this research can contribute as incentive to share and promote greater dissemination, expanding the reflection on the potentiality of these approaches in the production of subjectivities and the training of undergraduates and health professionals.
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- Financing sourceThe research is part of the post-doctoral project of the Public Health Post-Graduate Program of the National School of Public Health (ENSP / FIOCRUZ), with financial support through a scholarship provided by the National Postdoctoral Program / CAPES (PNPD / CAPES) - Financing code 001.