No artigo Atenção integral à saúde do adolescente pela Atenção Primária à Saúde no território brasileiro: uma revisão integrativa, com número de DOI: 10.1590/interface.190548, publicado no periódico, Interface – Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, 2020; 24(Supl. 1): e190548:
Onde se lia:
Adolescence, a phase of biopsychosocial transformations, requires a comprehensive primary health care model that promotes health and autonomy, aspects covered in this review. The objective was to systematize the experiences of care of teenagers by the Primary Health Care. An integrative review was conducted on the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online databases, selecting 21 published papers from 2008 to 2019. Data were interpreted through the thematic content analysis. The following were observed in teenager care: stigmata; gaps in professional education; nursing-focused reception; weakness of bonds; lack of structural and human resources; educational but normative actions; fragmentation of practices; and barriers to the health and intersectoral networks. Therefore, the conclusion is that in order to achieve an expanded care it is necessary to rethink practices and give voice to teenagers.
Adolescence, a phase of biopsychosocial transformations, requires a comprehensive primary health care model that promotes health and autonomy, aspects covered in this review. The objective was to systematize the experiences of care of teenagers by the Primary Health Care. An integrative review was conducted on the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online databases, selecting 21 published papers from 2008 to 2019. Data were interpreted through the thematic content analysis. The following were observed in teenager care: stigmas; gaps in professional education; nursing-focused reception; weakness of bonds; lack of structural and human resources; educational but normative actions; fragmentation of practices; and barriers to the health and intersectoral networks. Therefore, the conclusion is that in order to achieve an expanded care it is necessary to rethink practices and give voice to teenagers.