Malaria is an infectious disease of high transmission in the Amazon region, but its dynamics and spatial distribution may vary depending on the interaction of environmental, socio-cultural, economic, political and health services factors.
To verify the existence of malaria case patterns in consonance with the fluviometric regimes in Amazon basin.
Methods of descriptive and inferential statistics were used in malaria and water level data for 35 municipalities in the Amazonas State, in the period from 2003 to 2014.
The existence of a tendency to modulate the seasonality of malaria cases due to distinct periods of rivers flooding has been demonstrated. Differences were observed in the annual hydrological variability accompanied by different patterns of malaria cases, showing a trend of remodeling of the epidemiological profile as a function of the flood pulse.
The study suggests the implementation of regional and local strategies considering the hydrological regimes of the Amazon basin, enabling municipal actions to attenuate the malaria in the Amazonas State.
Hydrology; Malaria. Residence characteristics
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), malaria is the main public health issue in many developing countries, with about 198 million cases, leading to 584,000 deaths per year11. Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Rapport sur le paludisme dans le monde. 2014 resumé. Genève: OMS; 2015..
In Brazil, malaria presents a high risk of transmission in the region of the Legal Amazon, whose climatic and environmental conditions are extremely favorable to its incidence22. Tadei WP, Santos JMM, Costa WLS, Scarpassa VM. Biologia dos anofelinos amazônicos. XII. Ocorrência de espécies de Anopheles, dinâmica da transmissão e controle da malária na zona urbana de Ariquemes (Rondônia). Rev Inst Med Trop 1988; 30(3): 221-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46651988000300017
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... ,33. Tadei WP, Thatcher B, Santos JMM, Scarpassa VM, Rodrigues IB, Rafael MS. Ecologic observations on Anopheline vectors of malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. J Trop Med Hyg 1998; 59(2): 325-35. https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.1998.59.325
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4269/... . In the Amazon, Anopheles darlingi is the main malaria vector, having great epidemiological importance due to its abundance, adaptive capacity, and wide geographical distribution44. Tadei WP, Mascarenhas BM, Podestá MG. Biologia de Anofelinos Amazônicos. VIII. Conhecimentos sobre a distribuição de espécies de Anopheles na região de Tucuruí - Marabá (Pará). Acta Amaz 1983; 13(1): 103-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1809-43921983131103
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... ,55. Tadei WP, Thatcher B. Malaria Vectors in the Brazilian Amazon: Anopheles of the subgenus Nyssorhynchus. Rev Inst Med Trop S Paulo 2000; 42(2): 87-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46652000000200005
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... ,66. Takken W, Vilarinhos PTR, Schneider P, Santos F. Effects of environmental change on malaria in the Amazon region of Brazil. In: Takken W, Martens P, Bogers RJ, editores. Environmental change and malaria risk. Wageningen University Frontis Series 2005, 9. p. 113-123..
Even within a region where the disease is deemed endemic, its dynamics of spatial transmission and distribution may vary depending on the interaction of environmental, sociocultural, economic, and political factors, in addition to the quality of healthcare services77. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Ações de controle da malária: Manual para profissionais de saúde na atenção básica. Brasília: Distrito Federal; 2006.. Moreover, different forms of land cover, distinct epidemiological situations, and landscape characteristics also contribute to this lack of homogeneity88. Barata RC. Malária no Brasil: Panorama epidemiológico na última década. Cad saúde Pública 1995; 11(1): 128-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-311X1995000100019
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... ,99. Girod R, Roux E, Berger F, Stefani A, Gaborit P, Carinci R, et al. Unraveling relationships between Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) densities, environmental factors and malaria incidences: Understanding variable patterns of transmission in French Guiana (South America). Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2011; 105(2): 107-22. https://doi.org/10.1179/136485911X12899838683322
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1179/... ,1010. Zhou SS, Huang F, Wang JJ, Zhang SS, Su YP, Tang LH. Geographical, meteorological and vectorial factors related to malaria re-emergence in Huang-Huai river of central China. Malar J 2010; 9: 337. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2875-9-337
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/... .
Interaction between factors that directly and indirectly collaborate with the maintenance of malaria represents a major obstacle to the control of the disease. Climatic variables, such as rain and air temperature, add a specific weight to the incidence and transmission of the disease1111. Saéz-Saéz V, Martínez J, Rubio-Palis Y, Delgado L. Evalución semanal de La relación malaria, precipitación y temperatura del aire en La Península de Paria, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Bol Mal Salud Amb 2007; 47(2): 177-89.. The annual rainfall variability provides the aquatic environment for the life cycle phase of mosquitoes and contributes to the change in vector density. However, the effect of rainfall on malaria may differ depending on the circumstances of certain geographical regions1212. Alemu A, Abebe G, Tsegaye W, Golassa L. Climatic variables and malaria transmission dynamics in Jimma town, South West Ethiopia. Parasit Vectors 2011; 4: 30. https://doi.org/10.1186/1756-3305-4-30
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/... .
The seasonal patterns of A. darlingi are closely related to the annual rainfall cycle and weather and hydrological variations1313. Hiwat H, Bretas G. Ecology of Anopheles darling Root with respect to vector importance: a review. Parasit Vectors 2011; 4: 117. https://doi.org/10.1186/1756-3305-4-177
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/... ,1414. Stefani A, Hanf M, Nacher M, Girod R, Carme B. Environmental, entomological, socioeconomic and behavioural risk factors for malaria attacks in Amerindian children of Camopi, French Guiana. Malar J 2011; 10: 246. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2875-10-246
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/... . According to Girod et al.99. Girod R, Roux E, Berger F, Stefani A, Gaborit P, Carinci R, et al. Unraveling relationships between Anopheles darlingi (Diptera: Culicidae) densities, environmental factors and malaria incidences: Understanding variable patterns of transmission in French Guiana (South America). Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2011; 105(2): 107-22. https://doi.org/10.1179/136485911X12899838683322
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1179/... , landscape characteristics may explain seasonal and regional fluctuations of A. darlingi that may or may not be related to rainfall and river levels. Rainfall and the water dynamics of Amazonian rivers greatly influence the vector fluctuation of malaria, ensuring the maintenance of permanent breeding sites1515. Barros FSM, Honório NA. Man biting rate seasonal variation of malaria vectors in Roraima, Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2007; 102(3): 299-302. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0074-02762007005000024
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... ,1616. Sogoba N, Doumbia S, Vounatsou P, Baber I, Keita M, Maiga M, et al. Monitoring of Larval Habitats and Mosquito Densities in the Sudan Savanna of Mali: Implications for Malaria Vector Control. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2007; 77(1): 82-8..
With river overflows during floods, many areas in the Amazon become favorable to the reproduction of mosquitoes1717. Basurko C, Hanf M, Han-Sze R, Rogier S, Héritier P, Grenier C, et al. Influence of climate and river level on the incidence of malaria in Cacao, French Guiana. Malar J 2011; 10: 1-7. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2F1475-2875-10-26
https://doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.11... . Some studies demonstrate the importance of considering river levels, especially in the overflow phase, and the proximity to residences1010. Zhou SS, Huang F, Wang JJ, Zhang SS, Su YP, Tang LH. Geographical, meteorological and vectorial factors related to malaria re-emergence in Huang-Huai river of central China. Malar J 2010; 9: 337. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2875-9-337
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1186/... ,1818. Magris M, Rubio-Palis Y, Menares C, Villegas L. Vector bionomics and malaria transmission in Upper Orinoco river, southern Venezuela. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2007; 102(3): 303-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0074-02762007005000049
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... .
Since environmental and climatic characteristics enable environments conducive to the persistence of this endemic disease33. Tadei WP, Thatcher B, Santos JMM, Scarpassa VM, Rodrigues IB, Rafael MS. Ecologic observations on Anopheline vectors of malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. J Trop Med Hyg 1998; 59(2): 325-35. https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.1998.59.325
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4269/... , understanding the relationship between the river water level and its consequences for malaria cases is important for comprehending the heterogeneous epidemiological profile of the disease in the state of Amazonas.
Investigations addressing initiatives to clarify the dynamics of the disease at the municipal level, and which detail spatial differences, considering the hydrological variability of the basin, provide relevant data for implementing strategies for prevention and control based on distinct malaria patterns. Due to the unique influence of rainfall on each part of the basin, the hydrological regime presents distinct river regimes. Differentiated flood pulse regimes maintain the permanent breeding sites of mosquitoes and influence the seasonality of the incidence of malaria cases.
Thus, we aimed to verify the existence of patterns in the incidence of malaria cases in the state of Amazonas according to river regimes of the different sub-basins of the Amazon Basin.
The state of Amazonas, located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, in Northern Brazil, comprises 62 cities and covers an area of about 1,559,161,682 km2. The region presents a humid equatorial climate, characterized by high temperatures and rainfall indices, and has well-defined seasons consisting of rainy period, drought, and transition months, directly influencing the period of hydrological variability of high and low water levels1919. Filizola N, Vicente AS, Santos AMC, Oliveira MA. Cheias e secas na Amazônia: breve abordagem de um contraste na maior bacia hidrográfica do globo. T&C Amazônia 2006; 9: 42-9..
This state has the highest rate of malaria cases reported to notification systems, showing environmental and social characteristics relevant to determining epidemiological conditions2020. Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Guia de Vigilância em Saúde. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2014.. Geographical and ecological aspects, such as territorial extension and predominance of river access routes, are key for determining vector proliferation sites2121. Confaloniere UEC. Saúde na Amazônia: um modelo conceitual para análise de paisagem e doenças. Estud Av 2005; 19(53): 221-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0103-40142005000100014
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... .
The study was based on analyses of secondary data using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. We analyzed data on malaria cases and the water level of 35 municipalities in the state of Amazonas. The number of analyzed municipalities was associated with the quality of data on local hydrometric stations. Data covered different periods due to the integrality of the historical series of hydrometric stations.
Water level
Hydrological data from monitoring stations were gathered from the database of the National Water Agency (Agência Nacional de Águas - ANA) and the Observation Service for the geodynamical, hydrological and biogeochemical control of erosion/alteration and material transport in the Amazon, Orinoco and Congo basins (ORE-HYBAM), available at http://www.ore-hybam.org/. A total of 35 hydrometric stations from 6 distinct basins of the Negro, Japurá, Solimões/Amazonas, Juruá, Purus, and Madeira rivers were analyzed in the 2000-2010 period, on a monthly scale. Years prior to and after the assessed period lacked data of over three months, making it impossible to use the series.
Malaria cases
The survey on malaria cases was conducted by the processing of raw data, compressed in DBF files, made available in the database Information System for Epidemiological Surveillance of Malaria (Sistema de Informação de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Malária - SIVEP-MALARIA). We analyzed 35 municipalities (Figure 1) for the 2003-2014 period. Since SIVEP does not have records prior to 2003, the data assessed were from that year onwards.
In order to obtain a higher quality of data on malaria cases, we excluded smear microscopy tests for cure verification (lâminas de verificação de cura - LVC - slides of the same person, whose data were duplicated), negative test results, and data cleaning, as described by Wiefels et al.2222. Wiefels A, Wolfarth-Couto B, Filizola N, Durieux L, Mangeas M. Accuracy of the malaria epidemiological surveillance system data in the state of Amazonas. Acta Amaz 2016; 46(4): 383-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1809-4392201600285
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... . We used filters for municipality, country, federative unit, and test result to select only allochthonous cases of infection. In order to display a standard behavior of 11 years, we analyzed data on a monthly scale by calculating monthly averages and dividing them by the interannual average.
Since the hydrological series of some hydrometric stations presented flaws or lack of records, a method to complement or replace data was used, as described by Santos et al.2323. Santos I, Fill HD, Sugai MR, Buba H, Kishi RT, Marone E, et al. Hidrometria aplicada. Curitiba: Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento; 2001.. We adopted the simple linear regression technique for nearby stations based on the correlation between them. Criteria were defined according to:
data integrity and consistency;
exclusion of years that lacked data for over three months;
exclusion of stations presenting data gaps in several years;
replacement of stations with lower data quality by other stations at the same municipality, with better conditions of use, based on the correlation coefficient.
Due to hydrometric stations not being referenced at sea level, but rather at a local datum (arbitrary reference plan), a normalization method commonly used in flow variables was adopted. River level normalization was calculated as the ratio of monthly averages of each month divided by the interannual average of each station2424. Muniz LS. Análise dos Padrões Fluviométricos da Bacia do Rio Madeira - Brasil [dissertação]. Manaus: Universidade Federal do Amazonas; 2013..
We used the free software R statistical package, version 3.0, available at http://cran.r-project.org, and the Geographic Information System, free, QGIS 2.0, available at https://www.qgis.org/pt_BR/site/ to assist in data analysis and manipulation.
Regarding the hydrological regime, we detected differences in the annual variability of hydrometric stations located in the right and left banks and in the main canal of the Solimões river basin. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, stations located at the same basin presented distinct regimes according to their position, either further upstream or downstream.
Data on the normalized water level at the (A) Negro, (B) Japurá, and (C and D) Solimões river stations. The stations represented by the black dotted line are under the influence of the backwater effect caused by the Solimões/Amazonas river.
Normalized annual river regime index of stations that compose the basins of the (A) Juruá, (B) Purus, and (C) Madeira rivers. The stations represented by the black dotted line are under the influence of the backwater effect caused by the Solimões/Amazonas river.
We identified that, in the Negro and Japurá rivers (left-bank tributaries of the Solimões river), the common trends relating to the period of maximum and minimum water level occurred between June and July and between October and November, respectively (Figures 2A and 2B). The Juruá, Purus, and Madeira rivers (right-bank tributaries of the Solimões river) showed similarities concerning the period of maximum water level between April and May, and the period of minimum water level in September (for the first two rivers) and October (for the third river) (Figures 3A, 3B, and 3C).
Hydrometric stations located at the main canal also presented specific regimes. The Alto Solimões stations (Atalaia do Norte, Tabatinga, São Paulo de Olivença, Santo Antônio do Içá, Fonte Boa, and Alvarães) revealed similar characteristics regarding the period of maximum water level in May, and minimum, in September (Figure 2C). In the Médio and Baixo Solimões/Amazonas stations (Tefé, Coari, Manacapuru, Careiro da Várzea, Rio Preto da Eva, and Parintins), the maximum water level occurred in June, and the minimum, in October (Figure 2D).
Stations near the confluence of the Solimões river presented a hydrological regime influenced by the backwater effect. The municipalities of Alvarães (Solimões river), Carauari and Juruá (Juruá river), Lábrea, Canutama, and Beruri (Purus river) presented lags between one and three months in relation to the regime of their main basin further upstream.
Considering the importance of malaria dynamics in a given region, the descriptive analysis - of epidemiological and hydrological approach - demonstrated the existence of a trend in modulating the seasonality of malaria cases based on the flood wave movement of rivers. Figure 4 shows different patterns of variables according to their location in the basin. As differences in annual hydrological variability occurred, patterns of malaria cases became more distinct, displaying a trend in remodeling the epidemiological profile according to the flood pulse.
Seasonality of malaria cases and water levels in the analyzed municipalities. Graphs represent malaria cases (blue lines), variation in water levels (red lines), and the middle of the year (vertical black line).
Concerning the municipalities located in the Negro river basin, malaria cases reached notification peaks in July, September, and October; in the Japurá basin, the peaks happened in August and October; in the Alto Solimões basin, in May and June; in the Médio and Baixo Solimões, especially in August; and in the Juruá and Purus basins, in June (Figure 5).
Spatial-temporal variation in peaks of malaria cases and river level. Lags according to maximum incidences.
Variability in malaria cases relating to river levels presented three distinct patterns associated with the left and right banks and the main canal. We also found differences in the same basin, according to the location of the station.
In the left bank of the main basin, formed by the Negro and Japurá rivers, the interval between the maximum peak of water level and the maximum peak of malaria cases occurred, on average, from 1 to 4 months. The main canal (Alto, Médio, and Baixo Solimões/Amazonas) had a delay of two months. In the right bank, consisting of the Juruá, Purus, and Madeira river basins, the delay ranged from 1 to 3 months.
The spatial variability of the hydrological regime, in response to differences in the seasonal distribution of rainfall, tends to characterize different behaviors of malaria cases based on the peak of water level of the river and according to the location of the hydrometric station.
Left-bank tributaries (Negro and Japurá rivers) coincided with the period of maximum water level, mainly in June, and demonstrated epidemiological patterns of malaria with incidences in the second half of the calendar year. As to right-bank tributaries (Juruá, Purus, and Madeira rivers), peaks of maximum water level showed epidemiological patterns at the end of the first half of the calendar year, especially in April.
In the course of the main canal (Solimões/Amazonas river), we detected variations regarding the period of maximum water level and patterns of malaria cases. We found that municipalities located at the Alto Solimões region tend to present peaks of malaria cases, particularly at the end of the first half of the calendar year, specifically between May and June. Municipalities located at Médio and Baixo Solimões/Amazonas regions showed peaks of malaria cases mainly at the beginning of the second half of the calendar year, precisely in August.
Critical analysis of secondary data reveals care in the use of the available numbers and the problems included in their historical series. Errors and flaws in the hydrological data of some stations may lead to many of them becoming useless.
An alternative used to mitigate missing data problems from hydrometric stations is replacing them for data from a closer station and with more information in the water level records2323. Santos I, Fill HD, Sugai MR, Buba H, Kishi RT, Marone E, et al. Hidrometria aplicada. Curitiba: Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento; 2001.. Discontinuous series, with lack of data, result from complications in issuing the record or are logistics-related, considering the difficult access to some stations by technical personnel, especially on rainy days.
The estimated water level values, found by linear regression, composed the studied historical series and were used to calculate interannual averages and river level normalization. The consistency criterion for hydrometric data keeps the interannual averages of water levels close to accurate values without changing the river behavior2424. Muniz LS. Análise dos Padrões Fluviométricos da Bacia do Rio Madeira - Brasil [dissertação]. Manaus: Universidade Federal do Amazonas; 2013..
Although differences in the hydrological variability of the basin are more marked depending on the location of the station, we found common trends regarding the behavior of hydrological dynamics, in the periods of flood and drought, between the Negro and Japurá rivers and among the Juruá, Purus, and Madeira rivers.
According to Meade et al.2525. Meade RH, Rayol JM, Conceição SC, Natividade JRG. Backwater effects in the Amazon river basin of Brazil. Environmental Geol. Water Sci 1991; 18(2): 105-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01704664
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/... , the difference in the hydrological runoff model is attributed to the cooling of the water caused by the backwater effect and seasonal water storage in the floodplain. The distinct spatial rainfall regime reveals different lags in the tributary input and discharge peaks between parts of the basin, directly leading to periods of differentiated floods caused by variations in the time of rainfall onset.
Flood regimes coincided with an increase in malaria notifications, with peaks after the flood of rivers. Studies suggest that river overflows represent potential breeding sites of the vector in many areas throughout the Amazon1616. Sogoba N, Doumbia S, Vounatsou P, Baber I, Keita M, Maiga M, et al. Monitoring of Larval Habitats and Mosquito Densities in the Sudan Savanna of Mali: Implications for Malaria Vector Control. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2007; 77(1): 82-8.,1717. Basurko C, Hanf M, Han-Sze R, Rogier S, Héritier P, Grenier C, et al. Influence of climate and river level on the incidence of malaria in Cacao, French Guiana. Malar J 2011; 10: 1-7. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186%2F1475-2875-10-26
https://doi.org/https://dx.doi.org/10.11... ,1818. Magris M, Rubio-Palis Y, Menares C, Villegas L. Vector bionomics and malaria transmission in Upper Orinoco river, southern Venezuela. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2007; 102(3): 303-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0074-02762007005000049
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... .
The hydrological regime has been playing a key role in the dynamics of malaria cases. Seasonality and abundance of rainfall cause fluctuations in the water level, resulting from the overflow of the main river. Rains, in addition to environmental and social factors, are a determining environmental factor for the dynamics and proliferation of the malaria vector2626. Assis MC, Gurgel HC, Antonio BM, Angelis CF. 2008. Precipitação pluviométrica e a incidência de malária na bacia do rio Purus. In: XV Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 2008, São Paulo. São Paulo; 2008. p. 1-6.,2727. Parente AV. Incidência de malária no estado do Pará e suas relações com a variabilidade climática regional [dissertação]. Belém: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais; 2007.,2828. Gurgel E. Paludisme et dynamiques environnementalles dans L’état du Roraima au Brésil [tese]. Paris: Universidade de Paris; 2006.; however, incidence rates and risk of transmission may vary throughout the basin2929. Olson SH, Gagnon R, Elguero E, Durieux L, Guégan J, Foley JA, et al. Links between climate, malaria, and wetlands in the Amazon Basin. Emerg Infect Dis 2009; 15(4): 659-62. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid1504.080822
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3201/... .
In a study conducted in the municipalities of Coari, Codajás, Manacapuru, and Manaus, Wolfarth et al.3030. Wolfarth BR, Filizola N, Tadei WP, Durieux L. Epidemiological analysis of malaria and its relations with environmental variables in four municipalities of the State of Amazonas-Brazil. Hydrolog Sci J 2013; 58(7): 1495-504. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.831977
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/... found maximum water levels in June. The authors proposed that malaria cases accounted for lags of 1 or 2 months after the floods of rivers, suggesting that they reflect the vector and transmission dynamics, which, despite the delay, follow the rise and fall of river levels. Xavier3131. Xavier SDR. Variabilidade climática, vulnerabilidade ambiental e saúde: os níveis do rio Negro e as doenças relacionadas à água em Manaus [dissertação]. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; 2014. found an association between malaria cases and the period of increase in the water level, with a two-month lag, in the municipality of Manaus.
Wolfarth-Couto et al.3232. Wolfarth-Couto BR, Araújo R, Filizola N. Variabilidade dos casos de malária e sua relação com a precipitação e nível d’água do rio no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Cad Saúde Pública 2019; 35(2): e00020218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0102-311x00020218
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... , based on statistical analyses, showed that malaria peaks are reached, on average, between 1 and 4 months after the peak of river levels. Moreover, the authors suggested that the relationship between the variables may represent local actions concerning time and space, and that variables, such as topography, favor a differentiated initiative for each municipality.
The results not only corroborated studies conducted in the state of Amazonas but also complemented spatial and descriptive aspects of the behavior of malaria cases as for distinct hydrological variabilities.
In the Amazon, malaria seasonality occurs between June and September, especially during the dry season. Studies reveal an increase in reports of malaria cases during the dry season, from August onwards22. Tadei WP, Santos JMM, Costa WLS, Scarpassa VM. Biologia dos anofelinos amazônicos. XII. Ocorrência de espécies de Anopheles, dinâmica da transmissão e controle da malária na zona urbana de Ariquemes (Rondônia). Rev Inst Med Trop 1988; 30(3): 221-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0036-46651988000300017
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... ,33. Tadei WP, Thatcher B, Santos JMM, Scarpassa VM, Rodrigues IB, Rafael MS. Ecologic observations on Anopheline vectors of malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. J Trop Med Hyg 1998; 59(2): 325-35. https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.1998.59.325
https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4269/... ,2626. Assis MC, Gurgel HC, Antonio BM, Angelis CF. 2008. Precipitação pluviométrica e a incidência de malária na bacia do rio Purus. In: XV Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 2008, São Paulo. São Paulo; 2008. p. 1-6.,3333. Quintero LO, Thatcher BD, Tadey WP. Biologia de Anofelinos Amazônicos. XXI. Ocorrência de espécies de Anopheles e outros culicídeos na área de influência da hidrelétrica de Balbina - cinco anos após o enchimento do reservatório. Acta Amaz 1996; 26(4): 281-96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1809-43921996264296
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... . Our study showed similar results; however, we identified that malaria peaks could also be reached before August if we consider the hydrological regime and the local rainfall.
The risk of contracting malaria in the state of Amazonas is high due to the existence of common permanent breeding sites in the region. This type of breeding site works as a habitat throughout the year, even in the dry season, favoring the continuous reproduction and transmission of malaria3434. Deane LM, Causey OR, Deane MP. Notas sobre a distribuição e a biologia dos anofelinos das regiões Nordestina e Amazônica do Brasil. Rev Serv Esp Saúde Pública 1948; 1(4): 827-965..
Although environmental and climate factors somehow influence malaria dynamics, surveillance, prevention, and control issues should not be disregarded. Healthcare actions implemented by the government might effectively work, masking possible relationships with hydrological/climatic conditions. Regardless of significant associations, the disease-climate relationship is complex and indirect, particularly when considering data on malaria cases instead of those on vectors. Despite this limitation, these cases are excellent health indicators and can measure the epidemiological surveillance in the region, in addition to supporting the planning, initiatives, and control in healthcare agencies2222. Wiefels A, Wolfarth-Couto B, Filizola N, Durieux L, Mangeas M. Accuracy of the malaria epidemiological surveillance system data in the state of Amazonas. Acta Amaz 2016; 46(4): 383-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1809-4392201600285
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.159... .
According to the descriptive analyses of the hydrological regime, left- and right-bank tributaries and the main canal of the Solimões river are characterized by the regionalization of distinct flood periods. Another relevant finding was the response of flood peaks according to the location of the hydrometric station in the basin. Stations further upstream of the main stretch have early periods of maximum water level when compared with downstream stations and those close to the confluence of the Solimões river.
As we found differences in the movement of the floods of rivers, we noticed that the peak period of malaria cases was also dynamic. In this case, we believe that, as the rainfall regime modulates the river regime, overall, the latter significantly influences the different seasonal patterns of malaria cases, more specifically in periods of maximum incidence.
Since the spatial distribution of malaria is related to environmental and climatic characteristics of the region, analyzing the link between the disease and rainfall and water level variables is paramount for the local knowledge of the development of such relationships.
We suggest implementing regional strategies that consider local characteristics and behavior of the epidemiological profile, especially regarding trends in the peaks of malaria cases according to distinct hydrological regimes, as these policies could act as additional systems for monitoring the disease and supporting municipal initiatives to mitigate malaria in the state of Amazonas.
We thank the support received from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Maison de Télédétéction (Montpellier, France), the Laboratório de Potamologia da Amazônia (LAPA), and the Graduate Program in Climate and Environment of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (PPG - CLIAMB/INPA).
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Publication Dates
- Publication in this collection
09 Mar 2020 - Date of issue
- Received
13 June 2018 - Reviewed
08 Nov 2018 - Accepted
09 Nov 2018