(Updated: 2022/07/19)

About the journal


Basic Information


Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (Brazilian Journal of Epidemiology) - BJE (Rev. bras. epidemiol.) - is a continuous publication journal edited by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health – ABRASCO. Its purpose is to publish original articles, reviews and comments that contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development of Epidemiology and related sciences.

The journal has been published uninterruptedly since 1998 and currently all its articles are also published in English.

Its abbreviated title is Rev. bras. epidemiol., and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.



Information Services


The articles published in Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (Brazilian Journal of Epidemiology) are indexed or summarized by:

  • LILACS – Index Medicus Latinoamericano
  • Latindex - Sistema Regional de Información em Línea para Revistas Científicas
  • EBSCO Publishing


Intellectual property


All content of the journal is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY.





Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO)

Faculdade de Saúde Pública / Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP)

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde (SVS) e Ministério da Saúde (MS)

Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OMS/OPAS)




Editorial Board


Scientific editors



Scientific Council



Associated editors



Editorial office

  • Sandra Suzuki
  • Christiane Teixeira


Instructions to authors


Scope and general informations


Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia (RBE) [Brazilian Journal of Epidemiology] is a scientific journal published by the Brazilian Public Health Association [Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva]. Its first edition was published in 1998, and since then the journal has maintained the continuous and regular publication of original articles of high scientific merit, which contribute with the advancement of knowledge and the development of Epidemiology and its related sciences. The Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia is a bilingual journal. All articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish and approved are also published in English.

Articles are published in a continuous publication and are freely available at www.scielo.br/rbepid.Articles published by the RBE are under the BY-CC Creative Commons license. Thus, the copy, adjustment, remixing, and redistribution of the material in any format and by any means, clearly indicating the eventual performed changes, is allowed. Authorship and publication credits should be properly presented, as well as the license link. When the authors publish their article in the RBE, they transfer their copyrights to the journal and grant it with the first publication right.

The manuscripts are submitted online, through the Scholar One platform, available at: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rbepid-scielo.



Journal policies


Ethics and transparency policies

General principles

RBE follows the guidelines of ethics and transparency established in the document: Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), by the Directory of open Access Journals (DOAJ), by the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The full document is available at: https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.1.12.

Approval by the Ethics Committee in Research (CEP)

All papers submitted to the RBE must have followed the recommendations of ethics in research of Declaration of Helsinki and the standards contained in the Resolutions No. 466/2012 and 510/2016 from the Brazilian Health Office (CNS, acronym in Portuguese). In Brazil, the CEP that approves the investigation should be registered at the Brazilian Commission of Ethics in Research (CONEP). Studies carried out outside Brazil must be approved by a Research Ethics Committee with legal authority to evaluate and approve the research. The approval by an Ethics Committee in Research is not required for studies that analyze aggregated data and data without people's identification, such as those available in public domain databases.

Submission of the CEP protocol copy is mandatory at the submission.

Informed Consent Policy

All research conducted with human subjects must obtain the consent of research participants or their legal guardians. They must have clear knowledge of the research objectives, methods, potential risks and benefits. They must be provided with the contact details of the researchers and given the option to withdraw from the study at any time. The strategy used to obtain the consent form and its content must be analyzed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee and such approval must be proven to RBE when submitting the manuscript.

Clinical trials

The RBE supports the policies from the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for registration of clinical trials. Thus, it recognizes the importance of these initiatives for international registration and disclosure of open-access information. Therefore, only articles of clinical trials that have received an identification number in one of the clinical trials validated for the criteria established by the WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available at the ICMJE website, are accepted for publication. The identification/approval number should be registered in the title page.

The entities that register clinical trials according to ICMJE criteria are:

  • Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)
  • ClinicalTrials.gov
  • International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)
  • Nederlands Trial Register (NTR)
  • UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR)
  • WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)


For definition of article authorship, the RBE follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals elaborated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The authors should follow the guidelines available at http://www.icmje.org/

Research misconduct

In its protocols, RBE incorporates strict guidelines to prevent and identify possible research misconduct. In case any sign of misconduct is identified in a study submitted to the journal, the Editors-in-chief follow COPE’s guidelines to handle the situation. 

Data sharing

RBE encourages authors to make the raw data of their studies publicly available, as well as the routines used in data analyses. In the case of intervention studies, the data must be freely available, or at request, always in anonymity.

Policy of the peer review process

The peer review process is a vital stage of the article’s editorial process, so RBE handles it carefully. At the same time, the journal understands that agility, in an editorial process, is extremely important both for the authors and the scientific community. Therefore, RBE always aims at providing analyses with ethics, maximum scientific rigor and agility. In that sense, the following stages are determined:

  • Merit analysis by the Editors-in-chief: all of the received manuscripts are analyzed by the Editors-in-chief, who assess the (a) adequacy of the study to the journal’s scope, (b) the contribution it provides to the advancement of knowledge, (c), its originality, (d) the methodological rigor with which the study was conducted, (e) the adherence of the conclusions to the presented results.
  • Technical review of the manuscripts: the executive-secretariat of RBE evaluates if the formatting of the manuscripts selected by the Scientific Editors are in accordance with the technical instructions of the journal. If any incorrections are identified, the manuscript is sent back to the corresponding author, with the indication of the necessary adjustment. Only texts that meet all of the criteria described in the “Instructions to Authors” are sent to peer review. 
  • Peer Review: the manuscripts selected by the Editors-in-chief are sent to an Associated-Editor, who will be a researcher with solid and acknowledged background in the field addressed in the manuscript. This professional will indicate reviewers with notorious competence to analyze the study. Each manuscript will receive at least two opinions, which will be analyzed by the Associated Editor, who will then elaborate an opinion for the Editors-in-chief. The double blind peer review process os adopted by RBE, that is, reviewers and authors do not know the identity of the others.
  • Editorial Decision: Based on the opinions of the reviewers and the Associated Editor, the Editors-in-chief decide (1) on the refusal of the manuscript; (2) to give the authors a new chance after analyzing and responding to the received opinions; or (3) to approve the text with or without changes. In case of outcomes 2 and 3, the analysis of the new version of the manuscript can be carried out only by the editors, or the reviewed text can be sent again to ad hoc reviewers. More than one round of evaluation may be necessary for the manuscript, according to the editors’ opinions. If the authors do not observe the deadlines established by the journal, the submission can be archived.

All manuscripts are analyzed for the identification of plagiarism through appropriate softwares.

Regarding peer review, RBE reinforces the need for the strict observance of ethical requirements for reviewers, elaborated by the Committee on Publication Ethics, available at: https://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_Guidelines_For_Peer_Reviewers_2.pdf

Gender Equity

Editors and reviewers of Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, along with the authors who publish in the journal, must always comply with the guidelines regarding Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER). The SAGER guidelines include a set of orientations that guide the report of information on sex and gender in the study design, the data analysis and the result and interpretation of findings, as described in English at https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/sager-guidelines/.

Besides, RBE observes the gender equity policy in the composition of its body of editors and reviewers.



Types of manuscripts accepted


The RBE receives manuscripts in the following categories:

  • Original articles: with new results of researches (3,400 words at most);
  • Systematic review articles and metanalysis (integrative reviews are not accepted; maximum of 3,400 words);
  • Methodological articles and theoretical essays: articles that deal with techniques or theories used in epidemiological studies (3,400 words at most);
  • Articles that describe and analyze the methodological procedures of studies carried out in Brazil: the aim is to present how population-based studies were developed, whether they were cross-sectional, cohort studies, by sharing experiences, challenges, and solutions. The Introduction should present the context and its justification; the Methods should include the adopted procedures, participating audience, performed measurements, challenges and solutions; the Results should include the main general results of the study; and the Discussion should present its implications, in what position is the article situated compared to the other researches, and should include its strengths and limitations (maximum of 3,400 words).
  • Articles for discussion: the article shall receive comments and analyses from different authors as consensus/dissensus. This modality takes place after editors’ invitation (2,000 words at most);
  • Brief communications: short reports of the original research results. In general, they are briefer analyses with a brief discussion of results (abstracts, both in Portuguese and in English, must be in narrative format with up to 120 words; the article must have up to 1,000 words and include the sections Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion; the authors may include up to two tables/figures, occupying up to three combined pages; the references are limited to six combined pages);
  • Letters for the editor: comments from readers on the papers published in the RBE (from 500 to 700 words).

The words count includes Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (title page, abstract, references, tables, and figures are not included in this count).

The presented manuscripts should be solely directed to the RBE, and its simultaneous presentation in another journal is not allowed. Information and concepts present in the articles, as well as the veracity of research content, are the authors’ entire responsibility.



Presentation of the manuscripts


Manuscripts are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Articles in Portuguese and Spanish shall be followed by an abstract in the original text language, besides an abstract written in English. The articles in English shall be followed by the abstract, besides the abstract written in Portuguese.
The manuscripts shall mandatorily present the following structure, in an only file:

Title Page

The title page shall include:

  • manuscript title in Portuguese and English (maximum of 25 words);
  • short title (maximum of 10 words);
  • authors’ data (full names, emails, ORCID numbers, institutions of professional bond with cities, states and countries – titles and position should not be described);
  • author’s indication for mailing, with his/her full address and email;
  • acknowledgments (maximum of 70 words). The acknowledgements may mention the people who collaborated with the study, however, did not meet the authorship criteria, and/or institutions that supported the study with financial, logistic or other resources. The authors must send the consent of the people mentioned in the acknowledgements to RBE (signed form);
  • information of the existence or absence of conflicts of interests;
  • financial support declaring if it was public or private; if there is not any, mention that the study did not count with it;
  • identification/approval number from the CEP;
  • individual contribution of each author in the manuscript elaboration.

In the following pages, always beginning in a new page, the following sections should be presented:


Abstracts shall have 250 words at most and shall be presented in the structured form, including the sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
The authors shall present at least four and at most six keywords, in the language in which the manuscript was presented and in English. These keywords should be standardized according to the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS, acronym in Portuguese).

  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion

The last paragraph(s) of the Discussion is(are) recommended to be focused on the conclusions and recommendations.


They should be numbered according to the first time it is mention in the text, using superscripted Arabic algorisms. The final list shall follow the text number order and ignore the authors’ alphabetical order of the authors. Titles of books, publishers or others should not be abbreviated. Titles of journals shall follow the abbreviations in the Index Medicus/Medline Index. They should include the names of the first six authors; but if there are more than six authors, the expression et al. must come after the names. Whenever it is available, the digital object identifier (DOI) shall be reported in the end of the reference, based on the following example. Personal communications, new or ongoing papers may be quoted when completely required, but they should not be included in the list of references. They should only be presented in the text body or in a footnote. When an article is still going to be published, the journal title, year and other available data should be provided, followed by the expression "In press” in parenthesis. The accuracy of the references is the authors’ responsibility.

Examples of references

Journal article

Vieira LS, Gomes AP, Bierhals IO, Farías-Antunez S, Ribeiro CG, Miranda VIA, et al. Quedas em idosos no Sul do Brasil: prevalência e determinantes. Rev Saúde Pública 2018; 52: 22. https://doi.org/10.11606/s518-8787.2018052000103

Barros AJ, Victora CG. Measuring coverage in MNCH: determining and interpreting inequalities in coverage of maternal, newborn, and child health interventions. PLoS Med 2013; 10: e1001390. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1001390

Books and other monographs

Kirkwood BR, Sterne JAC. Essentials of medical statistics. 2nd ed. Malden: Blackwell Science; 2003.

Book chapter

Laurenti R. Medida das doenças. In: Forattini OP, ed. Ecologia, epidemiologia e sociedade. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 1992. p. 369-98.


Terlan RJ. Prevalência de não realização de citopatológico de colo de útero entre gestantes no município de Rio Grande, RS [Master’s thesis]. Rio Grande: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG); 2015.

Doctoral thesis

Barros S. Efeito da respiração lenta na pressão arterial e na função autonômica em hipertensos [Doctoral Thesis]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP); 2017.

Congress paper or similar (published)

Jacobina AT. A emergência do movimento da reforma sanitária brasileira e sua relação com os partidos políticos. In: Annals from the Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Coletiva; 2018 jul 26-29; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: ABRASCO; 2018. Available at: https://proceedings.science/saude-coletiva-2018/papers/a-emergencia-do-movimento-da-reforma-sanitaria-brasileira-e-sua-relacao-com-os-partidos-politicos

Report of the World Health Organization

World Health Organization. Global status report on non-communicable diseases 2010. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011.

Electronic Documents

Brasil. Indicadores e dados básicos: IDB Brasil [Internet]. 2010 [cited on Mar 7 2019]. Available at: http://tabnet.datasus.gov.br/cgi/idb2010/matriz.htm#mort

Figures and tables

Tables and figures (graphs, maps, and drawings) should be added in the end of the manuscript, but their submission in separate files is not allowed. The titles should be provided in the language in which the article was presented. There must be a page break between each of them. Five pages is the maximum amount allowed for tables and figures. Do not format tables using the TAB key; use the table tool of the text editor program.

Illustrations may have 15 cm at most of width in the Portrait format and 24 cm of width in the Landscape format and be presented within the requested margin (configuration named by Word as “Regular”). They must be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12, and 1.5 spacing. Colored figures are accepted. Photos may be provided in high resolution; graphs in editable format; tables, equations, charts and flowcharts should always be sent in an editable file (Word or Excel), but never in image.

Complementary material

Additional materials that contribute to better understand the article may be submitted by the authors. These files will be available online and should be mentioned in the text body. However, this material will not be incorporated in the article designing, and it will be published as received. If the manuscript is approved for publication, the complementary documents will not be proofread, standardized, designed or translated. Each complementary file shall have a title describing it. The authors shall transfer the files in PDF with the option Supplemental File for Review. The content of these files should not be added in the end of the manuscript. All of them should be clear enough to allow their reproduction, and the images shall be provided in high resolution.

Conflict of interests

All authors should manifest the existence or absence of conflicts of interests during the study conduction. Conflicts of interests may happen when authors or institutions have any sort of relations with organizations or individuals that may influence the study at issue. Examples of conflicts of interests include professional bond, consultant service provision, financing or any other kind of financial support received, shareholder participation in companies, patent possession, and received tributes. In the event of no conflict of interests, the authors should declare: “The authors report the non-existence of any kind of conflict of interests.”

The information regarding conflicts of interests should be added in the title page.


All authors shall agree and sign the statement of conflict of interests, the statement of copyrights, and the nonsolicitation statement.

The statements do not need to be sent during the manuscript submission. The documents will be requested by the RBE editorial office only after the manuscript approval.

Scientific writing guidelines

It is recommended that the authors, whenever pertinent, read and observe the scientific writing guidelines. For clinical trials, we recommend CONSORT (http://www.consort-statement.org/); for observational studies, STROBE (http://www.strobe-statement.org); and for systematic reviews, PRISMA (http://www.prisma-statement.org). The EQUATOR network website (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) is suggested for other guides and for additional guidance that aim at ensuring quality and transparency in health studies (https://www.equator-network.org).

Other orientations

All the article content (title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, bibliographic references) shall be presented in Times New Roman font, size 12 and double subtext space. Do not use line breaks. Do not use forced manual hyphenations.

The full final file (title page, sections, references, and illustrations) shall be submitted only in the DOC ou DOCX format (Microsoft Word).

When abbreviations are mentioned for the first time in the text, they should follow the unabbreviated term. Do not use abbreviations in the titles and abstract.



Article processing charge


The English version of the articles is fully funded by RBE. On the other hand, the publication fee is paid by the authors. The amount is regularly reviewed; for articles submitted as of April 6, 2021, the amount shall correspond to BRL 800.00 for brief communications and BRL 1,200.00 for all other types of academic articles.

The fee is only paid after the manuscript approval, and the authors must await a communication from the executive secretariat of the journal with payment instructions. Invoice and other supporting documents are provided by the journal for presentation to educational and research institutions, development agencies and others. Discount requests may be solicited by the authors upon justification in case all of them are enrolled in Graduate Programs of grades 3 or 4 according to CAPES, in any region of Brazil, or if they are particularly linked with municipal and/or state health departments. RBE shall be responsible for evaluating the possibility of granting a subsidy.



Contact information


Mailing address: Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 - BIBLIOTECA - 2º andar - sala 03 - 01246-904 - Cerqueira César - São Paulo -SP – Brasil

Telephone/Fax Number: +55 11 3085–5411

Website: www.scielo.br/rbepid

Electronic mail address: rbesubmissao@fsp.usp.br



Associação Brasileira de Pós -Graduação em Saúde Coletiva São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: revbrepi@usp.br