• Las redes SAPUVET y SPVet: un modelo de integración en materia de salud pública veterinaria entre Europa y América Latina Temas de Actualidad

    Ortega, Carmelo; Villamil, Luis Carlos; Cediel, Natalia; Rosenfeld, Carla; Meneghi, Daniele de; Rosa, Mauro de; Estol, Leopoldo; Lleguia, Guillermo; Fonseca-Poveda, Adolfo; Torres, Miguel; Caballero-Castillo, Magaly; Balogh, Katinka de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper underscores the need for animal health professionals to play a more significant role in the sphere of public health, particularly during natural disasters and other emergency situations which can reduce the availability of safe foods from animal sources. In order to help readers understand the importance of the emerging field of veterinary public health (VPH), the authors review the importance and current status of VPH in different countries and assess the role that veterinarians can play in overcoming situations that threaten human health. The last section discusses the need for training veterinarians in VPH and the important role that veterinarians can play within international public health organizations and multidisciplinary groups, such as SAPUVET and SPVet networks.
Organización Panamericana de la Salud Washington - Washington - United States
E-mail: contacto_rpsp@paho.org