This paper investigates the levels of occupational stress and work engagement among military police officers. This cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was conducted with 268 police officers from the 3rd Military Police Battalion of Paraná state. We observed significant levels of occupational stress in 125 (46.7%) police officers. The main stressors were lack of career growth prospects (3.7; ±1.3); inadequate training (3.4; ±1.2); discrimination/favoritism in the work environment (3.1; ±1.4); long working hours (3.0; ±1.4); distribution of tasks (2.7; ±1.1); control type (2.7; ±1.1); gaps in disclosing information about organizational decisions (2.7; ±1.2); low valuation (2.7; ±1.2). Levels of work engagement ranged from 3.8 [medium] to 4.1 [high]. The correlation between occupational stress and work engagement was low for the dimensions of Absorption (r: -.284; p<0.001) and Overall Score (r: -0.393; p<0.001) and moderate for the dimensions Vigor (r: -0.422; p<0.001) and Dedication (r: -0.414; p<0.001). We concluded that an important number of police officers had shown occupational stress. However, they displayed good levels of work engagement and are enthusiastic, inspired, and proud of their work.
Key word:
Occupational stress; Work engagement; Police; Military personnel
Providing an appropriate security service to the population is crucial in implementing police work, primarily due to the advance of crime and violence in the social and community sphere, which is institutionalized and perfected in contemporary Brazilian society. However, the work activities of military police officers are widely associated with illness and impairment of their work capacity. Therefore, their physical and psychological health is strictly related to the exercise of work activity and is becoming a relevant problem for occupational health currently11 Van Gelderen B, Bik LW. Affective organizational commitment, work engagement and service performance among police officers. Policing: An Intern J 2015; 39(1):206-221.
2 Pires LAA, Vasconcellos LCF, Bonfatti RJ. Military firefighters of Rio de Janeiro: na analysis of the impacts of their activities on their health. Saude Debate 2017; 41(113):577-590.
3 Godinho MR, Ferreira AP, Fayer VA, Bonfatti RJ, Greco RM. Capacidade para o trabalho e fatores associados em profissionais no Brasil. Rev Bras Med Trab 2017; 15(1):88-100.-44 Eberhardt LD, Carvalho M, Murofuse NT. Vínculos de trabalho no setor saúde: o cenário da precarização na macrorregião Oeste do Paraná. Saude Debate 2015; 39(104):18-29..
The demand for answers from the security service provided to society has organizational and political impacts, as military police officers’ environment and work process have important implications for the health, well-being, and productivity of these professionals, directly reflecting on the quality and resolvability of the security service. In this context, the violation of the policemen’s right to decent working conditions represents a form of violence in the work environment, which can harm the commitment and professional performance of these workers11 Van Gelderen B, Bik LW. Affective organizational commitment, work engagement and service performance among police officers. Policing: An Intern J 2015; 39(1):206-221.
2 Pires LAA, Vasconcellos LCF, Bonfatti RJ. Military firefighters of Rio de Janeiro: na analysis of the impacts of their activities on their health. Saude Debate 2017; 41(113):577-590.-33 Godinho MR, Ferreira AP, Fayer VA, Bonfatti RJ, Greco RM. Capacidade para o trabalho e fatores associados em profissionais no Brasil. Rev Bras Med Trab 2017; 15(1):88-100.,55 Mata NT, Pires LAA, Bonfatti RJ. Bombeiros militares: um olhar sobre a saúde e violência relacionados com o trabalho. Saude Debate 2017; 41(112):133-141..
When satisfied and professionally fulfilled, police officers generate more significant support for coworkers and superiors, resulting in even higher levels of well-being and motivation. This satisfaction with work comprises engagement at work, a positive affective, cognitive state vis-à-vis their work, which involves commitment and alignment of these professionals with the environment and labor activity66 Hu Q, Schaufeli WB, Taris TW. How are changes in exposure to job demands and job resources related to burnout and engagement? A longitudinal study among Chinese nurses and police officers. Stress Health 2017; 33(5):631-644.
7 Porto-Martins PC, Basso-Machado PG, Benevides-Pereira AMT. Engagement no trabalho: uma discussão teórica. Fractal Rev Psicol 2013; 25(3):629-644.-88 Schaufeli WB. Work engagement: What do we know and where do we go. Rom J Appl Psychol 2012; 14(1):3-10..
According to the literature, work resources, such as learning opportunities, good ambiance, and support, play a fundamental role in the motivational well-being of workers, satisfying their psychological needs for competence and autonomy. However, if professionals who are satisfied and involved with their work tend to view the labor activity as challenging and fun, with energy, willingness, and motivation, when psychologically frustrated, they can display exhaustion, discouragement, and lack of motivation, which generate a loss of energy resources and affect labor production, culminating in the development of pathologies associated with mental exhaustion66 Hu Q, Schaufeli WB, Taris TW. How are changes in exposure to job demands and job resources related to burnout and engagement? A longitudinal study among Chinese nurses and police officers. Stress Health 2017; 33(5):631-644..
In this case, the worker’s weariness arising from the imbalance in their relationship with the work environment is classified as occupational stress. The qualitative and quantitative overload of functions stands out among the causes of occupational stress, which makes the work environment threatening, compromising workers’ productivity and preventing them from achieving personal and professional self-realization99 Sousa I, Mendonça H, Zanini D, Nazareno E. Estresse Ocupacional, Coping e Burnout. Revista EVS - Rev Ciências Ambientais Saúde 2010; 36(1):57-74..
In the state of São Paulo, a study with 506 military police officers showed that, although professionals claim to be satisfied with their health, their quality of life is compromised in aspects related to the environment. The data uncover a significant association between high stress levels and poor quality of life, revealing the need for policies that promote coping mechanisms to improve the quality of life of this public, directly reflecting on the public safety service1010 Arroyo TR, Borges MA, Lourenção LG. Health and quality of life of military police officers. Rev Bras Promoç Saude 2019; 32:7738..
Therefore, given the relevance of the work of military police officers for society, the importance of identifying occupational stress factors related to the work process and its implications for the health, well-being, and job satisfaction of these professionals is notorious. Given the above, this study aims to investigate the levels of occupational stress and engagement in work among military police officers.
This cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study was conducted with police officers from the 3rd Military Police Battalion of Paraná (3° BPM/PR) in 2018. The 3rd BPM/PR belongs to the 5th Regional Military Police Command of the State and serves a population of approximately 260 thousand inhabitants, distributed in 16 municipalities in the southwestern micro-region of Paraná1111 Secretaria de Segurança Pública e Administração Penitenciária, Polícia Militar do Paraná. 5º Comando Regional de Polícia Militar: 3º BPM - Histórico. Curitiba; 2017. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: http://www.pmpr.pr.gov.br/Pagina/Historico.
http://www.pmpr.pr.gov.br/Pagina/Histori... . Headquartered in Pato Branco, the 3rd BPM/PR has 312 police officers who carry out policing in urban and rural areas, traffic inspection, application of sniffer dogs, presence at shows and events, and have a structure for intervention in civil disturbances and rebellions1111 Secretaria de Segurança Pública e Administração Penitenciária, Polícia Militar do Paraná. 5º Comando Regional de Polícia Militar: 3º BPM - Histórico. Curitiba; 2017. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: http://www.pmpr.pr.gov.br/Pagina/Historico.
http://www.pmpr.pr.gov.br/Pagina/Histori... .
The study population consisted of military police officers of the 3rd BPM/PR who agreed to participate in the study after being invited. Professionals who were on leave or removed from work activities due to health problems, leave, or any other reason during the period of data collection were excluded.
Three instruments were used for data collection. One was with information on the sociodemographic and professional profile of police officers (gender, age group, marital status, education, position, service seniority, working hours, work shift, physical activity, and if held responsible for disciplinary transgressions); the Work Stress Scale (EET), validated by Paschoal and Tamayo1212 Paschoal TE, Tamayo A. Validação da Escala de Estresse no Trabalho. Estud Psicol 2004; 9(1):45-52.; and the Brazilian version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), validated by Vazquez et al.1313 Vasquez ACS, Magnan ES, Pacico JC, Hutz CS, Schaufeli WB. Adaptation and Validation of the Brazilian Version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Psico-USF 2015; 20(2):207-217..
The EET consists of sociodemographic data and 23 negative responses, with a five-point scale, ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”. Its indicators were developed from the analysis of the literature on psychosocial, organizational stressors, and psychological reactions to occupational stress. The scale has satisfactory psychometric characteristics and can contribute to research on the subject and diagnose the organizational environment. This organizational diagnostic tool has been subjected to psychometric tests and requirements1212 Paschoal TE, Tamayo A. Validação da Escala de Estresse no Trabalho. Estud Psicol 2004; 9(1):45-52..
The UWES is composed of 17 items that assess the individual’s level of work satisfaction. The scale assesses the three constituent aspects of work engagement (dedication, absorption, and vigor) and has been validated in several countries1313 Vasquez ACS, Magnan ES, Pacico JC, Hutz CS, Schaufeli WB. Adaptation and Validation of the Brazilian Version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Psico-USF 2015; 20(2):207-217..
The data obtained were stored in a database using a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet and analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 23.0. Sociodemographic and professional variables were used to describe the profile of military police officers.
Occupational stress was evaluated by calculating a mean score obtained by the officers, identifying the most common stressors according to the officers’ perception. Then, a descriptive analysis of sociodemographic and professional variables was conducted, according to the presence or absence of occupational stress. EET indicators range from one to five, and the higher the mean, the greater the stress. Indicators of significant stress levels are mean values equal to or greater than 2.5.
The scores of the work engagement dimensions were calculated per the statistical model proposed in the UWES Preliminary Manual - Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, showing the mean and standard deviation for each UWES dimension. The Vigor is calculated by the arithmetic mean of the answers to questions 1, 4, 8, 12, 15, and 17 of the UWES; Dedication is the arithmetic mean of the answers to questions 2, 5, 7, 10, and 13; and Absorption consists of the arithmetic mean of the answers to questions 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, and 16. The overall score corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the answers to all the questions on the scale1414 Agnst R, Benevides-Pereira AMT, Porto-Martins PC. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Curitiba: GEPEB; 2009..
After calculating the scores, the values obtained were interpreted according to the decoding of the UWES Preliminary Manual, as follows: 0 to 0.99 = Very Low; 1 to 1.99 = Low; 2 to 3.99 = Medium; 4 to 4.99 = High; 5 to 6 = Very High1414 Agnst R, Benevides-Pereira AMT, Porto-Martins PC. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Curitiba: GEPEB; 2009..
The Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency indicator was used to verify the reliability of the construct measures. The T-test was used for two means and ANOVA for three or more means to verify the difference between the mean scores of the UWES dimensions and the sociodemographic and professional characteristics of the military police officers.
Finally, a correlation analysis was performed between occupational stress and the UWES dimensions (Dedication, Absorption, Vigor, and Overall Score), using the Pearson correlation test (r) and considering weak correlation for “r” values up to 0.30, moderate for values between 0.40 and 0.60, and strong for values higher than 0.70. A 95% (p≤0.05) significance level was adopted for all calculations.
The Research Ethics Committee approved the study.
A total of 268 military police officers participated, and 84.7% were men, aged 31-40 years (46.6%), with incomplete higher education (45.1%) and married (67.6%). Most were soldiers (82.8%), had operational functions (70.1%), and worked in scheduled shifts (72.4%), with 51.1% working 24x48h shifts. Regarding seniority in the police, 54.5% of police officers worked 3-10 years. Approximately 90.6% did not exercise any other paid activity, 25.5% did not engage in physical activity, 48.5% had already committed a disciplinary transgression, and 33.6% reported problems that compromised their quality of life. (Table 1)
Police officers showed significant levels of occupational stress (46.7%), and 86.4% were male, 46.4% were 31-40 years, 39.2% with incomplete higher education, 66.4% were married, 83.9% were soldiers, 71.2% performed operational functions, 74.4% worked scheduled shifts, 49.6% worked 12x24h or 12x48h shifts, 55.2% had been working in the Military Police 3-10 years, 89.6% had no other paid activity, 5.2% engaged in physical activity, and 53.6% had committed a disciplinary transgression.
Table 2 shows that the stressful aspects, according to the perception of the military police officers, were: [Q16] lack of career growth prospects (3.7;±1.3); [Q13] inadequate professional training (3.4;±1.2); [Q12] discrimination/favoritism in the work environment (3.1;±1.4); [Q10] prolonged working hours (3.0;±1.4); [Q1] form of task distribution (2.7;±1.1); [Q2] control type (2.7;±1.1); [Q5] deficiency in disclosing information about organizational decisions (2.7;±1.2); [Q15] low valuation by superiors (2.7;±1.2); [Q3] lack of autonomy in performing the work (2.6;±1.1).
Work engagement levels ranged from 3.8 [medium] to 4.1 [high]. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient values ranged from 0.790 to 0.940, showing reliable results (Table 3).
There were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the UWES dimensions and the sociodemographic and professional variables of the military police officers. The correlation between work engagement and occupational stress was negative and statistically significant, as the increase in occupational stress decreases the work engagement levels (Table 4). A weak correlation was observed between occupational stress and dimensions Absorption (r: -0.284; p<0.001) and Overall Score (r: -0.393; p<0.001) and moderate with Vigor (r: -0.422; p<0.001) and Dedication (r: -0.414; p<0.001).
Military police officers from the 3rd BPM/PR have a sociodemographic and professional profile similar to that reported by other studies with Brazilian police officers1010 Arroyo TR, Borges MA, Lourenção LG. Health and quality of life of military police officers. Rev Bras Promoç Saude 2019; 32:7738.,1515 Almeida DM, Lopes LFD, Costa VMF, Santos RCT, Corrêa JS. Satisfação no Trabalho dos Policiais Militares do Rio Grande do Sul: um Estudo Quantitativo. Psicol Cienc Prof 2016; 36(4):801-815.. The predominance of scheduled shift work is typical among police officers and corroborates the literature1010 Arroyo TR, Borges MA, Lourenção LG. Health and quality of life of military police officers. Rev Bras Promoç Saude 2019; 32:7738.,1616 Brasil VP, Lourenção LG. Qualidade de vida de policiais militares do interior do estado de São Paulo. Arq Cienc Saude 2017; 24(1):81-5.-1717 Knapik JJ, Graham B, Cobbs J, Thompson D, Steelman R, Jones BH. A prospective investigation of injury incidence and risk factors among army recruits in combat engineer training. J Occup Med Toxicol 2013; 8(1):5.. The intense and risky activity of the military police, linked to long working hours in shifts, provides a natural predisposition to bodily pain, such as low back pain, due to the long time spent in an upright position, use of equipment such as a ballistic vest and trim belt, and to physical and emotional stress. In this sense, excessive working hours can escalate the stress situation and lead to health problems that become chronic and compromise the quality of life of these professionals1010 Arroyo TR, Borges MA, Lourenção LG. Health and quality of life of military police officers. Rev Bras Promoç Saude 2019; 32:7738.,1616 Brasil VP, Lourenção LG. Qualidade de vida de policiais militares do interior do estado de São Paulo. Arq Cienc Saude 2017; 24(1):81-5.
17 Knapik JJ, Graham B, Cobbs J, Thompson D, Steelman R, Jones BH. A prospective investigation of injury incidence and risk factors among army recruits in combat engineer training. J Occup Med Toxicol 2013; 8(1):5.-1818 Neto A, Faleiro T, Moreira F, Jambeiro J, Schulz R. Lombalgia na atividade policial militar: análise da prevalência, repercussões laborativas e custo indireto. Rev Baiana Saude Publ 2013; 37(2):365-374..
The percentage of military police officers with significant levels of occupational stress is consistent with other studies and, possibly, a consequence of the work environment surrounded by conflicts, which lead to physical and mental exposure of police officers, given the most diverse occurrences. Police officers constantly face imminent risks that contribute to the emergence of stress during the working day, impacting their health, such as excessive working hours, low pay, insufficient logistical support, and lack of motivation. In this context, the military police officer’s work process can trigger frustration, insecurity, conflicts, and dissatisfaction, directly related to occupational stress1919 Aguiar FLS. Estresse ocupacional: contribuições das pirâmides coloridas de Pfister no contexto policial militar [dissertação]. Belém: Universidade Federal do Pará; 2007. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/1890.-2020 Santos MJ, Jesus SS, Tupinambá MRP, Brito WF. Percepção de policiais militares em relação ao estresse ocupacional. Revista humanidades 2018; 7(2):42-54..
In the meantime, the consequences of occupational stress reach individual, group, and organizational levels. Declining efficiency, voluntary work overload, emotional explosion, high level of tension, frustration, omnipotence, and aggravation of illnesses are seen at the individual level. At the group level, hostile behaviors, useless arguments, little contribution to work, not sharing problems, and a high level of insecurity arise. However, at the organizational level, we see losses such as constant delays in meeting deadlines, absenteeism, high employee turnover, low effort level, and impoverished bonds1919 Aguiar FLS. Estresse ocupacional: contribuições das pirâmides coloridas de Pfister no contexto policial militar [dissertação]. Belém: Universidade Federal do Pará; 2007. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/1890.,2121 Almeida DM, Lopes LFD, Costa VMF, Santos RCT, Corrêa JS. Avaliação do estresse ocupacional no cotidiano de policiais militares do Rio Grande do Sul. Organizações em Contexto 2017; 13(26):215-238..
The predominance of occupational stress among soldiers who performed the operational tasks shows that demands for operational services are more intense and exhausting, especially for low-ranking professionals. The literature indicates that police officers working in administrative duties perform day shifts and, sporadically, extra shifts. On the other hand, the operational police officers perform external functions, work directly with society ostensibly, and uphold public order, with high physical and mental exposure. The risks inherent to the operational performance of police officers materialize, above all, in armed confrontations, in which there is high exposure and possible occurrence of fatal events1010 Arroyo TR, Borges MA, Lourenção LG. Health and quality of life of military police officers. Rev Bras Promoç Saude 2019; 32:7738.,2222 Bernardo VM, Silva FC, Ferreira EG, Bento GG, Zilch MC, Sousa BA, Silva R. Atividade física e qualidade de sono em policiais militares. Rev Bras Ciênc Esporte 2018; 40(2):131-137.-2323 Silveira RA, Medeiros CR. O herói-envergonhado: tensões e contradições no cotidiano do trabalho policial. Rev Bras Segur Publica 2016; 10(2):134-153..
The fact that more than half of police officers with 3-10 years of experience in the corporation show significant occupational stress levels may be associated with the high strictness imposed on military training and conduct. Literature sustains that military police officers must fulfill their duty, denoting an irreproachable moral and professional behavior, and keep a social life with unblemished behavior2323 Silveira RA, Medeiros CR. O herói-envergonhado: tensões e contradições no cotidiano do trabalho policial. Rev Bras Segur Publica 2016; 10(2):134-153. outside the disciplinary regiment.
Likewise, the pressure for compliance with the values and ethical duties of the military, whose insubordination is a crime subject to severe punishment, is a factor that generates wear and stress on police officers and may explain the relationship of the high percentage of professionals charged with disciplinary transgressions with occupational stress3030 Sales LJM, Sá LD. A condição do policial militar em atendimento clínico: uma análise das narrativas sobre adoecimento, sofrimento e medo no contexto profissional. Repocs 2016; 13(25):181-206..
The perception of military police officers regarding the lack of career growth prospects as a triggering factor for occupational stress is corroborated by a general survey on police work in Brazil, which showed that the police career is not as attractive, due to the lack of prospects for growth within corporations, besides loss of career identity, death risks, sense of exploitation, and abandonment by the institution. Such meanings took on negative references and were associated with notions of malaise at work, which can favor occupational stress2323 Silveira RA, Medeiros CR. O herói-envergonhado: tensões e contradições no cotidiano do trabalho policial. Rev Bras Segur Publica 2016; 10(2):134-153..
Another stressing aspect mentioned was the deficient professional qualification, whose implementation is essential for police action. Military police officers must constantly be qualified to be aware of the exact moment to take action and guarantee society’s security to guarantee excellence in their professional work, mainly so that individual and collective rights can be respected2424 Venez HSC, Soares MF. A capacitação profissional continuada em tiro policial na polícia militar do tocantins. Aturá - Rev Pan-Amazônica Comunicação 2018; 2(3):284-305..
Issues of discrimination and favoritism in the workplace are associated with the antisocial behavior of individuals in organizations to harm colleagues and the institution, which confirms that this aspect is considered a stressor by the military police, pointing to the need to intervene in this situation2121 Almeida DM, Lopes LFD, Costa VMF, Santos RCT, Corrêa JS. Avaliação do estresse ocupacional no cotidiano de policiais militares do Rio Grande do Sul. Organizações em Contexto 2017; 13(26):215-238..
Another stressful aspect was the long working hours the military police officers were subjected to. Shift work can affect sleep quality, and its deprivation can harm the health of professionals. Therefore, long hours and shift work bring complications to the biological and circadian cycle. Also, the high level of attention and alert required from the police, especially during night work or on long journeys, increases the likelihood of car accidents caused by tactical monitoring in dark environments and armed confrontation, which can claim lives2525 Bernardo VM, Cascaes SF, Gonçalves E, Soleman HSS, Valdivia ABA, Silva R. Efeitos do Trabalho em Turnos na Qualidade do Sono de Policiais: Uma Revisão Sistemática. Rev Cub Med Mil 2015; 44(3):334-345.-2626 Waggoner LB, Grant DA, Van Dongen HP, Belenky G, Vila B. A combined field and laboratory design for assessing the impact of night shift work on police officer operational performance. Sleep 2012; 35(11):1575-1577..
Regarding the distribution of tasks, identified as an essential stressor, it is noteworthy that many cause tension and contradictions in police work, generating a lack of motivation to continue in the career, as a result of interventions that do not represent the public function of the police and often only serve to meet the particular interests of hierarchical superiors2323 Silveira RA, Medeiros CR. O herói-envergonhado: tensões e contradições no cotidiano do trabalho policial. Rev Bras Segur Publica 2016; 10(2):134-153.. This understanding considers another stressing aspect pointed out by Paraná police officers, which is the type of control in their work, as excessive control in the performance of duties leads to alienation and, consequent irritability, enhancing occupational stress2727 Cruz ER, Silva MJ, Menegassi C. A comunicação interna nas organizações na perspectiva da gestão do conhecimento. In: Anais da IX Mostra Interna de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e II Mostra Interna de Trabalhos de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação; 2018; Maringá. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: http://rdu.unicesumar.edu.br//handle/123456789/2299.
http://rdu.unicesumar.edu.br//handle/123... .
The poor dissemination of information related to organizational decisions generates irritability in police officers, showing that the communication problem is very much alive among the studied professionals and the corporation. Internal institutional communication is crucial for knowledge management in organizations, especially strategically, as good communication improves the corporate environment, positively affecting the external environment2828 Bellenzani R, Paro DM, Oliveira MC. Trabalho em saúde mental e estresse na equipe: questões para a política nacional de humanização/SUS. Rev Psicol Saude 2016; 8(1):32-43.. Also, the low valuation by superiors related to the lack of disclosure of information, especially organizational decisions, directly affects the daily work, generating stress and professional wear2929 Tabosa MPO, Cordeiro AT. Estresse ocupacional: análise do ambiente laboral de uma cooperativa de médicos de Pernambuco. ReCaPe 2018; 8(2):282-303..
While it is routine for military police officers to deal with these asymmetrical power relationships, the rigid rank model becomes harmful as it contributes to the humiliation and devaluation of the professionals, such as the using the rank to embarrass and oppress subordinates, which strengthens low self-esteem and professional devaluation3030 Sales LJM, Sá LD. A condição do policial militar em atendimento clínico: uma análise das narrativas sobre adoecimento, sofrimento e medo no contexto profissional. Repocs 2016; 13(25):181-206..
Opposing the stressful aspects analyzed, the positive relationship of military police officers with work (work engagement) was very good, demonstrating that these professionals have high energy levels and identify with work. The observed results corroborate national studies with other professionals, such as nurses and PHC workers, multidisciplinary health residents, health professionals enrolled in professional improvement programs3131 Lourenção LG, Silva AG, Borges MA. Levels of engagement in primary health care professionals: a comparative study in two Brazilian municipalities. Esc Anna Nery 2019; 23(3):e20190005.
32 Silva AG, Cabrera EMS, Gazetta CE, Sodre PC, Castro JR, Cordioli Junior JR, Cordioli DFC, Lourenção LG. Engagement in primary health care nurses: A cross-sectional study in a Brazilian city. Public Health Nurs 2020; 37(2):169-177.
33 Cordioli DFC, Cordioli Junior JR, Gazetta CE, Silva AG, Lourenção LG. Occupational stress and engagement in primary health care workers. Rev Bras Enferm 2019; 72(6):1580-1587.
34 Lourenc¸a~o LG. Work engagement among participants of residency and professional development programs in nursing. Rev Bras Enferm 2018; 71(Supl. 4):1487-1492.
35 Gonsalez EG, Lourenção LG, Teixeira PR, Rotta DS, Gazetta CE, Beretta D, Pinto MH.Work engagement in employees at professional improvement programs in health. Cad Bras Ter Ocup 2017; 25(3):509-517.-3636 Rotta DS, Lourenção LG, Gonsalez EG, Teixeira PR, Gazetta CE, Pinto MH. Engagement of multi-professional residents in health. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2019; 530:e03437..
The variations between medium and high values work engagement levels of military police officers reinforce that this is a phenomenon related to their work environment, influenced by individual, organizational and work-specific characteristics3434 Lourenc¸a~o LG. Work engagement among participants of residency and professional development programs in nursing. Rev Bras Enferm 2018; 71(Supl. 4):1487-1492..
The average level of Vigor of police officers can reduce occupational stress. A recent study with military police officers indicated a potential positive impact of resilience in reducing occupational stress, predominantly female professionals3737 Chitra T, Karunanidhi S. The Impact of Resilience Training on Occupational Stress, Resilience, Job Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-being of Female Police Officers. J Police Crim Psych 2018; 3:1-16... The high level of Dedication shows that the military police are enthusiastic and identify with the work. According to the literature, the work environment should provide social support among professionals for workers to show high work engagement levels. Likewise, satisfactory levels of Dedication among workers will depend on the managers’ support capacity3535 Gonsalez EG, Lourenção LG, Teixeira PR, Rotta DS, Gazetta CE, Beretta D, Pinto MH.Work engagement in employees at professional improvement programs in health. Cad Bras Ter Ocup 2017; 25(3):509-517.,3838 Sullivan HD, Warshawsky NE, Vasey J. RN work engagement in generational cohorts: The view from rural US hospitals. J Nurs Manag 2013; 21(7):927-940..
A study on work engagement and burnout carried out in the Netherlands with more than two thousand police officers concluded that professionals who were part of teams highly involved in work activities had higher Vigor, Dedication, and Absorption levels. These results reinforce the advantages of healthy work environments for the good performance of duties3939 Bakker AB, Emmerik H van, Euwema MC. Crossover of burnout and engagement in work teams. Work and occupations 2006; 33(4):464-489..
The mean level of Absorption portrays a good focus and concentration of police officers in carrying out their missions, which is essential for the daily work of these professionals. A study carried out in Bahia showed that police officers had higher levels of Dedication and Absorption than other professionals. This difference may be more significant for the authors when comparing police officers with health professionals, social workers, and guardianship counselors4040 Guedes HD. Trabalho emocional, identidade e engajamento no trabalho com policiais militares: Testando modelos de predição e mediação [dissertação]. Salvador: Universidade Federal da Bahia; 2018. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/25662..
However, even with high work engagement levels, police officers can show physical fatigue after work because engagement is associated with satisfaction and pleasure in performing work duties. Even physically tired, police officers find meaning and pleasure in their attributions, which ensures them high engagement levels3939 Bakker AB, Emmerik H van, Euwema MC. Crossover of burnout and engagement in work teams. Work and occupations 2006; 33(4):464-489.-4040 Guedes HD. Trabalho emocional, identidade e engajamento no trabalho com policiais militares: Testando modelos de predição e mediação [dissertação]. Salvador: Universidade Federal da Bahia; 2018. [acessado 2020 maio 23]. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/25662..
In this context, corporations should encourage the positive relationship of police officers with work to prevent occupational stress from negatively impacting the work engagement levels of police officers and compromising the progress of the security service, based on the valuation and reward of professionals, adequate working hours, flexibilization of control types, implementation of permanent qualifications, and organizational recognition4141 Bakker AB, Albrecht SL, Leiter MP. Key questions regarding work engagement. Eur. J Work Organ Psychol 2011; 20(1):4-28..
However, the implementation of these actions is a challenge for occupational health in the contemporary world. The achievement of relevant impacts for the health of police officers requires their involvement through representative organizations, expanding the power of individual and collective action in negotiating with hierarchical superiors and state governments4242 Souza KR, Rodrigues AMS, Fernandez VS, Bonfatti RJ. A categoria saúde na perspectiva da saúde do trabalhador: ensaio sobre interações, resistências e práxis. Saude Debate 2017; 41(n. spe. 2):254-263.-4343 Jackson Filho JM, Pina JA, Vilela RGA, Souza KR. Desafios para a intervenção em saúde do trabalhador. Rev Bras Saude Ocup 2018; 43(Supl. 1):e13s..
The study allowed identifying the factors that trigger occupational stress in military police officers and, by identifying the work engagement levels, it facilitated knowledge about the relationship of these professionals with the work environment. Despite the significant number of police officers with occupational stress, they showed good work engagement levels, especially in the Dedication domain, as they are highly enthusiastic, inspired, and proud of their work. Therefore, the relevance of identifying and intervening in the triggering factors of occupational stress was evidenced, implementing measures that minimize suffering and emotional exhaustion, and encouraging the police to engage in work.
Therefore, this study contributes to implementing strategies that encourage positive aspects and reduce negative factors of police work, based on organizational interventions that improve police officers’ health, satisfaction, well-being, and quality of life, positively affecting the safety of the assigned community.
The approach of only one Military Police Battalion is a limitation, as it does not allow generalizing the results to the entire state corporation or other Brazilian regions. Thus, we suggest that further studies be carried out with an expanded sample to ensure comparisons and discussion of regional similarities and differences, expanding knowledge on this relevant topic within the promotion of Occupational Health in contemporary society.
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