“The world is getting so boring... we can’t say anything anymore!”: an autoethnographic essay about the “mimimis” that insist on bothering medical training

Gustavo Antonio Raimondi About the author

Perhaps, at various times in your life, you have not questioned yourself about your sexuality and the way in which it can interact with discourses of domination and stigmatization, as well as with other intersectionalities such as race/ethnicity and gender. Our bodies seem to have a biological order pre-defined by culture, but we forget that all processes are culturally constructed. What social norms are we talking about? Who elaborated and continues to reiterate these norms? Me? You? .... Without seeking to immediately answer these questions, this autoethnographic text11. Raimondi GA, Moreira C, Brilhante AV, Barros NF. A autoetnografia performática e a pesquisa qualitativa na Saúde Coletiva: (des)encontros método+lógicos. Cad Saude Publica. 2020; 36(12):e00095320. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00095320.
in the debate format of the article entitled “Are we preparing future physicians to handle situations of violence related to gender and non-heterosexual sexualities? Report of a diagnostic educational ‘experience’”22. Cruz BA, Querichelli AFQ, Uback L. Estamos preparando os futuros médicos para atendimentos de situações de violência com enfoque em gênero e em sexualidades não heterossexuais? Relato de uma “experiência” educacional diagnóstica. Interface (Botucatu). 2023; 27:e220630. doi: 10.1590/interface.220630.
invites you to think about which society we are willing to build.

2011. Clerkship, or also known as Compulsory Supervised Clerkship in the Medical Course’s, in the Internal Medicine area. Stage of “Infectious Diseases” (ID). During the various bedside activities and discussions of clinical cases of patients hospitalized in the ID, I was taught to improve my clinical knowledge in relation to infectious and parasitic diseases. On another ordinary day of this process, laughter echoed from the “Doctors’ Room”. As I approached, the “joke” was related to the fastest way to know if a person was gay. Obviously, I, as a gay white cisgender man, recoil in fear of being outed33. Sedgwick EK. A epistemologia do armário. Cad PAGU. 2007; (28):19-54. doi: 10.1590/S0104-83332007000100003.
. I enter. The answer to the “joke” or “clinical knowledge” of a case on the ward was directly, for those (mostly heterosexual white cis men) who laughed, laid bare in the result of a urinalysis. “He can only be gay, because those who have intestinal bacteria in this test are those who have anal sex”. “Laughter”, again. For me, one more alert44. Raimondi GA, Teixeira FB, Moreira C, Barros NF. Corpos (não) controlados: efeitos dos discursos sobre sexualidades em uma escola médica brasileira. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2019; 43(3):16-26. doi: 10.1590/1981-52712015v43n3RB20180142.
. My fear: suffering violence and/or as a friend of mine later translated it, social death55. Borrillo D. A homofobia. In: Lionço T, Diniz D, organizadoras. Homofobia e Educação: um desafio ao silêncio. Brasília: LetrasLivres, EdUnB; 2009. p. 15-46..

The manifestation of whiteness guarantees privileges to whites and exposes their neutrality in situations of ethnic-racial conflict. To be white is to be a universal reference of human normality66. Malachias R. “Mimimi”? Não! Desigualdades, vulnerabilidades, corpo e comunicação. In: Prata N, Pessoa SC, organizadoras. Desigualdades, gêneros e comunicação. São Paulo: Intercom; 2019. p. 147-59.. (p. 153)

Upon hearing this stated from a professor nationally known as a reference in the field of Infectious Diseases, doubts about a person’s sexuality cease to exist, depending on the result of an exam. The exposure is not only about being gay, but there is also a pejorative exposition55. Borrillo D. A homofobia. In: Lionço T, Diniz D, organizadoras. Homofobia e Educação: um desafio ao silêncio. Brasília: LetrasLivres, EdUnB; 2009. p. 15-46.. One moment... how did you learn about sex, sexuality and gender?

For many cisgender white men, sex is taught and learned, for the most part, in the “whorehouse”. It is the “initiation ritual of many men”. For my older cousins, sex is taught and learned, mostly, in pornographic materials. As an object, the hegemonic perspective of machismo on women is reiterated, through this “teaching of sexuality”77. Butler J. Problemas de gênero: feminismo e subversão da identidade. 11a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira; 2016.,88. Preciado PB. Testo Junkie: sexo, drogas e biopolítica na era formacopornográfica. Ribeiro MPG, tradutora. São Paulo: N-1 Edições; 2018..

And what does all this have to do with what I experienced in my medical training? The reiteration of disobedience from the “norm”99. Foucault M. História da sexualidade I: a vontade de saber. São Paulo: Graal; 2005.. Hegemonic “norm” that in a historical and cultural way is reiterated by men, whites, cisgenders, heterosexuals, in the majority. Reproducing a colonial logic of domination1010. Pereira PPG. Queer decolonial: quando as teorias viajam. Contemp Rev Sociol UFSCar. 2015; 5(2):411-37.,1111. Quijano A. Sobre la colonialidad del poder. 2013; 1(8):1-5. doi: 10.32870/cl.v0i8.2792.
, my professor taught me and my colleagues to reproduce in our practice a conduct considered “professionally appropriate”1212. Raimondi GA, Moreira C, Barros NF. Corpos que (não) importam para a prática médica: uma autoetnografia performática sobre o corpo gay na escola médica. Campinas: Ed. Pontes; 2022.. By keeping other existential possibilities in place of the comic or reiterating the comfortable position of “I didn’t learn anything from that”1313. Paulino DB, Rasera EF, Teixeira FB. Discursos sobre o cuidado em saúde de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais (LGBT) entre médicas (os) da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Interface (Botucatu). 2019; 23:e180279. doi: 10.1590/Interface.180279.
, violence is reiterated, in which LGBTQIA+phobia presents itself as an expression of the guardian of the borders of hegemonic sexuality55. Borrillo D. A homofobia. In: Lionço T, Diniz D, organizadoras. Homofobia e Educação: um desafio ao silêncio. Brasília: LetrasLivres, EdUnB; 2009. p. 15-46..

The notion of homophobia [...] articulate a general form of hostility to deviant/disobedience behavior from pre-established sociosexual roles55. Borrillo D. A homofobia. In: Lionço T, Diniz D, organizadoras. Homofobia e Educação: um desafio ao silêncio. Brasília: LetrasLivres, EdUnB; 2009. p. 15-46.. (p. 21)

2022. Remote meeting of a group of university professors. I wait for other people to come in so we can start the meeting. A colleague beside me comments:

— Gustavo, did you hear about that professor?

— No. What there was?

— He said to a group of residents [men, mostly]: ‘the world is getting so boring... there’s nothing more to say!’

— Hmm?!

— He said that the medical residents [white cisgender women, mostly] of Gynecology and Obstetrics keep questioning his conduct. They talked about the way he treats patients but he said: ‘as if I treated women badly, I love them’ and added: ‘everything is mimimi!’...


“Hello? Do you hear me? I think so, don’t you?! Let’s start the meeting then...”

It is not possible to think of true gender equality in the face of a scenario of violation of all types of women’s rights, [...], we believe that we move even further away from the end of gender and racial oppression when we insist on “rights ” of a universal woman. With regard to black women, there is at least an intersection of two axes: race and gender1414. Lima KD, Pimentel C, Lyra TM. Disparidades raciais: uma análise da violência obstétrica em mulheres negras. Cienc Saude Colet. 2021; 26 Suppl 3:4909-18. doi: 10.1590/1413-812320212611.3.24242019.
. (p. 4916)

2023. According to Rosangela Malachias66. Malachias R. “Mimimi”? Não! Desigualdades, vulnerabilidades, corpo e comunicação. In: Prata N, Pessoa SC, organizadoras. Desigualdades, gêneros e comunicação. São Paulo: Intercom; 2019. p. 147-59., it is understandable that the term “mimimi” is used by certain people belonging, normally, to hegemonic groups to refer to other subjects who “whin” and “victimize” themselves by problematizing ethnic, racial, and gender inequalities and vulnerabilities. When remembering the tears shed in my existence in the face of the various wound suffered by being a gay man (even if cisgender and white), I cannot ignore the pain I experienced and experience when hearing the “mimimi”. It is inadmissible to assume the comfortable position of neutrality and believe that it is “all right” in speeches and actions that reiterate a hegemonic power over bodies. Cruz et al.22. Cruz BA, Querichelli AFQ, Uback L. Estamos preparando os futuros médicos para atendimentos de situações de violência com enfoque em gênero e em sexualidades não heterossexuais? Relato de uma “experiência” educacional diagnóstica. Interface (Botucatu). 2023; 27:e220630. doi: 10.1590/interface.220630.
, invite us to think about an “institutionalized training policy” which, in my view, represents the systematic and intersectional study and practice of Human Rights, which can compose a set of compensatory and/or reparation public policies66. Malachias R. “Mimimi”? Não! Desigualdades, vulnerabilidades, corpo e comunicação. In: Prata N, Pessoa SC, organizadoras. Desigualdades, gêneros e comunicação. São Paulo: Intercom; 2019. p. 147-59.. In this sense, we need to question the “universal subject” (heterosexual cisgender white man) of our practices in order to break with the duality that establishes a “standard/norm” and a “non-standard/norm”1515. Jesus JG. Operadores do direito no atendimento às pessoas trans. Rev Direito Práxis. 2016; 7(15):537-56. doi: 10.12957/dep.2016.25377.
. We need to reflect on which society we want to build. If we understand that it is necessary to expand existential possibilities based on the logic of respect for diversity and the right to live, on an intersectional basis, we have to name the multiple forms of violence that we experience and/or reproduce in our society in order to transform our existence. It is necessary to feel the discomfort, to think of a transgressive education1616. Hooks B. Ensinando a transgredir: a educação como prática da liberdade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2013. that has empathy and compassion, as mentioned by Cruz et al.22. Cruz BA, Querichelli AFQ, Uback L. Estamos preparando os futuros médicos para atendimentos de situações de violência com enfoque em gênero e em sexualidades não heterossexuais? Relato de uma “experiência” educacional diagnóstica. Interface (Botucatu). 2023; 27:e220630. doi: 10.1590/interface.220630.

The classroom, with all its limitations, remains an environment of possibilities. In this field of possibilities, we have the opportunity to work for freedom, to demand from ourselves and from our comrades an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality at the same time that, collectively, we imagine schemes to cross borders, to transgress. This is education as a practice of freedom1616. Hooks B. Ensinando a transgredir: a educação como prática da liberdade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2013.. (p. 273)


  • 1
    Raimondi GA, Moreira C, Brilhante AV, Barros NF. A autoetnografia performática e a pesquisa qualitativa na Saúde Coletiva: (des)encontros método+lógicos. Cad Saude Publica. 2020; 36(12):e00095320. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00095320.
    » https://doi.org/10.1590/0102-311X00095320
  • 2
    Cruz BA, Querichelli AFQ, Uback L. Estamos preparando os futuros médicos para atendimentos de situações de violência com enfoque em gênero e em sexualidades não heterossexuais? Relato de uma “experiência” educacional diagnóstica. Interface (Botucatu). 2023; 27:e220630. doi: 10.1590/interface.220630.
    » https://doi.org/10.1590/interface.220630.
  • 3
    Sedgwick EK. A epistemologia do armário. Cad PAGU. 2007; (28):19-54. doi: 10.1590/S0104-83332007000100003.
    » https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-83332007000100003
  • 4
    Raimondi GA, Teixeira FB, Moreira C, Barros NF. Corpos (não) controlados: efeitos dos discursos sobre sexualidades em uma escola médica brasileira. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2019; 43(3):16-26. doi: 10.1590/1981-52712015v43n3RB20180142.
    » https://doi.org/10.1590/1981-52712015v43n3RB20180142
  • 5
    Borrillo D. A homofobia. In: Lionço T, Diniz D, organizadoras. Homofobia e Educação: um desafio ao silêncio. Brasília: LetrasLivres, EdUnB; 2009. p. 15-46.
  • 6
    Malachias R. “Mimimi”? Não! Desigualdades, vulnerabilidades, corpo e comunicação. In: Prata N, Pessoa SC, organizadoras. Desigualdades, gêneros e comunicação. São Paulo: Intercom; 2019. p. 147-59.
  • 7
    Butler J. Problemas de gênero: feminismo e subversão da identidade. 11a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira; 2016.
  • 8
    Preciado PB. Testo Junkie: sexo, drogas e biopolítica na era formacopornográfica. Ribeiro MPG, tradutora. São Paulo: N-1 Edições; 2018.
  • 9
    Foucault M. História da sexualidade I: a vontade de saber. São Paulo: Graal; 2005.
  • 10
    Pereira PPG. Queer decolonial: quando as teorias viajam. Contemp Rev Sociol UFSCar. 2015; 5(2):411-37.
  • 11
    Quijano A. Sobre la colonialidad del poder. 2013; 1(8):1-5. doi: 10.32870/cl.v0i8.2792.
    » https://doi.org/10.32870/cl.v0i8.2792.
  • 12
    Raimondi GA, Moreira C, Barros NF. Corpos que (não) importam para a prática médica: uma autoetnografia performática sobre o corpo gay na escola médica. Campinas: Ed. Pontes; 2022.
  • 13
    Paulino DB, Rasera EF, Teixeira FB. Discursos sobre o cuidado em saúde de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis, Transexuais (LGBT) entre médicas (os) da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Interface (Botucatu). 2019; 23:e180279. doi: 10.1590/Interface.180279.
    » https://doi.org/10.1590/Interface.180279
  • 14
    Lima KD, Pimentel C, Lyra TM. Disparidades raciais: uma análise da violência obstétrica em mulheres negras. Cienc Saude Colet. 2021; 26 Suppl 3:4909-18. doi: 10.1590/1413-812320212611.3.24242019.
    » https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-812320212611.3.24242019
  • 15
    Jesus JG. Operadores do direito no atendimento às pessoas trans. Rev Direito Práxis. 2016; 7(15):537-56. doi: 10.12957/dep.2016.25377.
    » https://doi.org/10.12957/dep.2016.25377
  • 16
    Hooks B. Ensinando a transgredir: a educação como prática da liberdade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes; 2013.

  • b
    What moment did this hegemonic heterosexual cis culture reiterate my life, my gay existence as legitimate? But don’t forget, I am white and this hegemonic culture is white-centric, so I also ask: what is the role of mine and maybe of its whiteness in maintaining [or not] the hegemonic powers? Is this hegemony only questioned when some of its elements or insignia of belonging are “lost”?

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    31 July 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 Jan 2023
  • Accepted
    27 Feb 2023
UNESP Botucatu - SP - Brazil
E-mail: intface@fmb.unesp.br