About one thousand participants (CBCSHS..., 2019) walked approximately two thousand meters through the streets of the capital of a state in the Northeast of Brazil, in defense of more diversity and democracy in the Brazilian National Health System - SUS (EM PAUTA..., 2019). On a Saturday afternoon, September 28, 2019, almost half of the participants of the 8th Brazilian Congress of Social and Human Sciences in Health (CONGRESSO..., 2019) departed from the congress headquarters, the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), towards Praça da Paz, making the scientific event even more playful, cultural, artistic and political. The previous day, the Congress hosted a ceremony eagerly awaited by all: the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health -Abrasco (ENCONTRO..., 2019). This mix of protest and commemoration marked the 8th Congress, held at UFPB, in João Pessoa, from September 26 to 30, 2019, on the theme "Equality in Differences: Confrontations in the joint construction of well-being and the SUS".
The 8th Brazilian Congress of Social and Human Sciences in Health had 2,168 participants, while the 7th Congress in Cuiabá, in 2016, received 958 (RELATÓRIO..., 2017); the 6th, in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, received 1,645; the 5th, in São Paulo in 2011, made it with 1,250; and the 1st, in Curitiba, in 1995 - when it was still called “Brazilian Congress of Social Sciences in Health”, 400. The growth in the number of participants was accompanied by the increase in the number of higher education institutions that have been nominating representatives for the Abrasco Commission on Social and Human Sciences in Health, the event organizer. In 1995, only six institutions appointed representatives (CANESQUI, 1995CANESQUI, A. M. Apresentação. In: ______. (Org.). Dilemas e desafios das Ciências Sociais na Saúde Coletiva. São Paulo: Hucitec-Abrasco; 1995. p. 11-18.). In 2011 this number increased to 10 (RELATÓRIO..., 2015) and in 2014 to 20 (RELATÓRIO..., 2016), reaching 29 in 2019 (COMPOSIÇÃO..., 2019). This expansion is the result of a collective effort, including professors from the Social Medicine Institute at Rio de Janeiro State University, such as Madel Luz, Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos, Kenneth R. Camargo Jr., Roseni Pinheiro, Francisco Ortega and Claudia Mora, who took turns as representatives of the Institute in the aforementioned Commission (PINHEIRO, 2013PINHEIRO, R. Projeto Memória: 30 anos da Comissão de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde/Abrasco. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ/IMS/Lappis; 2013. Disponível em: https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/11/Projeto_Memoria_CBCSHS.pdf. Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissao... ).
These congresses sometimes express the concentration of scientific production in the South-Southeast axis (IANNI et al., 2015IANNI, A. M. Z. et al. Os Congressos Brasileiros de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde da Abrasco: um campo científico em disputa. Ciênc. saúde coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 20, n. 2, p. 503-513, fev. 2015. Disponível em: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-81232015000200503&lng=en&nrm=iso>. Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.), sometimes the regional capillarity of the Social and Human Sciences in Health (TRAD, 2012TRAD, L. A. B. Temas e enfoques contemporâneos nas Ciências Sociais e Humanas no Brasil: expressões e tendências refletidas no V congresso da área. Cad. Saúde Pública. Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 12, p. 2373-2379, 2012. Disponível em: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-311X2012001400016. Acesso em: 5 mar. 2019.
http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=s... ), so that one of the achievements of the 8th Congress concerns precisely the fact that the vast majority of its thematic groups (WGs) - 27 of 29 - were multi-regional, ie most WGs were coordinated by people linked to institutions located in at least two of the five regions of Brazil, including North, Northeast and Midwest. The regional diversity of the WGs is in line with the very configuration of the Committee on Social and Human Health Sciences, unique to Abrasco's three committees - the other two being Epidemiology and Politics, Planning and Management - with representatives from universities in the five country regions. The capillarity, diversity and regional decentralization of the 8th Congress and the Committee represent a breakthrough in the fight against inequities in science and technology in Brazil, revealing the continuity of Committee management.
These and other achievements of the 8th Congress express, in addition to continuity and convergence, coherence between ideas and acts, as the teamwork of the national and local organizing committees, as well as the Congress scientific committee, enabled the combination of equality and difference at various levels. Among the innovations of the Congress, the following stand out: 1) students presented proposals of WGs, and some of WGs were coordinated by students of specialization courses; 2) members of social movements were part of the scientific committee, contributing to the construction of criteria for awarding the works presented in the 29 WGs; and 3) specific evaluation criteria were elaborated for the experience reports presented in these WGs, valuing the level of learning acquired in the experiences, as well as the exercise of critical thinking about the interventions.
None of this would have been possible without the protagonism of the local organizing committee in the whole process of building the Congress, composed by Eymard Vasconcelos, Pedro Cruz and other representatives of UFPB Popular Health Education, involved in extension projects that received national recognition (VASCONCELOS; CRUZ, 2013VASCONCELOS, E. M.; CRUZ, P. J. (Orgs.) Educação Popular na Formação Universitária: reflexões com base em uma experiência. São Paulo, João Pessoa: Hucitec, Editora Universitária da UFPB, 2013.). The inhabitants of João Pessoa still suffer symbolic and material damage linked directly or indirectly to the national government scenario, such as regional prejudice (EXAME, 2019) and pollution on the beaches (PESQUISADORES..., 2019).
Approaching well-being (ACOSTA, 2016ACOSTA, A. O bem viver: uma oportunidade para imaginar outros mundos. São Paulo: Autonomia Literária/Elefante, 2016.) becomes urgent when we live these and other social and environmental disasters, as this concept emerges as a critique of the idea of development: more than efficiency, we should talk about sufficiency, in a perspective focused on living together in community, which is distinct from welfare regarded from an exclusively individual point of view. Amid so much chauvinism and other forms of discrimination among the representatives of the current Federal Government, it is more than ever necessary to promote the debate on equality in differences in our congresses.
We brought together educators and students, poets and researchers, activists and representatives of indigenous peoples at João Pessoa's Praça da Paz during the 8th Congress, nourishing the hope that other public acts will happen in the events promoted by Abrasco and other Brazilian scientific associations that fight for human rights. We still have many confrontations ahead, as it is increasingly evident that the contemporary world is not at all friendly to a shared construction between academia, health services and community.
Finally, as usual in the editorial of the last issue of Physis in each year, we thank all the reviewers who helped us, from November / 2018 to October / 2019, in the difficult task of scientific publishing. Their names are listed below. Additionally, we would like to thank the most outstanding reviewer of the last 12 months for the quality and quantity of her collaborations: Leila Senna Maia, postdoctoral researcher and collaborating researcher at IMS-UERJ, who gave no less than eight opinions to our journal. To you, Leila, and all the other reviewers and authors, thank you very much!
- ACOSTA, A. O bem viver: uma oportunidade para imaginar outros mundos. São Paulo: Autonomia Literária/Elefante, 2016.
- CANESQUI, A. M. Apresentação. In: ______. (Org.). Dilemas e desafios das Ciências Sociais na Saúde Coletiva. São Paulo: Hucitec-Abrasco; 1995. p. 11-18.
- CBCSHS puxa uma primavera de luta em ato histórico. Abrasco, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/eventos/congresso-brasileiro-de-ciencias-sociais-e-humanas-em-saude/cbcshs-puxa-uma-primavera-de-lutas-em-ato-historico/43034/ Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/eventos/congresso-brasileiro-de-ciencias-sociais-e-humanas-em-saude/cbcshs-puxa-uma-primavera-de-lutas-em-ato-historico/43034/ - COMPOSIÇÃO da Comissão de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde. Abrasco, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/composicao/ Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/composicao/ - CONGRESSO Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde, 8. Abrasco, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.cshs.com.br/ Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.cshs.com.br/ - EM PAUTA na Saúde. Canal Saúde, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.canalsaude.fiocruz.br/canal/videoAberto/em-pauta-na-saude-04102019-epa-0143 Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.canalsaude.fiocruz.br/canal/videoAberto/em-pauta-na-saude-04102019-epa-0143 - ENCONTRO de gerações marca celebração dos 40 anos da Abrasco. Abrasco, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/eventos/congresso-brasileiro-de-ciencias-sociais-e-humanas-em-saude/celebracao-40-anos-abrasco/42936/ Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/eventos/congresso-brasileiro-de-ciencias-sociais-e-humanas-em-saude/celebracao-40-anos-abrasco/42936/ - EXAME. Bolsonaro: “Daqueles governadores de ‘Paraíba’, o pior é o do Maranhão”. Revista Exame, 2019. Disponível em: https://exame.abril.com.br/brasil/bolsonaro-daqueles-governadores-de-paraiba-o-pior-e-o-do-maranhao/ Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://exame.abril.com.br/brasil/bolsonaro-daqueles-governadores-de-paraiba-o-pior-e-o-do-maranhao/ - IANNI, A. M. Z. et al. Os Congressos Brasileiros de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde da Abrasco: um campo científico em disputa. Ciênc. saúde coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 20, n. 2, p. 503-513, fev. 2015. Disponível em: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1413-81232015000200503&lng=en&nrm=iso>. Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
- PESQUISADORES querem estado de emergência de saúde pública por óleo no Nordeste. O Estado de São Paulo, 2019. Disponível em: https://sustentabilidade.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,pesquisadores-pedem-que-governo-declare-estado-de-emergencia-de-saude-publica-por-oleo-no-nordeste,70003064788 Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://sustentabilidade.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,pesquisadores-pedem-que-governo-declare-estado-de-emergencia-de-saude-publica-por-oleo-no-nordeste,70003064788 - PINHEIRO, R. Projeto Memória: 30 anos da Comissão de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde/Abrasco. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ/IMS/Lappis; 2013. Disponível em: https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/11/Projeto_Memoria_CBCSHS.pdf Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/11/Projeto_Memoria_CBCSHS.pdf - RELATÓRIO de Gestão da Comissão de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde 2011-2015. Abrasco, 2015. Disponível em: http://www.abrasco.org.br/site/gtalimentacaoenutricaoemsaudecoletiva/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2016/10/Relatorio-gest%c3%a3o-CCSHS-abrasco-2011-2015.pdf Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» http://www.abrasco.org.br/site/gtalimentacaoenutricaoemsaudecoletiva/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2016/10/Relatorio-gest%c3%a3o-CCSHS-abrasco-2011-2015.pdf - RELATÓRIO de Gestão da Comissão de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde 2014-2016. Abrasco, 2016. Disponível em: https://gestaoccshsabrasco.wordpress.com/composicao-2/ Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://gestaoccshsabrasco.wordpress.com/composicao-2/ - RELATÓRIO Científico do 7º Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde. Abrasco, 2017. Disponível em: https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/04/Relat%C3%B3rio-Cient%C3%ADfico_2017-04-18.pdf Acesso em: 27 out. 2019.
» https://www.abrasco.org.br/site/comissaodecienciassociaisehumanasemsaude/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2014/04/Relat%C3%B3rio-Cient%C3%ADfico_2017-04-18.pdf - TRAD, L. A. B. Temas e enfoques contemporâneos nas Ciências Sociais e Humanas no Brasil: expressões e tendências refletidas no V congresso da área. Cad. Saúde Pública. Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, n. 12, p. 2373-2379, 2012. Disponível em: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-311X2012001400016 Acesso em: 5 mar. 2019.
» http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-311X2012001400016 - VASCONCELOS, E. M.; CRUZ, P. J. (Orgs.) Educação Popular na Formação Universitária: reflexões com base em uma experiência. São Paulo, João Pessoa: Hucitec, Editora Universitária da UFPB, 2013.
Adelyne Mendes Pereira
Adriana Greco
Adriano Maia dos Santos
Adriano Rosa
Alessandro Campolina
Alice Hirdes
Amanda Ornela
Ana Abrahão Silva
Ana Carolina Feldenheimer
Ana Claudia Monteiro
Ana Cristina Figueiredo
Ana Paula Guljor
Ana Paula Hemmi
Ana Paula Melo
Ana Raquel Lima
Anahí Farj
André Felipe Cândido da Silva
Andre Luis Bonifacio de Carvalho
André Luis de O. Mendonça
André Rangel Rios
Ândrea C. Souza
Andreza Nakano
Bianca V. Sophia
Camila Matias Pereira
Camilla Lopes Vieira
Carine Blatt
Carinne Magnago
Carla Guedes
Carla Rocha Pereira
Carlos Dimas M. Ribeiro
Cecília Soares
Cinara Moutinho
Clarice Mota
Clarissa Seixas
Clarissa Tochetto
Claudia Cunha
Claudia Henschel de Lima
Claudia Jurberg
Claudia M. F. Penido
Claudia Passos Ferreira
Claudia Rezende
Cristiane Araújo
Cristiane Silvestre de Paula
Cristina Loyola
Charles Dalcanale Tesser
Christiana Profice
Daniel Groisman
Daniela Alves
Daniela Murta Amaral
Daniela Oliveira Melo
Daniela Ribeiro Schneider
Daniela Savi Geremia
Danilo Carvalho Oliveira
Deison Lucietto
Deivisson Vianna Santos
Denize Ribeiro
Edilson Marins Rodrigues Neto
Edna Aparecida Castro
Elaine Teixeira Rabello
Fabiana Pires
Fabio Pedro Balboa
Fatima Cecchetto
Felipe R. S. Machado
Fernanda Loureiro
Fernanda Martinhago
Fernanda Mendes
Flavia H. Freire
Frederico Policarpo
Gabriel Eduardo Schütz
Gaspar Maza
Gilberto Avalos
Grasiele Nespoli
Gustavo Figueiredo
Heloisa Morais
Hilderman Cardona
Hudson Pacífico
Iara Falleiros Braga
Isabela Samico
Islandia Maria Carvalho de Sousa
Izabel Passos
Jane Dutra Sayd
Jane M. Progianti
Jaqueline Ferreira
Joelson Rodrigues
Jorge Mathias do Nascimento
José Ricardo Ayres
Josué Laguardia
Julian Antman
Juliane Peruzzo
Júlio Simões
Kalline Russo de Souza
Karen Matsumoto
Katia Aguiar
Kelly Alves
Kênia Silva
Laura López
Laura Murray
Laura Pozzana
Leandro Gonçalves
Leandro Wenceslau
Leila Senna Maia
Lenir Nascimento
Leny Alves Bomfim Trad
Liliane Carvalho
Lina Berardinelli
Lucas Melo
Lucía Ariza
Luciana Motta
Luciana Simas
Luciana Surjus
Luciane Miranda Guerra
Luiz Augusto Souza
Luiz Teixeira
Luiza Costa
Lumena Almeida Castro Furtado
Luna Rodrigues Freitas-Silva
Luzia Oliveira
Magda S. Chagas
Magda Scherer
Manoel Olavo Teixeira
Manuela Muller
Marcela Aguiar
Marcela Belardo
Marcelo Mercante
Marcia Fernanda de Mello Mendes
Marcilio Dantas Brandão
Marco Antônio Benamú
Marco Aurélio Jorge
Marcos Nascimento
Mardênia Pitombeira
Mari Luz Esteban
Maria Belen Herrero
Maria Cecília Carvalho
Maria Claudia Veiga S. Carvalho
Maria Cristina Marcon
Maria Cristina Ventura Couto
Maria de Fátima Tavares
Maria Del Carmen Acuña
Maria Eduarda Moraes
Maria Elizabeth Barros de Barros
Maria Inês Moreira
Maria Luiza Cunha
Maria Stella Castro Lobo
Mariana Cruz
Mariana Pande
Marilene Cabral do Nascimento
Marina Guimarães Lima
Marina Nucci
Marisa Santos
Marselle Carvalho
Marta Rocha de Castro
Marta Velloso
Martinho Braga e Silva Batista
Micheline Azevedo Meiners
Michelle Cecille
Mirna Teixeira
Nébia Figueiredo
Neide Emy Kurokawa e Silva
Neli Maria Almeida
Neuma Chaveiro
Nilia Prado
Nivaldo Carneiro
Nuria Malajovich
Octavio Presgrave
Pablo Rocon
Paloma Porto
Patricia Almeida Fidelis
Patrícia Araújo
Patricia Delfini
Paula Cerqueira
Paula Land
Paula Miura
Paulo R. Fagundes
Pedro Barbosa
Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira
Petrônio José Martelli
Regina Facchini
Renarde Freire Nobre
Renata Vasconcelos
Ricardo Burg Ceccim
Ricardo Kuchenbecker
Ricardo Lugon
Roberta Romagnoli
Roberto Amorim de Medeiros
Rodrigo Toniol
Roger Keller Celeste
Ronaldo Teodoro dos Santos
Rosa Rocha
Rosana R.C. Castro
Roseni Pinheiro
Rosilda Mendes
Rosilene Gomes
Ruben Araujo de Mattos
Sabrina Calil-Elias
Sandra Caponi
Sandra M. Sales Fagundes
Sérgio Alarcon
Shirley de Souza Simeão
Silvia Aguião
Simone Triquez
Sirleine Brandão de Souza
Sônia Nicoletto
Tânia Ferreira
Tatiana Tavares da Silva
Telma Menicucci
Thaíse Bezerra
Tiago Pires Marques
Valeska Zanello
Vanessa Maia Rangel
Vanessa Silva
Vera Lúcia Mendes
Veronica Alcoforado
Vladimir Araujo da Silva
Wagner X. Camargo
Walter Belik
Xavier Medina
Ximena Bermudez
Yolanda Bodoque
Publication Dates
- Publication in this collection
25 Nov 2019 - Date of issue