Basic Information
Beginning in 1999, the Revista de Salud Pública publishes original, peer-reviewed research articles in Spanish and English every four months, in March, July and November. Its abbreviated title is Rev. salud pública, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips. |
Information Services
The articles published in Revista de Salud Pública are indexed or summarized by:
Photocopying of articles and text is authorized for Institution's academic or internal use; the source must be cited. To obtain printed copies, please address your request to: Administración Revista de Salud Pública, Departamento de Salud Pública y Tropical, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the address above. |
The publication of this journal is financially supported by: |
Associate editor
Editorial committee
International associate editors
Scientific committee
Escope and policy
The Universidad Nacional de Colombia's Revista de Salud Pública broadcasts research results and knowledge, by publishing original articles contributing to the study of public health and related disciplines, and their use as tools for improving the population's quality of life. The opinions expressed by the authors are their exclusive responsibility and do not represent the criteria of the Revista de Salud Pública, nor those of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The Revista de Salud Pública is published every four months, in March, July and November. The numbers for a year are grouped into one volume, commencing with that for March. Advertising: Acceptance of advertising does not imply the approval nor backing of such respective products or services by the Journal of Public Health, nor by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
See the Condensed Guide for the Preparation of Manuscripts. Details concerning the type of manuscripts that will be considered for publication, and preparing the same, can be found in, "Information and Instructions for Au-thors". These can be sent by E-mail or fax to anyone asking for them in writing, or can be obtai-ned at the following web-site: |
Sending of manuscripts
Send material to the Editor, Revista de Salud Pública. Instituto de Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina, in the address above. |