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  • School-based obesity prevention interventions in Latin America: A systematic review Review

    Chavez, Rosemary Cosme; Nam, Eun Woo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of school-based interventions to prevent obesity conducted in Latin America and provide suggestions for future prevention efforts in countries of the region. METHODS Articles published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 2000 and 2017 were searched in four online databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, LILACS, and REDALYC). Inclusion criteria were: studies targeting school-aged children and adolescents (6–18 years old), focusing on preventing obesity in a Latin American country using at least one school-based component, reporting at least one obesity-related outcome, comprising controlled or before-and-after design, and including information on intervention components and/or process. RESULTS Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Most effective interventions (n = 3) had moderate quality and included multi-component school-based programs to promote health education and parental involvement focused on healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. These studies also presented a better study designs, few limitations for execution, and a minimum duration of six months. CONCLUSIONS Evidence-based prevention experiences are important guides for future strategies implemented in the region. Alongside gender differences, an adequate duration, and the combined use of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods, evidence-based prevention should be considered to provide a clearer and deeper understanding of the true effects of school-based interventions.
  • Atuação da indústria de produtos ultraprocessados como um grupo de interesse Review

    Mariath, Aline Brandão; Martins, Ana Paula Bortoletto

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO A participação da indústria de produtos ultraprocessados nos esforços para reduzir a obesidade e doenças crônicas associadas à má alimentação tem sido questionada, sobretudo porque há evidências de sua interferência no processo de formulação de políticas públicas. Este artigo se alicerça na teoria da ação coletiva e na literatura de ciência política para discutir o papel desse setor como um grupo de interesse especial que utiliza seu significativo poder econômico para influenciar decisões governamentais em seu favor. No Brasil, sua atuação ocorre principalmente por meio de associações. Ainda não se pode assegurar, todavia, que seus interesses prevaleçam no processo decisório. Sugere-se a realização de pesquisas que determinem o grau de sucesso de suas ações, identifiquem as condições associadas à convergência dos resultados das políticas com seus interesses e apontem em que medida as organizações da sociedade civil são capazes de fazer os interesses públicos se sobreporem aos privados.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT The participation of the ultra-processed products industry in efforts to reduce obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases has been questioned, especially because there is evidence of its interference in policy-making processes. This article builds on the Collective Action Theory and the literature of political science to discuss the role of this sector as a special interest group that uses its significant economic power to influence government decisions in its favor. In Brazil, its participation occurs mainly with industry associations. However, it has not yet been established whether their interests prevail in the decision-making process. It has been suggested that research should be carried out to determine the degree of success of their actions, identifying the conditions associated with the convergence of policy results with their interests and indicating to what extent civil society organizations are able to make public interests override private ones.
  • Neoliberalismo na América Latina: efeitos nas reformas dos sistemas de saúde Review

    Göttems, Leila Bernarda Donato; Mollo, Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar as recomendações dos organismos internacionais pautadas no Consenso de Washington para as reformas dos sistemas de saúde de países selecionados da América Latina e Caribe nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 e investigar os efeitos da lógica concorrencial de mercado sobre a ação pública nos sistema de saúde. MÉTODOS Análise comparada de características das reformas dos sistemas de saúde realizadas nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, presentes até o momento no Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru. Os dados foram coletados por análise documental e revisão de literatura. Os sistemas foram descritos quanto às características de: copagamento, mecanismos de privatização, descentralização, fragmentação do sistema, integração das fontes de financiamento e cobertura da população (universal ou segmentada). RESULTADOS As reformas foram implementadas de forma variada, aprofundando desigualdades nos sistemas de prestação de serviços de saúde. As mudanças, ao serem relacionadas à ideia neoliberal de transformar a ação pública na direção da lógica privada, apontam para o predomínio das regras da concorrência e da redução dos custos econômicos em todos os países analisados, contrariando a lógica dos sistemas universais de saúde. CONCLUSÃO A redução dos custos econômicos, a fragmentação dos sistemas e as desigualdades na prestação de serviços de saúde, entre outros, poderão significar outros custos futuros decorrentes da baixa proteção à saúde da população. É imprescindível uma contrarreforma contundente e multidimensional, que retome a saúde como direito de todos, em um sistema solidário que possa levar à redução das desigualdades e a uma sociedade mais democrática.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the recommendations of international organizations based on the Washington Consensus on health system reforms of selected countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 1980s and 1990s and to investigate the effects of the competitive market logic on public action in the health system. METHODS Comparative analysis of the characteristics of health system reforms conducted in the 1980s and 1990s, still seen in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Data were collected by documental analysis and literature review. The systems were described based on the characteristics of: co-payment, privatization mechanisms, decentralization, fragmentation of the system, integration of funding sources and coverage of the population (universal or segmented). RESULTS The reforms were implemented differently, worsening inequalities in health service delivery systems. Changes related to the neoliberal idea of transforming public action in the direction of private logic point to the predominance of competition rules and the reduction in economic costs in all countries analyzed, contrary to the logic of universal health systems. CONCLUSION The reduction in economic costs, the fragmentation of systems and inequalities in the provision of health services, among others, may mean other future costs resulting from low protection to the population’s health. A striking and multidimensional counter-reform is essential to make health a right of all again, in a solidarity system that can lead to the reduction in inequalities and a more democratic society.
  • Processamento de alimentos e fatores de risco cardiometabólicos: revisão sistemática Review

    Santos, Francine Silva dos; Dias, Mariane da Silva; Mintem, Gicele Costa; Oliveira, Isabel Oliveira de; Gigante, Denise Petrucci

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Revisar sistematicamente as evidências da associação entre consumo de alimentos de acordo com o processamento e fatores cardiometabólicos em adultos e idosos. MÉTODOS Dois avaliadores independentes analisaram as bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Web of Science e Lilacs até dezembro de 2018. Os seguintes termos foram utilizados: (convenience foods OR food processing OR highly-processed OR industrialized foods OR minimally-processed OR prepared foods OR processed foods OR ultra-processed OR ultraprocessed OR ultra processed OR unprocessed) AND (metabolic syndrome OR hypertension OR blood pressure OR diabetes mellitus OR glucose OR glycaemia OR insulin OR cholesterol OR triglycerides OR blood lipids OR overweight OR obesity) AND (adult OR adults OR adulthood OR aged OR elderly OR old). Nos estudos incluídos foram avaliadas as qualidades metodológica e de evidência, além de extraídas informações para a síntese qualitativa. RESULTADOS Dos 6.423 estudos identificados após a remoção das duplicatas, onze preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade. A principal classificação de alimentos utilizada foi a Nova. O consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados foi positivamente associado com excesso de peso e obesidade, hipertensão arterial e síndrome metabólica. Todos os artigos incluídos preencheram mais de 50% dos critérios de qualidade metodológica. A qualidade de evidência foi considerada moderada para o desfecho excesso de peso e obesidade e fraca para hipertensão arterial e síndrome metabólica. CONCLUSÕES A classificação de alimentos Nova se destaca na área da epidemiologia nutricional ao avaliar os efeitos do processamento de alimentos sobre desfechos em saúde. Embora seja necessária prudência na interpretação, os resultados indicam que o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados pode ter impacto desfavorável sobre a saúde dos indivíduos.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To systematically review the evidence for the association between food consumption according to processing and cardiometabolic factors in adults and/or the elderly. METHOD Two independent evaluators analyzed the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science and Lilacs until December 2018. We used the following terms: (convenience foods OR food processing OR highly-processed OR industrialized foods OR minimally-processed OR prepared foods OR processed foods OR ultra-processed OR ultraprocessed OR ultra processed OR unprocessed) AND (metabolic syndrome OR hypertension OR blood pressure OR diabetes mellitus OR glucose OR glycaemia OR insulin OR cholesterol OR triglycerides OR blood lipids OR overweight OR obesity) AND (adult OR adults OR adulthood OR aged OR elderly OR old). We assessed methodological and evidence qualities, and also extracted information for the qualitative synthesis from the selected studies. RESULTS Of the 6,423 studies identified after removing duplicates, eleven met the eligibility criteria. The main food classification we used was Nova. The consumption of ultra-processed foods was positively associated with overweight and obesity, high blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. All articles included met more than 50% of the methodological quality criteria. The quality of evidence was considered moderate for the outcome overweight and obesity and weak for hypertension and metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSIONS The Nova food classification stands out in the area of nutritional epidemiology when assessing the effects of food processing on health outcomes. Although caution is required in the interpretation, the results indicated that the consumption of ultra-processed foods can have an unfavorable impact in the health of individuals.
  • Interventions in overcrowding of emergency departments: an overview of systematic reviews Review

    Bittencourt, Roberto José; Stevanato, Angelo de Medeiros; Bragança, Carolina Thomé N. M.; Gottems, Leila Bernarda Donato; O’Dwyer, Gisele

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To present an overview of systematic reviews on throughput interventions to solve the overcrowding of emergency departments. METHODS Electronic searches for reviews published between 2007 and 2018 were made on PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Health Systems Evidence, CINAHL, SciELO, LILACS, Google Scholar and the CAPES periodicals portal. Data of the included studies was extracted into a pre-formatted sheet and their methodological quality was assessed using AMSTAR 2 tool. Eventually, 15 systematic reviews were included for the narrative synthesis. RESULTS The interventions were grouped into four categories: (1) strengthening of the triage service; (2) strengthening of the ED’s team; (3) creation of new care zones; (4) change in ED’s work processes. All studies observed positive effect on patient’s length of stay, expect for one, which had positive effect on other indicators. According to AMSTAR 2 criteria, eight revisions were considered of high or moderate methodological quality and seven, low or critically low quality. There was a clear improvement in the quality of the studies, with an improvement in focus and methodology after two decades of systematic studies on the subject. CONCLUSIONS Despite some limitations, the evidence presented on this overview can be considered the cutting edge of current scientific knowledge on the topic.
  • Latin American interventions in children and adolescents’ sedentary behavior: a systematic review Review

    Ribeiro, Evelyn Helena Corgosinho; Guerra, Paulo Henrique; Oliveira, Ana Carolina de; Silva, Kelly Samara da; Santos, Priscila; Santos, Rute; Okely, Anthony; Florindo, Alex Antonio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify and evaluate the effects of community-based interventions on the sedentary behavior (SB) of Latin American children and adolescents. METHODS A systematic review on community-based trials to reduce and/or control SB in Latin American countries (Prospero: CRD42017072157). Five databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO and Lilacs) and a reference lists were searched. RESULTS Ten intervention studies met the eligibility criteria and composed the descriptive synthesis. These studies were conducted in Brazil (n=5), Mexico (n=3), Ecuador (n=1) and Colombia (n=1). Most interventions were implemented in schools (n=8) by educational components, such as meetings, lessons, and seminars, on health-related subjects (n=6). Only two studies adopted specific strategies to reduce/control SB; others focused on increasing physical activity and/or improving diet. Only one study used an accelerometer to measure SB. Seven studies investigated recreational screen time. Eight studies showed statistically significant effects on SB reduction (80%). CONCLUSIONS Latin America community-based interventions reduced children and adolescents’ SB. Further studies should: define SB as a primary outcome and implement strategies to reduce such behaviour; focus in different SBs and settings, other than recreational screen time or at-home sitting time; and use objective tools together with questionnaires to measure sedentary behaviour in.
  • Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade na reabilitação profissional: instrumentos de avaliação da incapacidade laboral Review

    Luna, Juliana Scholtão; Monteiro, Gina Torres Rego; Koifman, Rosalina Jorge; Bergmann, Anke

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Revisar os principais instrumentos de avaliação funcional e situação de saúde citados na literatura para avaliar trabalhadores brasileiros e verificar a compatibilidade de seus itens com o core set para reabilitação profissional. MÉTODOS Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura nas principais bases de dados em busca de artigos que utilizaram instrumentos de avaliação em populações de trabalhadores entre 2007 e 2017. Posteriormente foram recuperados os conteúdos dos instrumentos identificados e dois avaliadores analisaram seus itens para verificar a compatibilidade com as categorias do core set da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade para reabilitação profissional. O coeficiente kappa de Cohen foi utilizado para avaliar a concordância entre os avaliadores. RESULTADOS Foram selecionados cinco instrumentos específicos e oito genéricos que avaliaram a funcionalidade de trabalhadores. A análise dos itens do total de instrumentos permitiu o preenchimento de 58 categorias (64,5%) do core set com o mínimo de sobreposição: 13 (76,5%) do componente funções corporais, 29 (72,5%) do componente de atividades e participação e 16 (49%) de fatores ambientais. CONCLUSÕES A associação de vários instrumentos requer tempo e dificulta o uso da classificação. A elaboração de instrumentos com associação direta às suas categorias se faz essencial para operacionalizá-la.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To review the main instruments of functional assessment and health status cited in the literature to evaluate Brazilian workers and verify the compatibility of their items with the core set for professional rehabilitation. METHODS A review of the literature was conducted in the main databases in search of articles that used assessment instruments in populations of workers between 2007 and 2017. Subsequently, the contents of the identified instruments were retrieved, and two evaluators analyzed their items to verify the compatibility with the categories of the core set of the International Classification of Functioning for professional rehabilitation. Cohen’s kappa coefficient was used to evaluate the agreement between the evaluators. RESULTS Five specific and eight generic instruments were selected to evaluate the functioning of workers. The analysis of the items of the total instruments allowed the definition of 58 categories (64.5%) of the core set with minimal overlap: 13 (76.5%) of the body functions component, 29 (72.5%) of the activities and participation component and 16 (49%) environmental factors. CONCLUSIONS The association of several instruments requires time and makes it difficult to use the classification. The development of instruments with direct association with its categories is essential to operationalize it.
  • Revisão sistemática: Sintomas de depressão e ansiedade parental e excesso de peso da prole Review

    Marco, Paula Lobo; Valério, Inaê Dutra; Zanatti, Christian Loret de Mola; Gonçalves, Helen

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Avaliar a literatura existente acerca da associação entre depressão e ansiedade dos pais e sua influência no excesso de peso dos filhos durante a infância, identificando possíveis mecanismos envolvidos nessa associação. MÉTODOS Foi realizada uma busca na literatura, de forma sistemática, nas bases de dados PubMed, PsycINFO e SciELO, usando os descritores: (maternal OR mother* OR parent* OR paternal OR father) AND (“common mental disorder” OR “mental health” OR “mental disorder” OR “depressive disorder” OR depress* OR anxiety OR “anxiety disorder”) AND (child* OR pediatric OR offspring) AND (overweight OR obes* OR “body mass index” OR BMI). Foram encontrados 1.187 artigos após seleção por pares. RESULTADOS Foram selecionados 16 artigos que atingiram os critérios para inclusão na revisão. A maioria investigou sintomas depressivos e somente três, sintomas ansiosos maternos. Os estudos avaliados mostraram resultados sugestivos de associação positiva entre sintomas de depressão materna e maior risco de excesso de peso nos filhos. Os resultados divergiram de acordo com a cronicidade dos sintomas depressivos (depressão episódica ou recorrente) e renda do país investigado (alta ou média renda). Foram identificados mecanismos que passam pela qualidade da parentalidade, afetando comportamentos relacionados à atividade física e alimentação da criança, como mediadores da associação. CONCLUSÕES Concluímos que há evidências de uma relação positiva entre a ocorrência de sintomas maternos de depressão e ansiedade e o excesso de peso dos filhos. Ressalta-se a necessidade de uma melhor compreensão do impacto do momento de ocorrência dos sintomas depressivos e dos fatores contextuais envolvidos nessa relação para que possam ser implementadas estratégias de intervenção eficazes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the existing literature on the association between parents’ depression and anxiety and their influence on their children’s weight during childhood, identifying possible mechanisms involved in this association. METHODS A systematic search of the literature was conducted in the PubMed, PsycINFO and SciELO databases, using the following descriptors: (maternal OR mother* OR parent* OR paternal OR father) AND (“common mental disorder” OR “mental health” OR “mental disorder” OR “depressive disorder” OR depress* OR anxiety OR “anxiety disorder”) AND (child* OR pediatric OR offspring) AND (overweight OR obes* OR “body mass index” OR BMI). A total of 1,187 articles were found after peer selection. RESULTS In total, 16 articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected for the review. Most of them investigated depressive symptoms and only three, symptoms of maternal anxiety. The evaluated studies suggested a positive association between symptoms of maternal depression and higher risk of childhood obesity. The results diverged according to the chronicity of depressive symptoms (episodic or recurrent depression) and income of the investigated country (high or middle income). Mechanisms were identified passing by quality of parenthood, affecting behaviors related to physical activity and child-feeding, as mediators of the association. CONCLUSIONS We conclude there is evidence of a positive relationship between the occurrence of maternal symptoms of depression and anxiety and childhood obesity. It is emphasized the need for a better understanding on the effect of depressive symptoms and the contextual factors involved in this relationship so that effective intervention strategies can be implemented.
  • Coortes no Brasil com potencial para estudos do ciclo vital: uma revisão de escopo Review

    Araujo, Waleska Regina Machado; Santos, Iná S.; Menezes Filho, Naercio Aquino; Souza, Maria Thereza Costa Coelho de; Cunha, Antonio Jose Ledo Alves da; Matijasevich, Alicia

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Identificar as coortes brasileiras iniciadas no período pré-natal ou no nascimento, descrever suas características e as variáveis exploradas, além de mapear as coortes com potencial para se estudar os determinantes precoces de saúde e doença e o risco de adoecer em etapas posteriores do ciclo vital. MÉTODOS Realizou-se uma revisão de escopo. A busca dos artigos foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde em 16 de junho de 2018. Os descritores utilizados foram [(((“Child” OR “Child, Preschool” OR “Infant” OR “Infant, Newborn”) AND (“Cohort Studies” OR “Longitudinal Studies”)) AND “Brazil”)]. Os critérios de inclusão foram coortes brasileiras que iniciaram a linha de base no período pré-natal ou no nascimento e com pelo menos dois acompanhamentos com os participantes. Foram excluídas as coortes cujos acompanhamentos foram restritos ao primeiro ano de vida, as que não abordaram aspectos biológicos, comportamentais e psicossociais e também aquelas com coleta de informações em um único estágio do ciclo vital. RESULTADOS A etapa de busca identificou 5.010 artigos. Foram selecionadas 18 coortes para a síntese descritiva. A mediana do número de participantes na linha de base foi 2.000 indivíduos e a mediana de idade no último acompanhamento foi 9 anos. A perda amostral no último acompanhamento variou de 9,2 a 87,5%. A maioria das coortes realizou acompanhamentos em duas fases do ciclo vital (período perinatal e infância). A região Sul contemplou o maior número de coortes. As principais variáveis coletadas foram sociodemográficas e ambientais da família, aspectos de morbidade, práticas alimentares e estilo de vida dos participantes. CONCLUSÕES Recomenda-se a continuidade dessas coortes, a abordagem de diferentes contextos sociais e a realização de acompanhamentos com os participantes em diferentes fases do ciclo vital para o fortalecimento e ampliação das análises de epidemiologia do ciclo vital no Brasil.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the Brazilian cohorts that started either in the prenatal period or at birth, to describe their characteristics and the explored variables, and to map the cohorts with potential for studies on early determinants on health and the risk of falling ill on later stages of the life cycle. METHODS A scoping review was carried out. The articles were searched in the electronic databases PubMed and Virtual Health Library (VHL). The descriptors used were [(((“Child” OR “Child, Preschool” OR “Infant” OR “Infant, Newborn”) AND (Cohort Studies” OR “Longitudinal Studies”)) AND “Brazil”)]. The inclusion criteria were Brazilian cohorts that started the baseline in the prenatal period or at birth and with at least two follow-ups with the participants. In order to meet the concept of LCE, we excluded those cohorts whose follow-ups were restricted to the first year of life, as well as those that did not address biological, behavioral and psychosocial aspects, and cohorts with data collection of a single stage of the life cycle. RESULTS The search step identified 5,010 articles. Eighteen cohorts were selected for descriptive synthesis. The median number of baseline participants was 2,000 individuals and the median age at the last follow-up was 9 years. Sample loss at the last follow-up ranged from 9.2 to 87.5%. Most cohorts monitored two phases of the life cycle (the perinatal period and childhood). The Southern region had the highest number of cohorts. The main variables collected were sociodemographic and environmental aspects of the family, morbidity aspects, nutritional practices and lifestyle. CONCLUSIONS We recommend the continuity of these cohorts, the approach to different social contexts and the performance of follow-ups with participants in different phases of the life cycle for the strengthening and expansion of life course epidemiology analyses in Brazil.
  • Consequences of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in adulthood. Scoping Review. Review

    Cáceres-Matos, Rocío; Gil-García, Eugenia; Barrientos-Trigo, Sergio; Porcel-Gálvez, Ana María; Cabrera-León, Andrés

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    RESUMEN OBJETIVO Examinar y mapear las consecuencias del dolor crónico en la edad adulta. MÉTODO Se incluyeron documentos que abordaban las repercusiones del dolor crónico en las esferas psicológica y social de las personas que lo padecen, publicados en español e inglés entre los años 2013–2018. Aquellos que abordaban tratamientos farmacológicos, dolor crónico derivado de intervenciones quirúrgicas o que no tenían acceso a texto completo fueron excluidos. Finalmente, se incluyeron 28 documentos de los 485 revisados. RESULTADOS Los estudios muestran que el dolor se relaciona con altas tasas de limitación en las actividades de la vida diaria, alteraciones del sueño y trastornos del espectro ansiedad-depresión. Las personas con dolor experimentan más problemas para rendir en la jornada laboral y mantener relaciones sociales. Con respecto a la familia, el dolor crónico se ha asociado con un peor funcionamiento familiar. CONCLUSIONES Esta revisión pone de manifiesto que las limitaciones en la capacidad para realizar actividades de la vida diaria, el sueño, la salud psicológica, los recursos sociales y laborales y el funcionamiento familiar son líneas de interés en los trabajos publicados. Sin embargo, se detectan lagunas de conocimiento en áreas como la influencia de haber padecido dolor en la infancia o adolescencia, las consecuencias por incumplimiento de la jornada laboral y las desigualdades de género.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To examine and map the consequences of chronic pain in adulthood. METHOD Documents addressing the impact of chronic pain on the psychological and social spheres of people suffering from chronic pain, published in Spanish and English between 2013 and 2018, were included. Those who addressed pharmacological treatments, chronic pain resulting from surgical interventions or who did not have access to the full text were excluded. Finally, 28 documents from the 485 reviewed were included RESULTS Studies show that pain is related to high rates of limitation in daily activities, sleep disorders and anxiety-depression spectrum disorders. People in pain have more problems to get the workday done and to maintain social relationships. Chronic pain is also associated with worse family functioning. CONCLUSIONS This review shows that limitations in the ability to perform activities of daily living, sleep, psychological health, social and work resources and family functioning are lines of interest in published articles. However, knowledge gaps are detected in areas such as the influence of having suffered pain in childhood or adolescence, the consequences of non-fulfillment of working hours and gender inequalities.
  • Efficacy and safety of cryotherapy, cold cone or thermocoagulation compared to LEEP as a therapy for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: Systematic review. Review

    Hurtado-Roca, Yamilée; Becerra-Chauca, Naysha; Malca, Magaly

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    RESUMEN OBJETIVOS Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del uso de crioterapia, cono frio o termo-coagulación en comparación con el procedimiento de escisión electroquirúrgica en asa (LEEP) para el manejo de neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales. MÉTODOS Revisión sistemática de ensayos controlados aleatorizados en mujeres con neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en tratamiento con crioterapia, cono frio, o termo coagulación y LEEP, para estimar su eficacia y seguridad. La búsqueda se realizó en MEDLINE/PUBMED, Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados (CENTRAL) y Scopus, hasta setiembre de 2018. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 72 estudios, ocho cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Cono frio disminuyó el riesgo de enfermedad residual en comparación con LEEP (RR 0,54; IC del 95%, 0,30–0,96, p = 0,04). Crioterapia en comparación con LEEP incrementó el riesgo de recurrencia de enfermedad en un 86,0% (RR 1,86; IC del 95%, 1,16–2,97, p = 0,01) con un tiempo de seguimiento de seis a 24 meses, y de infecciones (RR, 1,17; IC del 95%, 1,08–1,28, p < 0,001); pero redujo el riesgo de sangrado menor en un 51,0% (RR 0,49; IC del 95%, 0,40–0,59, p ≤ 0,001). CONCLUSIONES Cono frio reduce el riesgo de enfermedad residual. Sin embargo, la crioterapia reduce el riesgo de sangrado menor en las 24 horas posteriores al tratamiento e incrementa el riesgo de recurrencia de enfermedad y de infecciones.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To determine the efficacy and safety of the use of cryotherapy, cold knife or thermocoagulation compared to Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) for the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. METHODS Systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia undergoing treatment with cryotherapy, cold knife, or thermo-coagulation compared with LEEP, to estimate its efficacy and safety. The search was conducted on MEDLINE/PUBMED, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Scopus, until September 2018. RESULTS The total of 72 studies were identified, of which only 8 studies met the inclusion criteria. The treatment of CIN with cold knife decreases the risk of residual disease compared with LEEP (RR, 0.54, 95%CI, 0.30–0.96, p = 0.04). The management of premalignant lesions with cryotherapy, compared with LEEP, increases the risk of disease recurrence by 86% (RR, 1.86, 95%CI, 1.16–2.97, p = 0.01), increases the risk of infections (RR, 1.17, 95%CI, 1.08–1.28, p < 0.001) and reduces the risk of minor bleeding by 51% (RR, 0.49, 95%CI) %, 0.40–0.59, p ≤ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The treatment of premalignant lesions of cervical cancer with cold knife reduces the risk of residual disease. Nevertheless, cryotherapy reduces the risk of minor bleeding in the 24 hours after treatment and increases the risk of recurrence of disease and infections.
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: revsp@org.usp.br