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  • Bacterial vaginosis and cervical human papillomavirus infection in young and adult women: a systematic review and meta-analysis Review

    Martins, Bruno César Teodoro; Guimarães, Rafael Alves; Alves, Rosane Ribeiro Figueiredo; Saddi, Vera Aparecida

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in young and adult women. METHODS This systematic review and meta-analysis was based on the Prisma methodological guidelines. PubMed and Web of Science were searched using the following descriptors: “bacterial vaginosis and HPV”, in June 2019. Articles published from 2012 to 2019 were included. Inclusion criteria were original studies that investigated the association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical HPV infection; articles published in English, Spanish or Portuguese; studies conducted in young and adult, non-pregnant, non-HIV-infected women; studies that used the Nugent criteria for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis and studies in which the detection of HPV used the polymerase chain reaction technique. Assembled data, odds ratio (OR) and respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were estimated for the association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical HPV infection using random-effects models. A bilateral value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULT Six studies were selected for analysis and demonstrated association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical HPV infection (OR = 2.68; 95%CI: 1.64–4.40; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Bacterial vaginosis was considered a risk factor for cervical HPV infection, since women with bacterial vaginosis were more likely to be infected with HPV.
  • Instrumentos para avaliar a adesão medicamentosa em pessoas vivendo com HIV: uma revisão de escopo Review

    Santos, André Pereira dos; Cordeiro, Jéssica Fernanda Corrêa; Fracarolli, Isabela Fernanda Larios; Gomide, Euripedes Barsanulfo Gonçalves; Andrade, Denise de

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Compilar os instrumentos validados no Brasil para avaliação da adesão de pessoas vivendo com HIV à terapia antirretroviral. MÉTODOS Revisão de escopo, utilizando as bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, Medline (via PubMed), Embase, BDENF, CINAHL e Lilacs. Em complementação, os servidores Preprints bioRxiv, Google Scholar e OpenGrey foram verificados. Para a busca, não houve restrição de idioma e considerou artigos publicados a partir do ano de 1996. RESULTADOS Três publicações foram incluídas na síntese qualitativa. Os instrumentos identificados foram o “Questionário para Avaliação da Adesão ao Tratamento Antirretroviral”, desenvolvido em Porto Alegre (RS) e publicado em 2007; a “Escala de autoeficácia para adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/Aids”, desenvolvida em São Paulo (SP) e publicada em 2008; e o “WebAd-Q, um instrumento de autorrelato para monitorar a adesão à terapia antirretroviral em serviços de HIV/Aids no Brasil”, desenvolvido em São Bernardo do Campo (SP) e publicado em 2018. Os instrumentos foram validados no Brasil e apresentaram valores estatisticamente aceitáveis para as qualidades psicométricas. CONCLUSÃO Os instrumentos para avaliar a adesão de pessoas vivendo com HIV à terapia antirretroviral são estratégias validadas para o contexto do Brasil. Todavia há que se expandir a (re)utilização em diferentes cenários e contextos da nação. A utilização desses instrumentos por profissionais da saúde pode melhorar a compreensão dos fatores que atuam negativa e positivamente na adesão à terapia antirretroviral, e a proposição de estratégias com o objetivo de consolidar a boa adesão e intervir no tratamento das pessoas com baixo engajamento terapêutico.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To compile the instruments validated in Brazil for assessing adherence of people living with HIV to antiretroviral therapy. METHODS Scoping review using the Web of Science, Scopus, Medline (via PubMed), Embase, BDENF, CINAHL and Lilacs databases. In addition, the Preprints bioRxiv, Google Scholar and OpenGrey servers were checked. There was no language restriction for the search, and it considered articles published from the year 1996 onwards. RESULTS Three publications were included in the qualitative synthesis. Following were the instruments identified “Questionário para Avaliação da Adesão ao Tratamento Antirretroviral” (Questionnaire for Assessment of Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment) developed in Porto Alegre (RS) and published in 2007; the “Escala de autoeficácia para adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral em crianças e adolescentes com HIV/Aids” (Self-efficacy Scale for Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Children and Adolescents with HIV/Aids) developed in São Paulo (SP) and published in 2008; and the “WebAd-Q, um instrumento de autorrelato para monitorar a adesão à terapia antirretroviral em serviços de HIV/Aids no Brasil” (WebAd-Q, a self-report instrument to monitor adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV/Aids services in Brazil) developed in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) and published in 2018. The instruments were validated in Brazil, and presented statistically acceptable values for psychometric qualities. CONCLUSION The instruments to assess adherence of people living with HIV to antiretroviral therapy are validated strategies for the Brazilian context. However, their (re)use in different settings and contexts of the nation should be expanded. The use of these instruments by health professionals can improve the understanding of factors that act negatively and positively on antiretroviral therapy adherence, and the proposition of strategies intended to consolidate good adherence and intervene in the treatment of people with low therapeutic engagement.
  • Prevalence of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America: a systematic review Review

    Rosas-Jiménez, Carlos; Tercan, Engin; Horstick, Olaf; Igboegwu, Ekeoma; Dambach, Peter; Louis, Valérie R.; Winkler, Volker; Deckert, Andreas

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence pattern of anemia among Indigenous children in Latin America. METHODS: PRISMA guidelines were followed. Records were identified from the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, and Lilacs by two independent researchers between May and June 2021. Studies were included if the following criteria were met: a) studied Indigenous people b) was about children (from 0 to 12 years old); c) reported a prevalence estimate of anemia; d) had been conducted in any of the countries of Latin America; e) was published either in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; f) is a peer-reviewed article; and g) was published at any date. RESULTS: Out of 2,401 unique records retrieved, 42 articles met the inclusion criteria. A total of 39 different Indigenous communities were analyzed in the articles, and in 21 of them (54.0%) child anemia was a severe public health problem (prevalence ≥ 40%). Those communities were the Aymara (Bolivia); Aruak, Guaraní, Kamaiurá, Karapotó, Karibe, Kaxinanuá, Ma-cro-Jê, Suruí, Terena, Xavante (Brazil); Cabécar (Costa Rica), Achuar, Aguaruna, Awajún, Urarina, Yomybato (Peru); Piaroa and Yucpa (Venezuela); and Quechua (Peru and Bolivia). Children below two years had the highest prevalence of anemia (between 16.2% and 86.1%). Among Indigenous people, risk factors for anemia include nutrition, poor living conditions, access to health services, racism, and discrimination. Bolivia and Guatemala are scarcely studied, despite having the highest proportion of Indigenous communities in Latin America. CONCLUSIONS: Anemia constitutes a poorly documented public health problem among Indigenous children in 21 Indigenous communities in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. In all Indigenous communities included in this study child anemia was an issue, especially in younger children.
  • Organização da atenção primária à saúde na pandemia de covid-19: revisão de escopo Review

    Silva, Breno Ribeiro Gonçalves da; Corrêa, Ana Paula de Vechi; Uehara, Sílvia Carla da Silva André

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Mapear evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a organização dos serviços e profissionais da atenção primária à saúde durante o enfrentamento da covid-19. MÉTODO Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, seguindo o método do Joanna Briggs Institute. Foram incluídos estudos publicados em português, espanhol e inglês, no período de janeiro/2020 a janeiro/2021, nas bases de dados CINAHL, Lilacs, Medline, PubMed e Web of Science. RESULTADOS Foram selecionados 24 artigos, que mostraram a reorganização dos serviços e profissionais da atenção primária à saúde para o atendimento de casos suspeitos ou confirmados de covid-19. As ações de coordenação do enfrentamento da doença na atenção primária à saúde colaboram no controle da infecção, especialmente por meio de busca ativa de sintomáticos respiratórios e detecção de casos novos, seguido do monitoramento dos casos confirmados. CONCLUSÕES O presente estudo mostra um panorama de como profissionais e serviços da atenção primária se organizaram no enfrentamento da pandemia, abordando as readequações adotadas na infraestrutura e fluxos de atendimentos, a exemplo da adoção de unidades específicas no atendimento para covid-19, separação de fluxos infectado/não infectado, telemedicina como alternativa de modalidade de atendimento e monitoramento dos casos por meio de aplicativos e telefone.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Mapping available scientific evidence on the organization of primary health care services and professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. METHODS This is a scoping review that followed the Joanna Briggs Institute method. Articles published in Portuguese, Spanish, and English from January 2020 to January 2021 in the CINAHL, Lilacs, Medline, PubMed, and Web of Science databases were included. RESULTS We selected 24 articles that presented the reorganization of primary health care services and professionals to care suspected or confirmed Covid-19 cases. Coordination measures to tackle this disease in primary health care help to control its infection, especially by the active search for respiratory symptoms, the detection of new cases, and the monitoring of confirmed cases. CONCLUSION This study presents an overview of how primary health care services and professionals organized themselves to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, addressing adjustments in infrastructure and care flows, such as establishing specific Covid-19 care units, separating infected and non-infected patients, using telemedicine as an alternative modality of care, and monitoring cases by applications and phone.
  • Mortality inequalities measured by socioeconomic indicators in Brazil: a scoping review Review

    Ichihara, Maria Yury; Ferreira, Andrêa J.F.; Teixeira, Camila S. S.; Alves, Flávia Jôse O.; Rocha, Aline Santos; Diógenes, Victor Hugo Dias; Ramos, Dandara Oliveira; Pinto Júnior, Elzo Pereira; Flores-Ortiz, Renzo; Rameh, Leila; Costa, Lilia Carolina C. da; Gonzaga, Marcos Roberto; Lima, Everton E. C.; Dundas, Ruth; Leyland, Alastair; Barreto, Maurício L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Summarize the literature on the relationship between composite socioeconomic indicators and mortality in different geographical areas of Brazil. METHODS This scoping review included articles published between January 1, 2000, and August 31, 2020, retrieved by means of a bibliographic search carried out in the Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, and Lilacs databases. Studies reporting on the association between composite socioeconomic indicators and all-cause, or specific cause of death in any age group in different geographical areas were selected. The review summarized the measures constructed, their associations with the outcomes, and potential study limitations. RESULTS Of the 77 full texts that met the inclusion criteria, the study reviewed 24. The area level of composite socioeconomic indicators analyzed comprised municipalities (n = 6), districts (n = 5), census tracts (n = 4), state (n = 2), country (n = 2), and other areas (n = 5). Six studies used composite socioeconomic indicators such as the Human Development Index, Gross Domestic Product, and the Gini Index; the remaining 18 papers created their own socioeconomic measures based on sociodemographic and health indicators. Socioeconomic status was inversely associated with higher rates of all-cause mortality, external cause mortality, suicide, homicide, fetal and infant mortality, respiratory and circulatory diseases, stroke, infectious and parasitic diseases, malnutrition, gastroenteritis, and oropharyngeal cancer. Higher mortality rates due to colorectal cancer, leukemia, a general group of neoplasms, traffic accident, and suicide, in turn, were observed in less deprived areas and/or those with more significant socioeconomic development. Underreporting of death and differences in mortality coverage in Brazilian areas were cited as the main limitation. CONCLUSIONS Studies analyzed mortality inequalities in different geographical areas by means of composite socioeconomic indicators, showing that the association directions vary according to the mortality outcome. But studies on all-cause mortality and at the census tract level remain scarce. The results may guide the development of new composite socioeconomic indicators for use in mortality inequality analysis.
  • Barreiras ao acesso das pessoas com deficiência aos serviços de saúde: uma revisão de escopo Review

    Clemente, Karina Aparecida Padilha; Silva, Simone Vieira da; Vieira, Gislene Inoue; Bortoli, Maritsa Carla de; Toma, Tereza Setsuko; Ramos, Vinícius Delgado; Brito, Christina May Moran de

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar as evidências científicas relativas às barreiras para o acesso de pessoas com deficiência aos serviços de saúde. MÉTODOS Realizou-se uma revisão de escopo estabelecendo-se a perguntanorteadora: “Quais são as principais barreiras que as pessoas com deficiência enfrentam no acesso a serviços de saúde?” O levantamento dos artigos foi realizado em julho de 2019, em seis bases de dados de literatura científica. Dos 1.155 documentos identificados nas buscas, após seleção por título e resumo, foram lidas na íntegra 170 publicações e, após leitura, 96 artigos foram incluídos e categorizados conforme referencial teórico. RESULTADOS As principais barreiras indicadas pelos usuários do serviço foram: comunicação falha entre profissionais e paciente/cuidador; limitações financeiras; questões atitudinais/comportamentais; oferta de serviços escassa; barreiras organizacionais e de transporte. As principais barreiras apresentadas pelos prestadores de serviços foram: falta de treinamento/capacitação aos profissionais; falha do sistema de saúde; barreiras físicas; falta de recursos/tecnologia e barreiras de idioma. CONCLUSÕES Ficou evidente que as pessoas com deficiência enfrentam diversas barreiras ao tentarem acesso aos serviços de saúde de que necessitam e que usuários e profissionais de saúde têm visões distintas e complementares sobre as dificuldades.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific evidence regarding barriers to the access of people with disabilities to health services. METHODS A scoping review was carried out from the main question: “What are the main barriers that people with disabilities face in accessing health services?” The articles were surveyed in July 2019 in six scientific literature databases. Of the 1,155 documents identified in the searches, after selection by title and abstract, 170 publications were read in full and, thus, 96 articles were included and categorized according to the theoretical framework. RESULTS The main barriers indicated by the users of the service were: communication failure between professionals and patient/caregiver; financial limitations; attitudinal/behavioral issues; scarce service provision; organizational and transport barriers. The main barriers presented by service providers were: lack of training to professionals; failure of the health system; physical barriers; lack of resources/technology; and language barriers. CONCLUSIONS It was evident that people with disabilities face several barriers when trying to access the health services they need and that users and health professionals have distinct and complementary views on difficulties.
  • Race in public health dentistry: a critical review of the literature Review

    Reginaldo, Isabela; Fernandes, Isabelle Aparecida Monteiro; Nuernberg, Giulia Nicoladeli; Bastos, João Luiz

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To carry out a critical review of the literature on the use of race, color, and ethnicity in the field of public health dentistry. METHODS A literature search was conducted in MEDLINE via PubMed for articles published between 2014 and 2019. Using a data extraction form, we collected information on (1) bibliographic characteristics of the selected papers; (2) race, color, and ethnicity of the study participants and their sociodemographic profiles; and (3) the extent to which the original publications followed the recommendations by Kaplan and Bennett (2003) on the use of race, color, or ethnicity in biomedical research. RESULTS Our initial search identified 2,032 articles, 53 of which were selected for full-text examination and assessment following pre-established eligibility criteria. Around 60% (n = 32) of the included studies did not justify the use of race, color, or ethnicity in their analyses, and 9% (n = 5) took these variables as indicators of the participants’ genetic makeup. On the other hand, 68% (n = 36) of the reviewed papers considered race, color, and ethnicity as risk markers – not risk factors – for adverse oral health outcomes, whereas 80% (n = 42) adjusted racial/ethnic inequities for a range of socioeconomic and demographic factors in statistical models. Only one study (2%) explicitly took race, color, or ethnicity as a contextually dependent dimension of the participants’ identities. CONCLUSION Our findings indicate that research on oral health inequities is often based on reductionist and stigmatizing conceptions of race, color, or ethnicity. Such harmful misconceptions should be replaced with anti-racist narratives in order to effectively address racial oral health inequities.
  • Tuberculose, vulnerabilidades e HIV em pessoas em situação de rua: revisão sistemática Review

    Gioseffi, Janaína Rosenburg; Batista, Ramaiene; Brignol, Sandra Mara

    Resumo em Português:

    RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar, sistematizar e compilar os fatores de vulnerabilidade (social, individual e programática) associados à tuberculose e HIV em pessoas em situação de rua. MÉTODOS Revisão sistemática de literatura de publicações quantitativas sobre tuberculose em pessoas em situação de rua entre os anos de 2014 e 2020, seguindo o guia de recomendações PRISMA e, para análise de viés, a ferramenta Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal. Agrupou-se as publicações segundo as vulnerabilidades. RESULTADOS Entre 372 publicações encontradas, selecionaram-se 16 segundo os critérios de elegibilidade. Em 10 estudos, foi descrita ocorrência de tuberculose e HIV. Os fatores de vulnerabilidade individual, social e programática mais descritas foram uso de drogas, coinfecção com HIV e falha no tratamento da tuberculose, respectivamente. A média de tempo em situação de rua também se mostrou relacionada à maior frequência de tuberculose e da infecção latente da tuberculose segundo literatura. CONCLUSÃO O estigma e a desumanização associados às pessoas em situação de rua foram descritos em todos os estudos revisados, sendo importantes barreiras no acesso aos serviços de saúde. A vivência na rua potencializa os riscos para a ocorrência de doenças crônicas e infecciosas, bem como a priorização de questões mais pragmáticas à manutenção da vida, como segurança e alimentação, em detrimento à saúde. Os resultados encontrados podem ser utilizados para embasar hipóteses para futuras pesquisas e para reforçar e direcionar políticas públicas de saúde e sociais já existentes para o enfrentamento da tuberculose e HIV na pessoa em situação de rua.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze, systematize, and compile social, individual, and programmatic vulnerability factors associated with tuberculosis and HIV in homeless persons. METHODS This is a systematic literature review assessing quantitative studies, published between 2014 and 2020, on the prevalence of tuberculosis in homeless persons. Our review grouped studies according to vulnerabilities, followed the PRISMA recommendation guide, and used the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tool for bias analysis. RESULTS Of the 372 publications found, 16 were selected according to our eligibility criteria. In total, 10 studies assessed tuberculosis and HIV. The most commonly described factors for individual, social, and programmatic vulnerability were drug use, HIV coinfection, and tuberculosis treatment failure, respectively. The literature also claims that average homelessness length related to a higher frequency of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis infection. CONCLUSION All reviewed studies described how homeless persons suffer with stigma and dehumanization, which are important barriers to their access to health services. Homelessness enhances the risks of chronic and infectious diseases and prioritizes issues which are more pragmatic for the maintenance of life, such as safety and food, to the detriment of health. The results can be used to support hypotheses for future research and to reinforce and direct existing public health and social policies to cope with tuberculosis and HIV in homeless persons.
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: revsp@org.usp.br